zh_Hans-Simplified Mandarin Chinese (简体中文) - translation progress for f30

Spoken in these territories: CN  HK  MO  SG  TW  ID  MY  TH  US  VN 

Language progress for Simplified Mandarin Chinese (zh_Hans) in Fedora f30 is:

  • 62.14% when we only look on started packages for this language.
  • 36.57% when we compare to every single translatable string in Fedora f30.

Possible scripts are: Hans

  • Total translatable string in Fedora f30: 15217624
  • Source words to translate in started packages: 8955251
  • Translated words: 5565061



Name Translated words Total source words Progress (%) Language teams
GConf2 4088 4088 100.0 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
NetworkManager-libreswan 139 139 100.0 zh_CN i18n-translation@lists.linux.net.cn
NetworkManager-pptp 280 280 100.0 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
NetworkManager-sstp 280 280 100.0 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
NetworkManager-vpnc 156 156 100.0 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
Thunar 4413 4413 100.0 Chinese (China) (https://www.transifex.com/xfce/teams/16840/zh_CN/)
WindowMaker 3960 3960 100.0 chinese zh@li.org
abattis-cantarell-fonts 27 27 100.0 Chinese (China) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
abrt 3969 3969 100.0 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/fedora-abrt/language/zh_CN/)
accerciser 2131 2131 100.0 Chinese (China) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
accountsservice 59 59 100.0 Chinese (China) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
agenda 43 43 100.0 Chinese (Simplified) zh_CN@li.org
ailurus 8278 8278 100.0 none
aisleriot 22265 22265 100.0 Chinese (China) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
akonadi-import-wizard 391 391 100.0 Chinese Simplified
alacarte 45 45 100.0 Chinese (Simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
alleyoop 351 351 100.0 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
almanah 772 772 100.0 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
anaconda 7811 7811 100.0 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/anaconda/language/zh_CN/)
analitza 988 988 100.0 Chinese Simplified
arandr 173 173 100.0 Chinese (China) https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/arandr/translations/zh_CN/
ark 1854 1854 100.0 Chinese Simplified
artikulate 436 436 100.0 Chinese Simplified
at-spi2-core 10 10 100.0 Chinese Simplified i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
atk 440 440 100.0 Chinese Simplified i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
audacity 16591 16591 100.0 Chinese (http://www.transifex.com/klyok/audacity/language/zh/)
audit-viewer 611 611 100.0 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
autotest-framework 983 983 100.0 Yuan CHAO yuanchao@gmail.com
bakefile 1 1 100.0 Vaclav Slavik vaclav.slavik@matfyz.cz
baloo-widgets 42 42 100.0 Chinese Simplified
baobab 1067 1067 100.0 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
bijiben 375 375 100.0 Chinese (China) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
blender 83830 83830 100.0
blinken 133 133 100.0 Chinese Simplified
blogilo 1392 1392 100.0 Chinese Simplified
blueberry 141 141 100.0 Chinese (Simplified) zh_CN@li.org
bluedevil 572 572 100.0 Chinese Simplified
bomber 103 103 100.0 Chinese Simplified
bovo 81 81 100.0 Chinese Simplified
bygfoot 3720 3720 100.0 Chinese i18n-translation@lists.linux.net.cn
byzanz 236 236 100.0 Chinese (China) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
cairo-clock 270 270 100.0 马吉军 “jjmmma” jjmmma@gmail.com
cantor 2210 2210 100.0 Chinese Simplified
caribou 169 169 100.0 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
catfish 728 728 100.0 Chinese (China) (https://www.transifex.com/xfce/teams/16840/zh_CN/)
ccgo 559 559 100.0 Simplified Chinese
cervisia 1619 1619 100.0 Chinese Simplified
cherrytree 2745 2745 100.0 Chinese (simplified)
choqok 2257 2257 100.0 Chinese kde-i18n-doc@kde.org
chromium 913 913 100.0 AOSC
cinnamon-control-center 1313 1313 100.0 Wei Liu
cinnamon-desktop 234 234 100.0 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
cinnamon-translations 22473 22473 100.0 Chinese (Simplified) zh_CN@li.org
clutter 3057 3057 100.0 汉语 i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
clutter-gtk 5 5 100.0 Chinese (simplified)
cogl 393 393 100.0 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
colord 1990 1990 100.0 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/freedesktop/colord/language/zh_CN/)
comix 1326 1326 100.0 Xie Yanbo xieyanbo@gmail.com
console-setup 1001 1001 100.0 debian-l10n-chinese@lists.debian.org
cups-pk-helper 149 149 100.0 Chinese (China) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
cura 18147 18147 100.0 PCDotFan pc@edu.ax, Bothof info@bothof.nl
cura-lulzbot 15562 15562 100.0 PCDotFan pc@edu.ax, Bothof info@bothof.nl
dasher 6579 6579 100.0 Chinese (China) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
dconf-editor 1472 1472 100.0 Chinese <>
dcraw 603 603 100.0
deepin-daemon 1482 1482 100.0 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/linuxdeepin/deepin-desktop-environment/language/zh_CN/)
deepin-mutter 1829 1829 100.0 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
deepin-qml-widgets 18 18 100.0 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/deepin-qml-widgets/language/zh_CN/)
deepin-terminal 412 412 100.0 Chinese (China) (https://www.transifex.com/linuxdeepin/teams/3976/zh_CN/)
dialog 25 25 100.0 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
diffutils 1886 1886 100.0 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
dino 774 774 100.0 Chinese (Simplified) https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/dino/translations/zh_Hans/
dnfdragora 859 859 100.0 Chinese (China) (https://www.transifex.com/MageiaLinux/teams/9361/zh_CN/)
dolphin 1667 1667 100.0 Chinese Simplified
dolphin-emu 6965 6965 100.0 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/delroth/dolphin-emu/language/zh_CN/)
dos2unix 5170 5170 100.0 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
dragon 278 278 100.0 Chinese Simplified
eiciel 168 168 100.0 Chinese (China) https://l10n.opensuse.org/projects/eiciel/master/zh_CN/
ejabberd 2236 2236 100.0
elisa-player 242 242 100.0 Chinese Simplified
eog-plugins 348 348 100.0 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
epiphany 3808 3808 100.0 Chinese (China) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
evince 8229 8229 100.0 Chinese i18n i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
evolution-mapi 520 520 100.0
exif 296 296 100.0 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
exo 1454 1454 100.0 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/xfce/exo/language/zh_CN/)
expendable 227 227 100.0 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/expendable/language/zh_CN/)
fcitx 3303 3303 100.0 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/fcitx/fcitx/language/zh_CN/)
fcitx-chewing 55 55 100.0 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/fcitx/fcitx/language/zh_CN/)
fcitx-cloudpinyin 63 63 100.0 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/fcitx/fcitx/language/zh_CN/)
fcitx-configtool 106 106 100.0 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/fcitx/fcitx/language/zh_CN/)
fcitx-hangul 37 37 100.0 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/fcitx/fcitx/language/zh_CN/)
fcitx-kkc 118 118 100.0 Chinese (China) fcitx-dev@googlegroups.com
fcitx-m17n 45 45 100.0 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/fcitx/fcitx/language/zh_CN/)
fcitx-qt5 99 99 100.0 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/fcitx/fcitx/language/zh_CN/)
fcitx-sunpinyin 104 104 100.0 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/fcitx/fcitx/language/zh_CN/)
fcitx-table-extra 24 24 100.0 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/fcitx/language/zh_CN/)
fcitx-table-other 24 24 100.0 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/fcitx/language/zh_CN/)
fcitx-ui-light 121 121 100.0 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
fcitx-unikey 96 96 100.0 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/fcitx/fcitx/language/zh_CN/)
fgrun 995 995 100.0
filelight 419 419 100.0 Chinese Simplified
five-or-more 274 274 100.0 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
flaw 84 84 100.0 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
focuswriter 129 129 100.0 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/focuswriter/language/zh_CN/)
folks 1056 1056 100.0 Chinese (China) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
fontaine 15 15 100.0 LANGUAGE
fontconfig 913 913 100.0 AOSC
four-in-a-row 257 257 100.0 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
fprintd 419 419 100.0 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/freedesktop/fprintd/language/zh_CN/)
frozen-bubble 698 698 100.0 Chinese Simplified, China LL@li.org
fslint 388 388 100.0 Seann Liu Seann.Liu@gmail.com
fwupd 1371 1371 100.0 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/freedesktop/fwupd/language/zh_CN/)
gala 694 694 100.0 Chinese (Simplified) https://weblate.elementary.io/projects/desktop/gala/zh_Hans/
galculator 935 935 100.0 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/mate/MATE/language/zh_CN/)
garcon 122 122 100.0 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/xfce/garcon/language/zh_CN/)
gawk 4761 4761 100.0 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
gcab 154 154 100.0 Chinese (Simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
gcin 207 207 100.0 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
gcompris 10877 10877 100.0 zh_CN i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
gconf-editor 2834 2834 100.0 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
gcr 700 700 100.0 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
gdk-pixbuf2 1393 1393 100.0 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
gdm 9989 9989 100.0 Chinese (China) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
geany 6041 6041 100.0 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
geary 1246 1246 100.0 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/geary/language/zh_CN/)
gedit 10879 10879 100.0 Chinese Simplified kde-i18n-doc@kde.org
gedit-latex 466 466 100.0 Chinese (China) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
ggz-base-libs 74 74 100.0 zh_CN i18n-translation@lists.linux.net.cn
ggz-gtk-client 857 857 100.0 zh_CN i18n-translation@lists.linux.net.cn
gigolo 521 521 100.0 Chinese (Simplified) xfce-i18n-cn@xfce.org
gip 103 103 100.0 Chinese (simplified) translation-team-zh-cn@lists.sourceforge.net
gitg 2034 2034 100.0 Chinese (China) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
glade 8545 8545 100.0 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
glib-networking 250 250 100.0 Chinese (China) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
glib2 6647 6647 100.0 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
gmpc 25 25 100.0 Simplified Chinese zh_CN@li.org
gnome-2048 290 290 100.0 Chinese (China) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
gnome-backgrounds 31 31 100.0 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
gnome-bluetooth 373 373 100.0 Chinese (China) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
gnome-books 655 655 100.0 Chinese (China) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
gnome-boxes 1224 1224 100.0 Chinese (China) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
gnome-builder 3105 3105 100.0 Chinese (China) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
gnome-calculator 3175 3175 100.0 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
gnome-calendar 661 661 100.0 Chinese (China) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
gnome-characters 186 186 100.0 Chinese (China) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
gnome-clocks 283 283 100.0 Chinese (China) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
gnome-color-manager 2330 2330 100.0 Chinese (China) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
gnome-contacts 434 434 100.0 汉语 i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
gnome-dictionary 2105 2105 100.0 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
gnome-disk-utility 3822 3822 100.0 Chinese (China) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
gnome-doc-utils 251 251 100.0 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
gnome-font-viewer 130 130 100.0 Chinese (China) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
gnome-icon-theme 43 43 100.0 zh_CN i18n-translation@lists.linux.net.cn
gnome-initial-setup 849 849 100.0 Chinese (China) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
gnome-keyring 509 509 100.0 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
gnome-klotski 1352 1352 100.0 Chinese (China) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
gnome-logs 378 378 100.0 Chinese (China) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
gnome-mahjongg 305 305 100.0 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
gnome-maps 1235 1235 100.0 Chinese (China) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
gnome-menus 70 70 100.0 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
gnome-mime-data 887 887 100.0 zh_CN i18n-translation@lists.linux.net.cn
gnome-mines 344 344 100.0 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
gnome-mud 1295 1295 100.0 zh_CN i18n-translation@lists.linux.net.cn
gnome-multi-writer 390 390 100.0 Chinese (China) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
gnome-music 526 526 100.0 Chinese (China) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
gnome-nettool 1177 1177 100.0 zh_CN i18n-translation@lists.linux.net.cn
gnome-nibbles 447 447 100.0 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
gnome-online-accounts 693 693 100.0 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
gnome-packagekit 3500 3500 100.0 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
gnome-photos 535 535 100.0 Chinese (China) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
gnome-power-manager 489 489 100.0 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
gnome-robots 597 597 100.0 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
gnome-screensaver 291 291 100.0 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
gnome-screenshot 456 456 100.0 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
gnome-search-tool 3069 3069 100.0 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
gnome-session 299 299 100.0 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
gnome-settings-daemon 2659 2659 100.0 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
gnome-shell 1835 1835 100.0 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
gnome-shell-extension-dash-to-dock 423 423 100.0 Chinese (Simplified) <>
gnome-shell-extension-disconnect-wifi 2 2 100.0 Chinese (Simplified) <>
gnome-shell-extension-freon 94 94 100.0
gnome-shell-extension-media-player-indicator 86 86 100.0 Chinese (Simplified) <>
gnome-shell-extension-netspeed 29 29 100.0
gnome-shell-extension-openweather 619 619 100.0 Chinese (Simplified) <>
gnome-shell-extension-pomodoro 333 333 100.0
gnome-shell-extension-suspend-button 35 35 100.0 Chinese (Simplified) <>
gnome-shell-extension-topicons-plus 41 41 100.0
gnome-shell-extensions 388 388 100.0 Chinese (China) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
gnome-software 3725 3725 100.0 Chinese (China) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
gnome-sound-recorder 292 292 100.0 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
gnome-sudoku 399 399 100.0 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
gnome-system-monitor 1439 1439 100.0 Chinese (China) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
gnome-taquin 240 240 100.0 Chinese (China) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
gnome-terminal 2503 2503 100.0 Chinese (China) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
gnome-tetravex 1038 1038 100.0 Chinese (China) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
gnome-themes 109 109 100.0 Chinese/Simplified i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
gnome-themes-extra 15 15 100.0 Chinese (China) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
gnome-todo 479 479 100.0 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
gnome-tweaks 650 650 100.0 Chinese (China) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
gnome-user-share 52 52 100.0 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
gnome-vfs2 1519 1519 100.0 zh_CN i18n-translation@lists.linux.net.cn
gnome-video-effects 256 256 100.0 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
gnome-weather 192 192 100.0 Chinese (China) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
gnuchess 1115 1115 100.0 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
golang-deepin-go-lib 94 94 100.0 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/deepin-ui/language/zh_CN/)
googsystray 759 759 100.0 Chinese Simplified xslidian+googsystray@gmail.com
gparted 2595 2595 100.0 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
gpicview 236 236 100.0 zh_CN LL@li.org
granatier 247 247 100.0 Chinese Simplified
grantlee-editor 530 530 100.0 Chinese Simplified
grilo 191 191 100.0 Chinese (China) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
grilo-plugins 536 536 100.0 Chinese (China) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
group-service 24 24 100.0 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
gsettings-desktop-schemas 6232 6232 100.0 Chinese Simplified i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
gspell 78 78 100.0 Chinese (China) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
gstreamer1-plugins-ugly-free 80 80 100.0 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
gtick 338 338 100.0 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
gtk-vnc 81 81 100.0 Chinese (China) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
gtk2-engines 119 119 100.0 Chinese/Simplified i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
gtkhash 163 163 100.0 Chinese (Simplified) zh_CN@li.org
gtkhtml3 522 522 100.0 Chinese (Simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
gtkspell 15 15 100.0 Chinese (simplified) translation-team-zh-cn@lists.sourceforge.net
gtkspell3 16 16 100.0 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
gtranslator 1333 1333 100.0 Chinese (China) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
gvfs 2910 2910 100.0 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
gwenview 1497 1497 100.0 Chinese Simplified
iagno 322 322 100.0 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
ibus-libpinyin 380 380 100.0 Peng Huang shawn.p.huang@gmail.com
ibus-pinyin 168 168 100.0 Peng Huang shawn.p.huang@gmail.com
indent 261 261 100.0 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
initial-setup 106 106 100.0 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/initial-setup/language/zh_CN/)
json-glib 303 303 100.0 Chinese Simplified i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
juk 1497 1497 100.0 Chinese Simplified
kaccounts-integration 82 82 100.0 Chinese Simplified
kaccounts-providers 60 60 100.0 Chinese Simplified
kactivitymanagerd 7 7 100.0 Chinese Simplified
kaddressbook 750 750 100.0 Chinese Simplified
kalgebra 283 283 100.0 Chinese Simplified
kamera 347 347 100.0 Chinese Simplified
kanagram 528 528 100.0 Chinese Simplified
kapman 114 114 100.0 Chinese Simplified
kapptemplate 272 272 100.0 Chinese Simplified
kate 5043 5043 100.0 Chinese Simplified
katomic 185 185 100.0 Chinese Simplified
kblackbox 1364 1364 100.0 Chinese Simplified
kblocks 159 159 100.0 Chinese Simplified
kbounce 154 154 100.0 Chinese Simplified
kbrickbuster 152 152 100.0 Chinese Simplified
kbruch 1345 1345 100.0 Chinese Simplified
kcalc 992 992 100.0 Chinese Simplified
kcharselect 88 88 100.0 Chinese Simplified
kchmviewer 1176 1176 100.0 Chinese Simplified kde-china@kde.org
kcm-fcitx 251 251 100.0 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/fcitx/fcitx/language/zh_CN/)
kcolorchooser 29 29 100.0 Chinese Simplified
kcron 534 534 100.0 Chinese Simplified
kde-cli-tools 2196 2196 100.0 Chinese Simplified
kde-dev-utils 94 94 100.0 Chinese Simplified
kde-gtk-config 311 311 100.0 Chinese Simplified
kde-print-manager 967 967 100.0 Chinese Simplified
kdebugsettings 157 157 100.0 Chinese Simplified
kdecoration 27 27 100.0 Chinese Simplified
kdenetwork-filesharing 42 42 100.0 Chinese Simplified
kdeplasma-addons 1657 1657 100.0 Chinese Simplified
kdesdk-kioslaves 82 82 100.0 Chinese Simplified
kdesdk-thumbnailers 4 4 100.0 Chinese Simplified
kdevelop-php 511 511 100.0 Chinese Simplified
kdevelop-python 582 582 100.0 Chinese Simplified
kdf 181 181 100.0 Chinese Simplified
kdialog 347 347 100.0 Chinese Simplified
kdiamond 122 122 100.0 Chinese Simplified
kdnssd 30 30 100.0 Chinese Simplified
kdump-anaconda-addon 83 83 100.0 Wei Liu
keditbookmarks 466 466 100.0 Chinese Simplified
kf5-akonadi-mime 572 572 100.0 Chinese Simplified
kf5-akonadi-notes 2 2 100.0 Chinese Simplified
kf5-akonadi-search 48 48 100.0 Chinese Simplified
kf5-audiocd-kio 840 840 100.0 Chinese Simplified
kf5-baloo 839 839 100.0 Chinese Simplified
kf5-grantleetheme 14 14 100.0 Chinese Simplified
kf5-kalarmcal 198 198 100.0 Chinese Simplified
kf5-kauth 73 73 100.0 Chinese Simplified
kf5-kblog 243 243 100.0 Chinese Simplified
kf5-kbookmarks 230 230 100.0 Chinese Simplified
kf5-kcalendarutils 1630 1630 100.0 Chinese Simplified
kf5-kcmutils 563 563 100.0 Chinese Simplified
kf5-kcodecs 348 348 100.0 Chinese Simplified
kf5-kcompletion 18 18 100.0 Chinese Simplified
kf5-kconfig 261 261 100.0 Chinese Simplified
kf5-kconfigwidgets 321 321 100.0 Chinese Simplified
kf5-kcontacts 177 177 100.0 Chinese Simplified
kf5-kcoreaddons 333 333 100.0 Chinese Simplified
kf5-kdav 185 185 100.0 Chinese Simplified
kf5-kdbusaddons 48 48 100.0 Chinese Simplified
kf5-kdeclarative 109 109 100.0 Chinese Simplified
kf5-kdelibs4support 4813 4813 100.0 Chinese Simplified
kf5-kdesignerplugin 54 54 100.0 Chinese Simplified
kf5-kdesu 19 19 100.0 Chinese Simplified
kf5-kdnssd 3 3 100.0 Chinese Simplified
kf5-kdoctools 8 8 100.0 Chinese Simplified
kf5-kfilemetadata 165 165 100.0 Chinese Simplified
kf5-kglobalaccel 71 71 100.0 Chinese Simplified
kf5-kholidays 109 109 100.0 Chinese Simplified
kf5-khtml 1721 1721 100.0 Chinese Simplified
kf5-ki18n 124 124 100.0 Chinese Simplified
kf5-kiconthemes 37 37 100.0 Chinese Simplified
kf5-kimap 110 110 100.0 Chinese Simplified
kf5-kinit 134 134 100.0 Chinese Simplified
kf5-kio 12186 12186 100.0 Chinese Simplified
kf5-kirigami2 24 24 100.0 Chinese Simplified
kf5-kitemviews 7 7 100.0 Chinese Simplified
kf5-kitinerary 106 106 100.0 Chinese Simplified
kf5-kjobwidgets 123 123 100.0 Chinese Simplified
kf5-kjsembed 248 248 100.0 Chinese Simplified
kf5-kldap 182 182 100.0 Chinese Simplified
kf5-kmime 159 159 100.0 Chinese Simplified
kf5-knewstuff 690 690 100.0 Chinese Simplified
kf5-knotifications 18 18 100.0 Chinese Simplified
kf5-knotifyconfig 129 129 100.0 Chinese Simplified
kf5-kontactinterface 4 4 100.0 Chinese Simplified
kf5-kpackage 495 495 100.0 Chinese Simplified
kf5-kparts 104 104 100.0 Chinese Simplified
kf5-kpeople 21 21 100.0 Chinese Simplified
kf5-kpty 15 15 100.0 Chinese Simplified
kf5-kross 100 100 100.0 Chinese Simplified
kf5-kservice 170 170 100.0 Chinese Simplified
kf5-ktexteditor 8328 8328 100.0 Chinese Simplified
kf5-ktextwidgets 462 462 100.0 Chinese Simplified
kf5-ktnef 355 355 100.0 Chinese Simplified
kf5-kunitconversion 5312 5312 100.0 Chinese Simplified
kf5-kwallet 1624 1624 100.0 Chinese Simplified
kf5-kwidgetsaddons 1319 1319 100.0 Chinese Simplified
kf5-kwindowsystem 2 2 100.0 Chinese Simplified
kf5-kxmlgui 1602 1602 100.0 Chinese Simplified
kf5-kxmlrpcclient 13 13 100.0 Chinese Simplified
kf5-libgravatar 22 22 100.0 Chinese Simplified
kf5-libkcddb 557 557 100.0 Chinese Simplified
kf5-libkcompactdisc 15 15 100.0 Chinese Simplified
kf5-libkdepim 465 465 100.0 Chinese Simplified
kf5-libkgeomap 139 139 100.0 Chinese Simplified
kf5-libksane 272 272 100.0 Chinese Simplified
kf5-mailimporter 1408 1408 100.0 Chinese Simplified
kf5-pimcommon 1034 1034 100.0 Chinese Simplified
kf5-plasma 503 503 100.0 Chinese Simplified
kf5-purpose 258 258 100.0 Chinese Simplified
kf5-solid 682 682 100.0 Chinese Simplified
kf5-sonnet 667 667 100.0 Chinese Simplified
kfind 504 504 100.0 Chinese Simplified
kfloppy 641 641 100.0 Chinese Simplified
kfourinline 392 392 100.0 Chinese Simplified
kgamma 130 130 100.0 Chinese Simplified
kget 2953 2953 100.0 Chinese Simplified
kgpg 5282 5282 100.0 Chinese Simplified
kgrab 370 370 100.0 简体中文 kde-china@kde.org
khangman 473 473 100.0 Chinese Simplified
khelpcenter 265 265 100.0 Chinese Simplified
khotkeys 438 438 100.0 Chinese Simplified
kiconedit 726 726 100.0 简体中文 kde-china@kde.org
kig 7875 7875 100.0 Chinese Simplified
kigo 500 500 100.0 Chinese Simplified
killbots 641 641 100.0 Chinese Simplified
kimchi 3947 3947 100.0 Chinese (simplified)
kinfocenter 2953 2953 100.0 Chinese Simplified
kio-extras 1056 1056 100.0 Chinese Simplified
kio-gdrive 30 30 100.0 Chinese Simplified
kio_gopher 17 17 100.0 简体中文 kde-china@kde.org
kiriki 144 144 100.0 Chinese Simplified
kiten 641 641 100.0 Chinese Simplified
kjumpingcube 412 412 100.0 Chinese Simplified
klettres 436 436 100.0 Chinese Simplified
klickety 178 178 100.0 Chinese Simplified
klines 99 99 100.0 Chinese Simplified
kmag 432 432 100.0 Chinese Simplified
kmahjongg 340 340 100.0 Chinese Simplified
kmail-account-wizard 799 799 100.0 Chinese Simplified
kmenuedit 277 277 100.0 Chinese Simplified
kmid2 1022 1022 100.0 简体中文 kde-china@kde.org
kmines 108 108 100.0 Chinese Simplified
kmix 930 930 100.0 Chinese Simplified
kmousetool 147 147 100.0 Chinese Simplified
kmouth 1515 1515 100.0 Chinese Simplified
kmplot 2467 2467 100.0 Chinese Simplified
knavalbattle 399 399 100.0 Chinese Simplified
knetwalk 230 230 100.0 Chinese Simplified
knotes 789 789 100.0 Chinese Simplified
kolf 396 396 100.0 Chinese Simplified
kollision 109 109 100.0 Chinese Simplified
kolourpaint 2623 2623 100.0 Chinese Simplified
kompare 1430 1430 100.0 Chinese Simplified
konqueror 9093 9093 100.0 Chinese Simplified
konquest 246 246 100.0 Chinese Simplified
konsole5 2796 2796 100.0 Chinese Simplified
kontact 599 599 100.0 Chinese Simplified
kopete 18427 18427 100.0 Chinese Simplified
krb5-auth-dialog 1808 1808 100.0 Chinese (China) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
krdc 1294 1294 100.0 Chinese Simplified
kreversi 428 428 100.0 Chinese Simplified
krfb 644 644 100.0 Chinese Simplified
kruler 184 184 100.0 Chinese Simplified
kscreen 267 267 100.0 Chinese Simplified
kscreenlocker 252 252 100.0 Chinese Simplified
kshisen 568 568 100.0 Chinese Simplified
ksnakeduel 231 231 100.0 Chinese Simplified
kspaceduel 165 165 100.0 Chinese Simplified
ksquares 257 257 100.0 Chinese Simplified
ksshaskpass 43 43 100.0 Chinese Simplified
ksudoku 1742 1742 100.0 Chinese Simplified
ksysguard 1093 1093 100.0 Chinese Simplified
ksystemlog 3034 3034 100.0 Chinese Simplified
kteatime 203 203 100.0 Chinese Simplified
ktimer 258 258 100.0 Chinese Simplified
ktorrent 7538 7538 100.0 Chinese Simplified
ktouch 871 871 100.0 Chinese Simplified
ktp-accounts-kcm 1100 1100 100.0 Chinese Simplified
ktp-approver 71 71 100.0 Chinese Simplified
ktp-auth-handler 83 83 100.0 Chinese Simplified
ktp-common-internals 989 989 100.0 Chinese Simplified
ktp-contact-list 680 680 100.0 Chinese Simplified
ktp-contact-runner 208 208 100.0 Chinese Simplified
ktp-desktop-applets 75 75 100.0 Chinese Simplified
ktp-filetransfer-handler 141 141 100.0 Chinese Simplified
ktp-kded-integration-module 490 490 100.0 Chinese Simplified
ktp-send-file 60 60 100.0 Chinese Simplified
ktp-text-ui 1441 1441 100.0 Chinese Simplified
kturtle 1527 1527 100.0 Chinese Simplified
kubernetes 6879 6879 100.0
kwalletmanager5 800 800 100.0 Chinese Simplified
kwin 6144 6144 100.0 Chinese Simplified
kwordquiz 2026 2026 100.0 Chinese Simplified
leafpad 125 125 100.0 Chinese (simplified) translation-team-zh-cn@lists.sourceforge.net
libbonobo 543 543 100.0 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
libbonoboui 368 368 100.0 zh_CN i18n-translation@lists.linux.net.cn
libbytesize 17 17 100.0 Chinese (China)
libcryptui 752 752 100.0 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
libecpg 53715 53715 100.0 Chinese (Simplified)
libepc 147 147 100.0 Chinese (China) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
libgdata 684 684 100.0 Chinese (China) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
libgdl 659 659 100.0 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
libgnome 1773 1773 100.0 Chinese/Simplified i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
libgnome-games-support 43 43 100.0 Chinese (China) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
libgnome-keyring 44 44 100.0 Chinese (China) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
libgnomecanvas 378 378 100.0 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
libgnomekbd 242 242 100.0 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
libgnomeui 1226 1226 100.0 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
libgovirt 102 102 100.0 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
libgsf 720 720 100.0 Simplified Chinese i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
libgtop2 126 126 100.0 zh_CN i18n-translation@lists.linux.net.cn
libkdegames 370 370 100.0 Chinese Simplified
libkeduvocdocument 171 171 100.0 Chinese Simplified
libkgapi 332 332 100.0 Chinese Simplified
libkmahjongg 7 7 100.0 Chinese Simplified
libkomparediff2 143 143 100.0 Chinese Simplified
libksysguard 3160 3160 100.0 Chinese Simplified
libktorrent 519 519 100.0 Chinese Simplified kde-china@kde.org
libmypaint 1537 1537 100.0 Chinese (China) https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/mypaint/libmypaint/zh_CN/
libmypaint2 1537 1537 100.0 Chinese (China) https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/mypaint/libmypaint/zh_CN/
libpeas 112 112 100.0 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
libpq 53715 53715 100.0 Chinese (Simplified)
libpwquality 343 343 100.0 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
libreport 4987 4987 100.0 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/libreport/language/zh_CN/)
libsecret 59 59 100.0 Chinese (China) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
libsoup 162 162 100.0 Chinese (China) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
libwnck 1124 1124 100.0 Chinese/Simplified i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
libwnck3 1086 1086 100.0 Chinese/Simplified i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
libxfce4ui 900 900 100.0 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/xfce/libxfce4ui/language/zh_CN/)
libxfce4util 424 424 100.0 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/xfce/libxfce4util/language/zh_CN/)
libzypp 2425 2425 100.0 Chinese (China) https://l10n.opensuse.org/projects/libzypp/master/zh_CN/
light-locker 260 260 100.0 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/the_cavalry/light-locker/language/zh_CN/)
lightdm-settings 271 271 100.0 Chinese (Simplified) zh_CN@li.org
lightsoff 97 97 100.0 Chinese Simplified i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
lincity-ng 1885 1885 100.0 Z Localization LL@li.org
lskat 254 254 100.0 Chinese Simplified
lxappearance-obconf 196 196 100.0 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
lxde-common 14 14 100.0 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
lxdm 47 47 100.0 Chinese (simplified)
lxinput 83 83 100.0 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
lxlauncher 58 58 100.0 zh_CN LL@li.org
lxmenu-data 97 97 100.0 zh_CN i18n-translation@lists.linux.net.cn
lxmusic 203 203 100.0 pcman.tw@gmail.com
lxsession 755 755 100.0 zh_CN i18n-translation@lists.linux.net.cn
lxshortcut 43 43 100.0 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
lxtask 130 130 100.0 zh_CN i18n-translation@lists.linux.net.cn
mate-applet-softupd 40 40 100.0 Chinese
mate-icon-theme 8 8 100.0 Chinese (Mandarin) (https://www.transifex.com/mate/teams/13566/cmn/)
mate-menus 194 194 100.0 Chinese (Mandarin) (https://www.transifex.com/mate/teams/13566/cmn/)
mbox-importer 40 40 100.0 Chinese Simplified
mc 4153 4153 100.0 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/mc/mc/language/zh_CN/)
metacity 1876 1876 100.0 Chinese (China) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
midori 3541 3541 100.0 Chinese (Simplified) xfce-i18n-cn@xfce.org
mingw-GConf2 4088 4088 100.0 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
mingw-atk 440 440 100.0 Chinese Simplified i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
mingw-gdk-pixbuf 1393 1393 100.0 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
mingw-glib-networking 161 161 100.0 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
mingw-glib2 6647 6647 100.0 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
mingw-gstreamer1 2078 2078 100.0 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
mingw-gtk-vnc 81 81 100.0 Chinese (China) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
mingw-gtkspell3 16 16 100.0 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
mingw-json-glib 303 303 100.0 Chinese Simplified i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
mingw-libgovirt 102 102 100.0 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
mingw-libgsf 720 720 100.0 Simplified Chinese i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
mingw-libsoup 155 155 100.0 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
mingw-p11-kit 476 476 100.0 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/freedesktop/p11-kit/language/zh_CN/)
mingw-postgresql 53715 53715 100.0 Chinese (Simplified)
mingw-qt5-qttools 44 44 100.0 zh_CN kde-china@kde.org
mingw-webkitgtk 2681 2681 100.0 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
mingw-webkitgtk3 2681 2681 100.0 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
mkvtoolnix 39681 39681 100.0 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/moritz-bunkus/mkvtoolnix/language/zh_CN/)
moserial 480 480 100.0 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
mousepad 1088 1088 100.0 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/xfce/xfce-apps/language/zh_CN/)
mousetweaks 114 114 100.0 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
mozo 84 84 100.0 Chinese (Mandarin) (https://www.transifex.com/mate/teams/13566/cmn/)
msitools 68 68 100.0 Chinese (Simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
multimedia-menus 56 56 100.0 Simplified Chinese zh@li.org
mutter 1085 1085 100.0 Chinese (China) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
mutter328 823 823 100.0 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
mypaint 6857 6857 100.0 Chinese (China) https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/mypaint/libmypaint/zh_CN/
nano 3204 3204 100.0 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
nautilus 5566 5566 100.0 Chinese (China) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
nautilus-sendto 56 56 100.0 Chinese (China) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
nemiver 4199 4199 100.0 Chinese (China) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
nemo-extensions 258 258 100.0 Chinese (Simplified) zh_CN@li.org
nesc 1178 1178 100.0 Chinese (simplified) translation-team-zh-cn@lists.sourceforge.net
newt 4 4 100.0 Debian Chinese [GB] debian-chinese-gb@lists.debian.org
nmap 3523 3523 100.0 Chinese
notification-daemon 17 17 100.0 Chinese (China) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
novnc 129 129 100.0 Peter Dave Hello hsu@peterdavehello.org
oggconvert 132 132 100.0 Simplified Chinese zh_CN@li.org
okular 4572 4572 100.0 Chinese Simplified
olpc-switch-desktop 158 158 100.0 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
orage 2931 2931 100.0 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/xfce-apps/language/zh_CN/)
orca 5556 5556 100.0 Chinese (Simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
oshinko-cli 13758 13758 100.0
p11-kit 476 476 100.0 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/freedesktop/p11-kit/language/zh_CN/)
pacman 5398 5398 100.0 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/toofishes/archlinux-pacman/language/zh_CN/)
palapeli 1512 1512 100.0 Chinese Simplified
pam_krb5 7 7 100.0 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/pam_krb5/language/zh_CN/)
parole 1071 1071 100.0 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/xfce/xfce-apps/language/zh_CN/)
pdfmod 864 864 100.0 Chinese (China) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
perl-Padre 5358 5358 100.0 Chinese
php-horde-Horde-Cli 11 11 100.0 i18n@lists.horde.org
php-horde-Horde-Data 7 7 100.0 i18n@lists.horde.org
php-horde-Horde-Imsp 14 14 100.0 i18n@lists.horde.org
php-horde-Horde-LoginTasks 6 6 100.0 i18n@lists.horde.org
php-horde-Horde-Perms 6 6 100.0 i18n@lists.horde.org
php-horde-Horde-Text-Filter 1 1 100.0 i18n@lists.horde.org
php-horde-Horde-Vfs 10 10 100.0 i18n@lists.horde.org
php-horde-imp 5852 5852 100.0 Chinese
php-horde-ingo 855 855 100.0 i18n@lists.horde.org
php-horde-kronolith 1852 1852 100.0 Zhang Bo boozhang@sdb.ac.cn
php-horde-mnemo 419 419 100.0 Simplified Chinese whw@oulink.net
php-horde-nag 364 364 100.0 Simplified Chinese whw@oulink.net
php-horde-passwd 280 280 100.0 Simplified Chinese i18n@lists.horde.org
php-horde-turba 1506 1506 100.0 Chinese
php-phpmyadmin-sql-parser 227 227 100.0 Chinese (Simplified) https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/phpmyadmin/sql-parser/zh_Hans/
picmi 197 197 100.0 Chinese Simplified
pidgin-indicator 31 31 100.0
pidgin-musictracker 333 333 100.0 Simplified Chinese zh_CN@li.org
pidgin-otr 1064 1064 100.0 Bisheng Liu bisheng.liu@uwaterloo.ca
pim-data-exporter 723 723 100.0 Chinese Simplified
plank 189 189 100.0 Chinese (Simplified) zh_CN@li.org
planner 1834 1834 100.0 Simplified Chinese i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
plasma-applet-weather-widget 166 166 100.0 吴相东 wuxiangdong156@gmail.com
plasma-breeze 266 266 100.0 Chinese Simplified
plasma-browser-integration 19 19 100.0 Chinese Simplified
plasma-discover 1405 1405 100.0 Chinese Simplified
plasma-drkonqi 4015 4015 100.0 Chinese Simplified
plasma-integration 58 58 100.0 Chinese Simplified
plasma-mediacenter 172 172 100.0 Chinese kde-china@kde.org
plasma-milou 42 42 100.0 Chinese Simplified
plasma-nm 5128 5128 100.0 Chinese Simplified
plasma-oxygen 808 808 100.0 Chinese Simplified
plasma-pa 205 205 100.0 Chinese Simplified
plasma-sdk 852 852 100.0 Chinese Simplified
plasma-systemsettings 224 224 100.0 Chinese Simplified
plasma-user-manager 295 295 100.0 Chinese Simplified
plasma-vault 679 679 100.0 Chinese Simplified
plasma-workspace 7336 7336 100.0 Chinese Simplified
plymouth-kcm 122 122 100.0 Chinese Simplified
pmount 723 723 100.0 Chinese (China) zh_CN@li.org
poedit 2774 2774 100.0 Chinese Simplified
polari 807 807 100.0 Chinese (China) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
polkit-gnome 285 285 100.0
polkit-kde 95 95 100.0 Chinese Simplified
postgresql 54365 54365 100.0 Chinese (Simplified)
poweradmin 866 866 100.0 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
powerdevil 673 673 100.0 Chinese Simplified
proftpd 823 823 100.0 noteam scwang@ios.ac.cn
psad 493 493 100.0 Chinese (China) zh_CN@li.org
pulseaudio 3529 3529 100.0 Chinese (Simplified, GNOME) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
pykickstart 1605 1605 100.0 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/pykickstart/language/zh_CN/)
pyroom 411 411 100.0 Simplified Chinese zh_CN@li.org
python-SecretStorage 59 59 100.0 Chinese (China) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
python-blivet 524 524 100.0 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/blivet/language/zh_CN/)
python-caja 6 6 100.0 Chinese (China) (https://www.transifex.com/mate/teams/13566/zh_CN/)
python-django 3700 3700 100.0 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/django/django/language/zh_CN/)
python-django-filter 21 21 100.0 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
python-django-helpdesk 6482 6482 100.0 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/django-helpdesk/django-helpdesk/language/zh_CN/)
python-django-registration 81 81 100.0 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
python-django-rest-framework 1164 1164 100.0 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/django-rest-framework-1/django-rest-framework/language/zh_CN/)
python-django-reversion 234 234 100.0 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
python-django-simple-captcha 22 22 100.0 zh_cn Ming Chen c.ming@live.com
python-meh 109 109 100.0 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/python-meh/language/zh_CN/)
python-oslo-cache 65 65 100.0 Chinese (China)
python-oslo-i18n 6 6 100.0 Chinese (China)
python-uranium 752 752 100.0 PCDotFan pc@edu.ax, Chinese info@bothof.nl
python2-django1.11 3613 3613 100.0 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/django/django/language/zh_CN/)
qof 554 554 100.0 Chinese (simplified) translation-team-zh-cn@lists.sourceforge.net
qt5-qttools 44 44 100.0 zh_CN kde-china@kde.org
qt5-qtwebengine 913 913 100.0 AOSC
qtwebkit 1093 1093 100.0 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
quadrapassel 429 429 100.0 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
redhat-menus 261 261 100.0 zh@li.org
resapplet 106 106 100.0 zh_CN i18n-translation@lists.linux.net.cn
rhythmbox 8783 8783 100.0 zh_CN i18n-translation@lists.linux.net.cn
rhythmbox-alternative-toolbar 310 310 100.0 Chinese (Simplified) zh_CN@li.org
ristretto 761 761 100.0 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/xfce/xfce-apps/language/zh_CN/)
rygel 1624 1624 100.0 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
sddm-kcm 108 108 100.0 Chinese Simplified
seahorse 2525 2525 100.0 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
seahorse-caja 421 421 100.0 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
seahorse-nautilus 421 421 100.0 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
setroubleshoot 633 633 100.0 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/fedora/language/zh_CN/)
setroubleshoot-plugins 6224 6224 100.0 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/fedora/language/zh_CN/)
setuptool 55 55 100.0 Simplified Chinese zh@li.org
shared-mime-info 1986 1986 100.0 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/freedesktop/shared-mime-info/language/zh_CN/)
shutter 3093 3093 100.0 Simplified Chinese i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
simple-scan 847 847 100.0 Chinese (Simplified) zh_CN@li.org
skanlite 186 186 100.0 Chinese Simplified
slick-greeter 211 211 100.0 Chinese (Simplified) zh_CN@li.org
snapper 827 827 100.0 Chinese (China) https://l10n.opensuse.org/projects/snapper/master/zh_CN/
snownews 791 791 100.0 zh@li.org
solaar 411 411 100.0 none
solfege 4214 4214 100.0 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
sound-juicer 3563 3563 100.0 Chinese (China) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
sparkleshare 367 367 100.0
spectacle 564 564 100.0 Chinese Simplified
speedcrunch 93 93 100.0 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/heldercorreia/speedcrunch/language/zh_CN/)
subdownloader 968 968 100.0 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
subscription-manager 5940 5940 100.0 Chinese (Simplified, China)
sudo 4193 4193 100.0 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
sugar-abacus 28 28 100.0 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
sugar-base 5 5 100.0 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
sugar-calculator 871 871 100.0 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
sugar-clock 66 66 100.0 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
sugar-deducto 109 109 100.0 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
sugar-distance 99 99 100.0 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
sugar-flip 17 17 100.0 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
sugar-fractionbounce 68 68 100.0 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
sugar-imageviewer 58 58 100.0 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
sugar-implode 77 77 100.0 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
sugar-infoslicer 236 236 100.0 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
sugar-jukebox 69 69 100.0 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
sugar-labyrinth 281 281 100.0 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
sugar-locosugar 74 74 100.0 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
sugar-log 98 98 100.0 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
sugar-maze 7 7 100.0 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
sugar-measure 162 162 100.0 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
sugar-memorize 142 142 100.0 Yuan CHAO yuanchao@gmail.com
sugar-nutrition 192 192 100.0 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
sugar-paint 106 106 100.0 Yuan CHAO yuanchao@gmail.com
sugar-pukllanapac 10 10 100.0 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
sugar-recall 47 47 100.0 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
sugar-record 62 62 100.0 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
sugar-ruler 29 29 100.0 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
sugar-speak 227 227 100.0 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
sugar-starchart 311 311 100.0 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
sugar-stopwatch 5 5 100.0 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
sugar-story 24 24 100.0 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
sugar-toolkit 73 73 100.0 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
sugar-turtleart 1565 1565 100.0 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
sugar-typing-turtle 599 599 100.0 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
sugar-visualmatch 158 158 100.0 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
sugar-words 3 3 100.0 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
sugar-write 121 121 100.0 Yuan CHAO yuanchao@gmail.com
sugar-xoeditor 29 29 100.0 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
sugar-yupana 30 30 100.0 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
sushi 24 24 100.0 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
svgpart 22 22 100.0 Chinese Simplified
sweeper 229 229 100.0 Chinese Simplified
swell-foop 1613 1613 100.0 Chinese (China) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
syncevolution 1132 1132 100.0 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/meego/team/zh_CN/)
syncthing-gtk 1801 1801 100.0 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/syncthing-gtk/syncthing-gtk/language/zh_CN/)
sysstat 697 697 100.0 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
system-config-bind 9434 9434 100.0 Simplified Chinese zh@li.org
system-config-httpd 877 877 100.0 Simplified Chinese zh@li.org
system-config-keyboard 187 187 100.0 Simplified Chinese zh@li.org
system-config-rootpassword 116 116 100.0 Simplified Chinese i18n@redhat.com
system-config-users-docs 1061 1061 100.0 Chinese/Simplified i18n-translation@lists.linux.net.cn
system-switch-java 81 81 100.0 Simplified Chinese zh@li.org
tali 2342 2342 100.0 Chinese (China) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
thunar-archive-plugin 86 86 100.0 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/xfce/thunar-plugins/language/zh_CN/)
thunar-media-tags-plugin 156 156 100.0 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/xfce/thunar-plugins/language/zh_CN/)
thunar-vfs 387 387 100.0 Chinese (simplified) xfce-i18n@xfce.org
thunar-volman 499 499 100.0 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/xfce/thunar-volman/language/zh_CN/)
tigervnc 616 616 100.0 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
tomboy 6660 6660 100.0 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
totem 5879 5879 100.0 Chinese (China) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
totem-pl-parser 29 29 100.0 Chinese (China) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
trac-tickettemplate-plugin 48 48 100.0 zh_CN LL@li.org
tracker 2211 2211 100.0 Chinese (China) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
tracker-miners 3747 3747 100.0 Chinese (China) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
transmageddon 248 248 100.0 Chinese (China) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
transmission 1809 1809 100.0 Chinese (China) zh_CN@li.org
trustedqsl 4027 4027 100.0 TQSL Developers
trytond-google-maps 2 2 100.0
trytond-stock-location-sequence 1 1 100.0
tumbler 241 241 100.0 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/xfce/tumbler/language/zh_CN/)
txt2tags 596 596 100.0
unetbootin 3159 3159 100.0 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
vinagre 2498 2498 100.0 Chinese (China) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
vino 1090 1090 100.0 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
virt-top 361 361 100.0 Chinese (China)
visualboyadvance-m 2341 2341 100.0 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/bgk/vba-m/language/zh_CN/)
vocal 377 377 100.0
vte 80 80 100.0 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
vte291 31 31 100.0 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
wallpapoz 395 395 100.0
whois 493 493 100.0 Chinese (China) zh_CN@li.org
wicd 1138 1138 100.0 zh_CN LL@li.org
wicd-kde 358 358 100.0 Chinese Simplified kde-china@kde.org
wingpanel-indicator-datetime 28 28 100.0 Chinese https://weblate.elementary.io/projects/wingpanel/wingpanel-indicator-datetime/zh/
wqy-zenhei-fonts 88 88 100.0
x-tile 732 732 100.0 Fan.khiyuan@gmail.com
xapps 42 42 100.0 Chinese (Simplified) zh_CN@li.org
xdg-desktop-portal-kde 91 91 100.0 Chinese Simplified
xdg-user-dirs 28 28 100.0 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
xdg-user-dirs-gtk 81 81 100.0 Chinese/Simplified i18n-translation@lists.linux.net.cn
xen 33 33 100.0 Chinese zh@li.org
xfbib 342 342 100.0 Chinese (Simplified) xfce-i18n-cn@xfce.org
xfburn 1342 1342 100.0 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/xfce/xfce-apps/language/zh_CN/)
xfce4-appfinder 406 406 100.0 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/xfce/xfce4-appfinder/language/zh_CN/)
xfce4-battery-plugin 147 147 100.0 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/xfce/xfce-panel-plugins/language/zh_CN/)
xfce4-calculator-plugin 35 35 100.0 Chinese (China) (https://www.transifex.com/xfce/teams/16840/zh_CN/)
xfce4-clipman-plugin 478 478 100.0 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/xfce/xfce-panel-plugins/language/zh_CN/)
xfce4-cpufreq-plugin 145 145 100.0 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/xfce/xfce-panel-plugins/language/zh_CN/)
xfce4-cpugraph-plugin 74 74 100.0 Chinese (Simplified) xfce-i18n-cn@xfce.org
xfce4-datetime-plugin 52 52 100.0 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/xfce/xfce-panel-plugins/language/zh_CN/)
xfce4-dict 527 527 100.0 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/xfce/xfce-apps/language/zh_CN/)
xfce4-diskperf-plugin 183 183 100.0 Chinese (Simplified) xfce-i18n-cn@xfce.org
xfce4-embed-plugin 219 219 100.0 Chinese (Simplified) xfce-i18n-cn@xfce.org
xfce4-eyes-plugin 15 15 100.0 Chinese (Simplified) xfce-i18n-cn@xfce.org
xfce4-fsguard-plugin 71 71 100.0 Chinese (Simplified) xfce-i18n-cn@xfce.org
xfce4-genmon-plugin 56 56 100.0 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/xfce/xfce-panel-plugins/language/zh_CN/)
xfce4-hardware-monitor-plugin 363 363 100.0 zh_CN i18n-translation@lists.linux.net.cn
xfce4-mailwatch-plugin 685 685 100.0 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/xfce/language/zh_CN/)
xfce4-mount-plugin 374 374 100.0 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/xfce/xfce-panel-plugins/language/zh_CN/)
xfce4-mpc-plugin 78 78 100.0 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/xfce/xfce-panel-plugins/language/zh_CN/)
xfce4-netload-plugin 92 92 100.0 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/xfce-panel-plugins/language/zh_CN/)
xfce4-notes-plugin 163 163 100.0 Chinese (Simplified) xfce-i18n-cn@xfce.org
xfce4-notifyd 259 259 100.0 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/xfce/xfce-apps/language/zh_CN/)
xfce4-panel 1686 1686 100.0 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/xfce/xfce4-panel/language/zh_CN/)
xfce4-panel-profiles 99 99 100.0 Chinese (China) (https://www.transifex.com/xfce/teams/16840/zh_CN/)
xfce4-places-plugin 160 160 100.0 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/xfce-panel-plugins/language/zh_CN/)
xfce4-power-manager 1033 1033 100.0 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/xfce/xfce4-power-manager/language/zh_CN/)
xfce4-pulseaudio-plugin 148 148 100.0 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/xfce/xfce-panel-plugins/language/zh_CN/)
xfce4-screensaver 676 676 100.0 Chinese (China) (https://www.transifex.com/xfce/teams/16840/zh_CN/)
xfce4-screenshooter 399 399 100.0 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/xfce/xfce-apps/language/zh_CN/)
xfce4-sensors-plugin 390 390 100.0 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/xfce/xfce-panel-plugins/language/zh_CN/)
xfce4-session 869 869 100.0 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/xfce/xfce4-session/language/zh_CN/)
xfce4-settings 1763 1763 100.0 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/xfce/xfce4-settings/language/zh_CN/)
xfce4-smartbookmark-plugin 22 22 100.0 Chinese (Simplified) xfce-i18n-cn@xfce.org
xfce4-statusnotifier-plugin 129 129 100.0 Chinese (China) (https://www.transifex.com/xfce/teams/16840/zh_CN/)
xfce4-systemload-plugin 87 87 100.0 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/xfce/xfce-panel-plugins/language/zh_CN/)
xfce4-taskmanager 257 257 100.0 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/xfce/xfce-apps/language/zh_CN/)
xfce4-terminal 1647 1647 100.0 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/xfce/xfce-apps/language/zh_CN/)
xfce4-time-out-plugin 89 89 100.0 Chinese (Simplified) xfce-i18n-cn@xfce.org
xfce4-timer-plugin 138 138 100.0 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/xfce/xfce-panel-plugins/language/zh_CN/)
xfce4-verve-plugin 108 108 100.0 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/xfce/xfce-panel-plugins/language/zh_CN/)
xfce4-wavelan-plugin 67 67 100.0 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/xfce-panel-plugins/language/zh_CN/)
xfce4-weather-plugin 3668 3668 100.0 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/xfce/xfce-panel-plugins/language/zh_CN/)
xfce4-whiskermenu-plugin 349 349 100.0 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/gottcode/xfce4-whiskermenu-plugin/language/zh_CN/)
xfce4-xkb-plugin 57 57 100.0 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/xfce/xfce-panel-plugins/language/zh_CN/)
xfconf 458 458 100.0 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/xfce/xfconf/language/zh_CN/)
xfdesktop 1030 1030 100.0 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/xfce/xfdesktop/language/zh_CN/)
xfmpc 167 167 100.0 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/xfce/language/zh_CN/)
xfwm4 636 636 100.0 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/xfce/xfwm4/language/zh_CN/)
xournal 1026 1026 100.0 Chinese (simplified) translation-team-zh-cn@lists.sourceforge.net
yelp 348 348 100.0 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
yelp-xsl 81 81 100.0 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
zypper 9073 9073 100.0 Chinese (China) https://l10n.opensuse.org/projects/zypper/master/zh_CN/
wesnoth 284527 284530 100.0 Wesnoth Simplified Chinese Team
plasma-desktop 12034 12036 100.0 Chinese Simplified
krita 25549 25554 100.0 Chinese Simplified
godot 7028 7030 100.0 Chinese (Simplified) https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/godot-engine/godot/zh_Hans/
glpi 13702 13707 100.0 Chinese (China) (https://www.transifex.com/glpi/teams/1637/zh_CN/)
glibc-arm-linux-gnu 7984 7987 100.0 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
gnome-control-center 6502 6505 100.0 Wei Liu
hamster-time-tracker 1638 1639 99.9 Chinese (China) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
gnome-system-log 1578 1579 99.9 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
pioneers 2987 2989 99.9 Chinese (Simplified) gera2ld@163.com
gtk3 16045 16056 99.9 Chinese (China) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
gtk4 16045 16056 99.9 Chinese (China) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
mingw-gtk3 16045 16056 99.9 Chinese (China) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
electrum 6881 6886 99.9 Chinese Simplified
gucharmap 2919 2923 99.9 Chinese (China) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
origin 8416 8428 99.9 chai2010(团队) chaishushan@gmail.com
gnome-chemistry-utils 4556 4563 99.8 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
kdevelop 14515 14539 99.8 Chinese Simplified
akregator 1773 1776 99.8 Chinese Simplified
vim 7865 7880 99.8 Simplified Chinese i18n-translation@lists.linux.net.cn
plasma-pk-updates 2077 2081 99.8 Chinese Simplified
kf5-syntax-highlighting 511 512 99.8 Chinese Simplified
glade3 5954 5967 99.8 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
tuna 1339 1342 99.8 Simplified Chinese gss-china-list@redhat.com
system-config-firewall 2807 2814 99.8 Wei Liu
git 31151 31229 99.8 Chinese
celestia 2270 2276 99.7 Chinese <zhaozhengxu@yahoo.com,markerzli@gmail.com>
file-roller 2943 2951 99.7 Chinese (China) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
kf5-akonadi-contacts 1414 1418 99.7 Chinese Simplified
wput 1060 1063 99.7 wput
warmux 2736 2744 99.7 Simplified Chinese i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
isomaster 672 674 99.7 zh@li.org
cgit 26171 26249 99.7 Chinese
git-cinnabar 26171 26249 99.7 Chinese
avahi 865 868 99.7 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/lennart/avahi/language/zh_CN/)
zabbix 15438 15493 99.6 Zabbix info@zabbix.com
PackageKit 1277 1282 99.6 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/freedesktop/packagekit/language/zh_CN/)
scratch 1464 1470 99.6 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
gtk2 12372 12423 99.6 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
mingw-gtk2 12372 12423 99.6 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
pspp 10289 10333 99.6 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
polkit 227 228 99.6 Chinese (China) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
filezilla 10819 10867 99.6 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
evolution-rss 671 674 99.6 Chinese/Simplified i18n-translation@lists.linux.net.cn
man-db 9556 9599 99.6 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
gimagereader 1436 1443 99.5 Chinese kde-i18n-doc@kde.org
gimp 35290 35468 99.5 Chinese (China) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
usermode 570 573 99.5 Chinese (China) trans-zh_cn@lists.fedoraproject.org
python-django-debug-toolbar 355 357 99.4 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/django-debug-toolbar/language/zh_CN/)
w3m 875 880 99.4 AOSC zh_CN aosc@members.fsf.org
gtksourceview3 320 322 99.4 Chinese Simplified i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
umbrello 5422 5456 99.4 Chinese Simplified
libgweather 6149 6188 99.4 汉语 i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
gtksourceview4 306 308 99.4 Chinese Simplified i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
cheese 2279 2294 99.3 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
python-django-countries 878 884 99.3 Chinese Simplified (http://www.transifex.com/smileychris/django-countries/language/zh-Hans/)
sugar-chat 136 137 99.3 Yuan CHAO yuanchao@gmail.com
squirrelmail 5898 5942 99.3 Simplified Chinese squirrelmail-i18n@lists.sourceforge.net
tar 3626 3656 99.2 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
remmina 2304 2324 99.1 Chinese (Simplified) zh_CN@li.org
kf5-akonadi-server 2492 2514 99.1 Chinese Simplified
mate-user-admin 566 571 99.1 chinese
okteta 2489 2511 99.1 Chinese Simplified
gnome-subtitles 902 910 99.1 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
kmplayer 1238 1249 99.1 Chinese Simplified kde-china@kde.org
kf5-libkleo 1197 1208 99.1 Chinese Simplified
kf5-kmailtransport 648 654 99.1 Chinese Simplified
python-fedora 212 214 99.1 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/python-fedora/language/zh_CN/)
viewnior 420 424 99.1 Chinese (Simplified) zh_CN@li.org
falkon 4268 4309 99.0 Chinese Simplified
python-ase 1436 1450 99.0 Chinese (simplified)
pitivi 1516 1532 99.0 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
kdb 1478 1494 98.9 Chinese Simplified
libfm 1558 1575 98.9 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
kmail 8669 8765 98.9 Chinese Simplified
kicad 100855 102006 98.9 l.g110@163.com
pgadmin3 16705 16898 98.9 The pgAdmin Development Team pgadmin-hackers@postgresql.org
gpsdrive 2140 2165 98.8 Chinese (simplified) translation-team-zh-cn@lists.sourceforge.net
pim-sieve-editor 427 432 98.8 Chinese Simplified
zenity 3751 3795 98.8 Chinese (China) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
thunar-vcs-plugin 765 774 98.8 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/xfce/thunar-plugins/language/zh_CN/)
brasero 7641 7733 98.8 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
cockpit-ostree 166 168 98.8 Chinese (China)
gnome-phone-manager 552 559 98.7 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
system-config-kdump 866 877 98.7 Chinese (China) trans-zh_cn@lists.fedoraproject.org
gnome-abrt 391 396 98.7 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/gnome-abrt/language/zh_CN/)
gnupg2 13261 13434 98.7 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
make 2236 2266 98.7 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
authselect 1783 1807 98.7
brltty 2496 2530 98.7 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
soundkonverter 4003 4062 98.5 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/hessijames/soundkonverter/language/zh_CN/)
gambas3 6997 7101 98.5 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
qalculate-kde 1399 1420 98.5 Simplified Chinese
gstreamer1-plugins-bad-free 194 197 98.5 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
mingw-gstreamer1-plugins-bad-free 194 197 98.5 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
moin 4974 5054 98.4 Chinese moin-devel@lists.sourceforge.net
libappstream-glib 419 426 98.4 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/freedesktop/appstream-glib/language/zh_CN/)
gstreamer1 2074 2110 98.3 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
gnome-chess 1390 1416 98.2 Chinese (China) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
systemd 950 968 98.1 Chinese i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
denemo 44170 45019 98.1 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
kpat 464 473 98.1 Chinese Simplified
pogo 565 576 98.1 Simplified Chinese zh_CN@li.org
lyx 24967 25460 98.1 简体中文 lyx-docs@lists.lyx.org
bison 1361 1389 98.0 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
tryton 1542 1574 98.0
gcal 4902 5006 97.9 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
passwd 329 336 97.9 Chinese (China) trans-zh_cn@lists.fedoraproject.org
libreoffice 562394 574494 97.9 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
gnome-dvb-daemon 810 828 97.8 Chinese (Simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
sylpheed 7055 7214 97.8 zh_CN i18n-translation@lists.linux.net.cn
grsync 1141 1167 97.8 Simplified Chinese zh@li.org
korganizer 6641 6796 97.7 Chinese Simplified
d-feet 84 86 97.7 Chinese (China) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
volume_key 745 763 97.6 Chinese (China) trans-zh_cn@lists.fedoraproject.org
icewm 1313 1346 97.5 Siplified Chinese
wget 3897 3996 97.5 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
rekonq 2147 2202 97.5 Chinese Simplified kde-china@kde.org
trytond 2580 2648 97.4
yakuake 1532 1573 97.4 Chinese Simplified
compiz-plugins-main 4104 4218 97.3 Chinese zh_CN@li.org
lftp 3916 4025 97.3 zh zh@li.org
kflickr 323 332 97.3 Simplified Chinese zh_CN@li.org
kgraphviewer 1172 1205 97.3 Chinese Simplified
python-wxpython4 7483 7695 97.2 wxWidgets tranlators wx-translators@wxwidgets.org
wxGTK3 7483 7695 97.2 wxWidgets tranlators wx-translators@wxwidgets.org
sawfish 6274 6452 97.2 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
bash 11184 11507 97.2 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
fetchmail 4255 4382 97.1 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
kde-l10n 101636 104729 97.0 Chinese Simplified kde-china@kde.org
hivex 262 270 97.0 Chinese (China)
mingw-gstreamer1-plugins-base 939 968 97.0 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
kjots 387 399 97.0 Chinese Simplified kde-i18n-doc@kde.org
gedit-plugins 5568 5742 97.0 Chinese (Simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
ardour5 20010 20639 97.0 一善鱼 YQ-YSY@163.com
cracklib 93 96 96.9 Wei Liu
kde-connect 709 732 96.9 Chinese Simplified
blueman 1340 1384 96.8 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/mate/MATE/language/zh_CN/)
tin 10820 11180 96.8 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
plasma-applet-redshift-control 60 62 96.8 吴相东 wuxiangdong156@gmail.com
muffin 1972 2038 96.8 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
libidn 414 428 96.7 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
libidn1.34 414 428 96.7 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
mingw-libidn 414 428 96.7 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
warzone2100 12859 13299 96.7 Chinese Simplified kde-i18n-doc@kde.org
stellarium 137485 142294 96.6 Chinese (China) (https://www.transifex.com/stellarium/teams/80998/zh_CN/)
kf5-libktorrent 455 471 96.6 Chinese Simplified
xcdroast 7763 8044 96.5 Simplified Chinese
synaptic 3118 3231 96.5 Chinese (simplified) i18n-translation@lists.linux.net.cn
vdr-femon 303 314 96.5 Chinese (simplified) vdr@linuxtv.org
wine 16140 16729 96.5 Chinese (PRC)
xboard 2482 2573 96.5 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
labyrinth 218 226 96.5 Simplified Chinese i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
coolreader 676 701 96.4 Chinese
kf5-messagelib 7341 7614 96.4 Chinese Simplified
terminator 1359 1410 96.4 Simplified Chinese zh_CN@li.org
pam 575 597 96.3 Chinese (China) trans-zh_cn@lists.fedoraproject.org
gstreamer1-plugins-base 939 976 96.2 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
trytond-country 7252 7539 96.2
kf5-kpimtextedit 349 363 96.1 Chinese Simplified
dia 6349 6606 96.1 zh_CN http://l10n.gnome.org/teams/zh_CN
arduino 2972 3093 96.1 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/mbanzi/arduino-ide-15/language/zh_CN/)
clementine 4924 5127 96.0 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/davidsansome/clementine/language/zh_CN/)
cockpit 7717 8036 96.0 Chinese (Simplified)
evolution-ews 314 327 96.0 Chinese (China) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
gnupg1 8296 8640 96.0 Chinese (simplified) <translation-team-zh-cn@lists.sourceforge.net >
cups 12192 12698 96.0
kdepim-addons 4012 4179 96.0 Chinese Simplified
python-django-avatar 119 124 96.0 Bruce Yang ayang23@gmail.com
easystroke 451 470 96.0 Simplified Chinese zh_CN@li.org
gitweb-caching 1825 1903 95.9 Chinese
sugar-terminal 116 121 95.9 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
grip 1121 1171 95.7 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
kid3 2232 2333 95.7 Chinese Simplified kde-china@kde.org
emelfm2 5968 6240 95.6 ccpaging ccpaging@gmail.com
libuser 1374 1437 95.6 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/fedora/language/zh_CN/)
phd2 18394 19248 95.6 Linkage Linkage@163.com
wxPython 9742 10197 95.5 wxWidgets tranlators wx-translators@wxwidgets.org
sugar-browse 319 334 95.5 Yuan CHAO yuanchao@gmail.com
wammu 5040 5290 95.3 none
fcitx-anthy 339 356 95.2 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/fcitx/language/zh_CN/)
kalarm 6916 7269 95.1 Chinese Simplified
tilix 2004 2108 95.1 Chinese (Simplified) https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/tilix/translations/zh_Hans/
kdepim-runtime 7538 7931 95.0 Chinese Simplified
glibc 7698 8106 95.0 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
ccsm 561 591 94.9 Chinese zh_CN@li.org
kanatest 406 428 94.9 znCN LL@li.org
kf5-kidentitymanagement 165 174 94.8 Chinese Simplified
boinc-client 19876 20966 94.8 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/boinc/boinc/language/zh_CN/)
mingw-gettext 7374 7783 94.7 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
chromium-bsu 1034 1092 94.7 Chinese (Simplified) longsitaizi@gmail.com
python-wtforms 178 188 94.7 zh_CN james+i18n@simplecodes.com
openbox 479 506 94.7 Simplified Chinese
authconfig 879 929 94.6 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/fedora/language/zh_CN/)
uget 1002 1059 94.6 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/uget/uget/language/zh_CN/)
e2fsprogs 9697 10260 94.5 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
pybliographer 912 965 94.5 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
gettext 7365 7794 94.5 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
pidgin-sipe 1057 1119 94.5 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/stefanb/pidgin-sipe/language/zh_CN/)
Zim 2581 2733 94.4 Simplified Chinese zh_CN@li.org
chkconfig 524 555 94.4 Chinese (China) trans-zh_cn@lists.fedoraproject.org
system-config-users 1436 1521 94.4 Chinese (China) trans-zh_cn@lists.fedoraproject.org
libmateweather 6211 6584 94.3 Chinese (Mandarin) (https://www.transifex.com/mate/teams/13566/cmn/)
qemu 33 35 94.3 Chinese zh@li.org
fcitx-libpinyin 246 261 94.3 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/fcitx/fcitx/language/zh_CN/)
mate-notification-daemon 262 278 94.2 Chinese (Mandarin) (https://www.transifex.com/mate/teams/13566/cmn/)
kf5-calendarsupport 2803 2976 94.2 Chinese Simplified
kamoso 96 102 94.1 Chinese Simplified
lightdm-gtk-greeter-settings 488 519 94.0 Chinese (Simplified) zh_CN@li.org
gtksourceview2 1314 1398 94.0 Chinese i18n i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
xed 20482 21800 94.0 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
firewalld 2082 2217 93.9 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/firewalld/language/zh_CN/)
bleachbit 1131 1205 93.9 Simplified Chinese zh_CN@li.org
kde-partitionmanager 2157 2299 93.8 Chinese Simplified
mingw-gtksourceview3 1084 1156 93.8 Chinese Simplified i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
emerald 652 696 93.7 Chinese zh_CN@li.org
kcm_wacomtablet 988 1056 93.6 Chinese Simplified
supertuxkart 3137 3361 93.3 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/supertuxkart/supertuxkart/language/zh_CN/)
gphoto2 1638 1756 93.3 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
kwebkitpart 624 669 93.3 Chinese Simplified kde-china@kde.org
simple-ccsm 151 162 93.2 Chinese zh_CN@li.org
hexchat 5548 5971 92.9 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/hexchat/hexchat/language/zh_CN/)
synapse 795 856 92.9 Chinese (Simplified) zh_CN@li.org
popt 78 84 92.9 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
caja-extensions 1084 1168 92.8 Chinese (Mandarin) (https://www.transifex.com/mate/teams/13566/cmn/)
php-horde-Horde-Nls 399 430 92.8 i18n@lists.horde.org
kf5-eventviews 2742 2956 92.8 Chinese Simplified
kalzium 9668 10437 92.6 Chinese Simplified
im-chooser 235 254 92.5 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/im-chooser/team/zh_CN/)
schroot 1539 1665 92.4 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
gnome-documents 1574 1705 92.3 Chinese Simplified kde-i18n-doc@kde.org
goffice 5870 6361 92.3 Chinese (Simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
wcd 1315 1425 92.3 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
kubrick 1108 1203 92.1 Chinese Simplified
openvas-gsa 6978 7589 91.9 Chinese (simplified) openvas-devel@wald.intevation.org
fvwm 228 248 91.9 zh_CN i18n-translation@lists.linux.net.cn
gupnp-tools 272 296 91.9 Chinese (China) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
bluefish 4506 4905 91.9
gnubik 256 279 91.8 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
cflow 545 594 91.8 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
renameutils 243 265 91.7 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
deepin-metacity 1992 2174 91.6 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
system-config-language 197 215 91.6 zh@li.org
lxappearance 214 234 91.5 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
mingw-gstreamer1-plugins-good 726 794 91.4 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
inkscape 34905 38214 91.3 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
viking 4901 5371 91.2
system-config-printer 3147 3450 91.2 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/system-config-printer/language/zh_CN/)
frogr 606 665 91.1 Chinese (China) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
workrave 1202 1321 91.0
iptux 727 799 91.0 Chinese Simplify
pidgin-guifications 459 505 90.9 zh_CN-i18n
gnome-do 556 612 90.8 Simplified Chinese zh_CN@li.org
mtpaint 2842 3131 90.8 Chinese (simplified) puppylinux@sohu.com
xreader 6214 6848 90.7 Chinese i18n i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
imsettings 440 485 90.7 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/imsettings/team/zh_CN/)
gnome-latex 1390 1535 90.6 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
udisks2 1973 2180 90.5 Chinese (China)
ufraw 3923 4344 90.3 Simplified Chinese i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
sakura 185 205 90.2 Chinese/Simplified i18n-translation@lists.linux.net.cn
revelation 1755 1945 90.2 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
caja 17170 19040 90.2 Chinese (Mandarin) (https://www.transifex.com/mate/teams/13566/cmn/)
mingw-libcharset 303 336 90.2 Chinese (simplified) translation-team-zh-cn@lists.sourceforge.net
rednotebook 1034 1147 90.1 Simplified Chinese zh_CN@li.org
gummi 683 758 90.1
clamtk 391 434 90.1 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
radiotray 117 130 90.0 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/radiotray/language/zh_CN/)
steadyflow 423 470 90.0 Chinese (Simplified) zh_CN@li.org
playonlinux 2453 2728 89.9 Chinese (Simplified) zh_CN@li.org
gftp 3032 3375 89.8 zh_CN i18n-translation@lists.linux.net.cn
libgsasl 518 577 89.8 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
akonadi-calendar-tools 755 842 89.7 Chinese Simplified
mate-polkit 218 244 89.3 Chinese (Mandarin) (https://www.transifex.com/mate/teams/13566/cmn/)
gstreamer1-plugins-good 716 802 89.3 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
sugar-read 122 137 89.1 Yuan CHAO yuanchao@gmail.com
gtk-murrine-engine 121 136 89.0 Chinese (China) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
yum 2730 3069 89.0 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/yum/team/zh_CN/)
initscripts 864 972 88.9 Chinese (China) trans-zh_cn@lists.fedoraproject.org
debconf 762 860 88.6 Debian Chinese [GB] debian-chinese-gb@lists.debian.org
R 33493 37819 88.6 Chinese
NetworkManager 21016 23790 88.3 Chinese (China) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
php-horde-Horde-Crypt 348 396 87.9 i18n@lists.horde.org
kdbg 758 863 87.8 zh@li.org
pidgin 13837 15756 87.8 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/pidgin/pidgin/language/zh_CN/)
dnf 3253 3718 87.5 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/dnf/language/zh_CN/)
mate-settings-daemon 3214 3680 87.3 Chinese (Mandarin) (https://www.transifex.com/mate/teams/13566/cmn/)
asunder 431 495 87.1 LANGUAGE tiansworld@fedoraproject.org
centerim 4982 5728 87.0 Chinese freebsd-taiwan-chinese@freebsd.sinica.edu.tw
l3afpad 113 130 86.9 Chinese (simplified) translation-team-zh-cn@lists.sourceforge.net
picard 5581 6443 86.6 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/musicbrainz/musicbrainz/language/zh_CN/)
obconf 639 738 86.6 Chinese/Simplified i18n-translation@lists.linux.net.cn
scim-tables 997 1155 86.3 Simplified Chinese zh@li.org
pidgin-libnotify 31 36 86.1 chinese
devhelp 332 386 86.0 Chinese (China) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
siril 10708 12488 85.7 astronomy.com.cn yecloud@me.com
glom 3995 4661 85.7 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
python-notebook 3364 3926 85.7 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
klavaro 1715 2004 85.6 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
ibus-libzhuyin 174 204 85.3 Peng Huang shawn.p.huang@gmail.com
switchdesk 104 122 85.2 Simplified Chinese zh@li.org
pcmanx-gtk2 479 562 85.2
qutim 98 115 85.2 Chinese (Simplified) zh_CN@li.org
kupfer 2111 2479 85.2 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
amarok 13465 15819 85.1 Chinese kde-china@kde.org
jmol 2693 3166 85.1 Simplified Chinese zh_CN@li.org
gnome-user-docs 51114 60113 85.0 Chinese Simplified kde-i18n-doc@kde.org
libmatekbd 426 502 84.9 Chinese (Mandarin) (https://www.transifex.com/mate/teams/13566/cmn/)
pinta 1372 1618 84.8 Chinese (Simplified) zh_CN@li.org
synfig 3982 4696 84.8 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/morevnaproject/synfig/language/zh_CN/)
libgpod 891 1053 84.6 n/a
gbrainy 6792 8039 84.5 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroup.com
kbd 2051 2430 84.4 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
duplicity 3694 4378 84.4 Chinese (Simplified) zh_CN@li.org
blivet-gui 687 815 84.3 Chinese (China)
rabbitvcs 1283 1524 84.2 Chinese (Simplified) zh_CN@li.org
libkexif 21 25 84.0 zh_CN i18n-translation@lists.linux.net.cn
balsa 5227 6236 83.8 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
diffuse 827 987 83.8 Chinese (simplified)
cacti 22508 26865 83.8 sfqas sfqas@163.com
gstreamer 1603 1917 83.6 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
mingw-gstreamer 1603 1917 83.6 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
kleopatra 7378 8827 83.6 Chinese Simplified
kcoloredit 232 278 83.5 简体中文 kde-china@kde.org
mate-session-manager 1153 1382 83.4 Chinese (Mandarin) (https://www.transifex.com/mate/teams/13566/cmn/)
sscg 78 94 83.0 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
util-linux 19451 23455 82.9 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
koffice-kivio 6976 8417 82.9 zh_CN i18n-translation@lists.linux.net.cn
fcitx-skk 58 70 82.9 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/fcitx/language/zh_CN/)
parcellite 129 156 82.7 CHINESE
policycoreutils 3713 4497 82.6 Chinese (China)
mate-desktop 3861 4684 82.4 Chinese (Mandarin) (https://www.transifex.com/mate/teams/13566/cmn/)
ghex 2645 3214 82.3 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
sugar-portfolio 60 73 82.2 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
fuse-encfs 1055 1289 81.8 Simplified Chinese zh_CN@li.org
elementary-screenshot-tool 211 258 81.8 Chinese https://weblate.elementary.io/projects/screenshot-tool/screenshot-tool/zh/
nacl-gcc 44059 53910 81.7 Chinese (simplified) translation-team-zh-cn@lists.sourceforge.net
ncmpc 635 777 81.7 Simplified Chinese zh_CN@li.org
sugar-pippy 223 274 81.4 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
mingw-wxWidgets 5194 6391 81.3 wxWidgets tranlators wx-translators@wxwidgets.org
kf5-akonadi-calendar 1522 1877 81.1 Chinese Simplified
vdr 1098 1356 81.0 Chinese (simplified) vdr@linuxtv.org
pcsxr 2101 2595 81.0 Simplified Chinese whistler@openoffice.org
gtypist 449 556 80.8 Simplified Chinese
python-colander 130 161 80.7 zh LL@li.org
subtitleeditor 2658 3297 80.6 Chinese/Simplified i18n-translation@lists.linux.net.cn
osmo 1426 1771 80.5 puppy.cnbits.com laborer@126.com
konversation 8271 10294 80.3 Chinese Simplified
findutils 2063 2568 80.3 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
e16 2240 2796 80.1 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
dolphin-plugins 973 1215 80.1 Chinese Simplified
guake 853 1066 80.0 guake@lists.guake.org
pavucontrol 189 237 79.7 Simplified Chinese zh@li.org
deluge 2169 2728 79.5 Chinese (Simplified) zh_CN@li.org
xmms 2736 3443 79.5 Mandrake i18n Team cooker-i18n@linux-mandrake.com
mate-backgrounds 81 102 79.4 Chinese (Mandarin) (https://www.transifex.com/mate/teams/13566/cmn/)
kf5-ksmtp 77 97 79.4 Chinese Simplified
glabels 1798 2276 79.0 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
compiz-plugins-extra 2904 3678 79.0 Chinese zh_CN@li.org
ksig 67 85 78.8 zh_CN i18n-translation@lists.linux.net.cn
php-horde-Horde-Browser 52 66 78.8 i18n@lists.horde.org
kaudiocreator 893 1136 78.6 Chinese Simplified kde-china@kde.org
feedreader 627 799 78.5 Chinese (Simplified) https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/feedreader/translations/zh_Hans/
rsibreak 922 1175 78.5 Chinese Simplified
mailman 19002 24274 78.3 mailman-cn@mail.cs.hit.edu.cn
decibel-audio-player 1169 1494 78.2 Simplified Chinese zh_CN@li.org
gnome-desktop3 7605 9722 78.2 Chinese (China) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
python-bottle 18295 23598 77.5 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
homerun 390 504 77.4 Chinese Simplified kde-china@kde.org
ddccontrol-db 293 379 77.3 Simple Chinese LL@li.org
lokalize 2998 3879 77.3 Chinese Simplified
mate-screensaver 1531 1986 77.1 Chinese (Mandarin) (https://www.transifex.com/mate/teams/13566/cmn/)
rpm 6855 8900 77.0 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/rpm-team/rpm/language/zh_CN/)
ibus-handwrite 30 39 76.9 zh_CN microcai@fedoraproject.org
gegl03 4149 5397 76.9 Chinese (China) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
gegl04 4149 5397 76.9 Chinese (China) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
mate-media 362 472 76.7 Chinese (Mandarin) (https://www.transifex.com/mate/teams/13566/cmn/)
mutt 8967 11758 76.3 Chinese zh@li.org
calligra 27342 35862 76.2 Chinese Simplified
rapidsvn 1055 1385 76.2 RapidSVN i18n
bibus 2434 3202 76.0 Chinese/Simplified i18n-translation@lists.linux.net.cn
aria2 5690 7486 76.0 Simplified Chinese zh_CN@li.org
trytond-currency 356 469 75.9
soundconverter 285 377 75.6 Simplified Chinese zh_CN@li.org
audacious-plugins 6014 7956 75.6 Chinese (Mandarin) (http://www.transifex.com/audacious/audacious/language/cmn/)
tuxpaint-stamps 2467 3271 75.4 zh_CN i18n-translation@lists.linux.net.cn
specto 704 935 75.3
gnome-shell-extension-system-monitor-applet 118 157 75.2 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
gstreamer-plugins-bad-free 72 96 75.0 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
mingw-gstreamer-plugins-bad-free 72 96 75.0 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
onboard 1734 2318 74.8 Chinese (Simplified) zh_CN@li.org
hugin 6609 8859 74.6 Simplified Chinese <N/A>
ddccontrol 1153 1547 74.5 Simple Chinese LL@li.org
gnome-video-arcade 999 1341 74.5 Chinese (China) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
whaawmp 595 799 74.5 Simplified Chinese zh_CN@li.org
mirage 608 817 74.4 Chinese no.sun@163.com
gnome-activity-journal 235 316 74.4 Chinese (Simplified) zh_CN@li.org
easytag 4094 5507 74.3 Simplified Chinese
marco 6153 8298 74.2 Chinese (Mandarin) (https://www.transifex.com/mate/teams/13566/cmn/)
sed 581 788 73.7 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
kf5-incidenceeditor 1742 2364 73.7 Chinese Simplified
gretl 11939 16260 73.4 Chinese
evolution-data-server 4444 6057 73.4 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
sugar-getiabooks 110 150 73.3 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
appstream 660 903 73.1 Chinese (Simplified) https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/appstream/translations/zh_Hans/
corebird 428 586 73.0 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/corebird/corebird/language/zh_CN/)
libgda 12549 17184 73.0 Chinese Simplified kde-i18n-doc@kde.org
audacious 1139 1560 73.0 Chinese (Mandarin) (http://www.transifex.com/audacious/audacious/language/cmn/)
sugar-finance 188 258 72.9 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
freedink 51 70 72.9 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
kile 9420 12952 72.7 Chinese Simplified
cairo-dock 5428 7464 72.7 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
python-formencode 591 813 72.7 Chinese/Simplified
kdiagram 47 65 72.3 Chinese Simplified
gnote 5079 7031 72.2 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
transmission-remote-gtk 647 898 72.0 Chinese (Simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
k3b 14559 20221 72.0 Chinese Simplified
compiz 3141 4385 71.6 Chinese opensuse-translation@opensuse.org
php-horde-Horde-Form 396 553 71.6 i18n@lists.horde.org
mingw-gnutls 1247 1744 71.5 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
NetworkManager-openvpn 750 1049 71.5 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
meld 1516 2125 71.3 Chinese (simplified) i18n-translation@lists.linux.net.cn
parley 2742 3850 71.2 Chinese Simplified
virt-viewer 594 835 71.1 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/virt-viewer/language/zh_CN/)
davix 488 686 71.1 neon@webdav.org
sugar-fototoon 86 121 71.1 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
git-cola 1928 2713 71.1 Chinese
mcomix 1823 2567 71.0 Xie Yanbo xieyanbo@gmail.com
tortoisehg 9310 13143 70.8 Simplified Chinese zh_CN@li.org
php-horde-Horde-Mime 34 48 70.8 i18n@lists.horde.org
libdnf 720 1023 70.4 Chinese (China)
rpm-ostree 720 1023 70.4 Chinese (China)
ktuberling 111 158 70.3 Chinese Simplified
flex 791 1131 69.9 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
mlocate 406 581 69.9 Chinese (China) trans-zh_cn@lists.fedoraproject.org
redshift 718 1028 69.8 Chinese (Simplified) zh_CN@li.org
grep 615 881 69.8 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
gnutls 1247 1787 69.8 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
ksirk 4000 5763 69.4 Chinese Simplified
moodle 36 52 69.2 i18n@lists.horde.org
liferea 1530 2213 69.1 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
ldm 125 181 69.1 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
iok 142 206 68.9 Simplified Chinese zh@li.org
shadow-utils 14360 20881 68.8 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
php-horde-Horde-Prefs 22 32 68.8 i18n@lists.horde.org
glade2 4009 5840 68.6 Sun G11n gnome_int_l10n@ireland.sun.com
neon 476 694 68.6 neon@webdav.org
kdepim-apps-libs 259 380 68.2 Chinese Simplified
goffice08 3240 4762 68.0 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
gthumb 7859 11553 68.0 Simplified Chinese i18n-translation@lists.linux.net.cn
ufw 592 879 67.3 Simplified Chinese zh_CN@li.org
calamares 37 55 67.3 Chinese (China) (https://www.transifex.com/calamares/teams/20061/zh_CN/)
font-manager 1149 1710 67.2 Chinese (China) <@>
springlobby 3797 5679 66.9 Simplified Chinese 18n-translation@lists.linux.net.cn
pulsecaster 98 147 66.7 zh_CN LL@li.org
xdg-desktop-portal 88 132 66.7 Chinese (China) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
mate-panel 9500 14278 66.5 Chinese (China) (https://www.transifex.com/mate/teams/13566/zh_CN/)
audio-convert-mod 274 415 66.0 zh_CN
gajim 7105 10768 66.0
openteacher 1130 1715 65.9 Chinese (Simplified) zh_CN@li.org
synfigstudio 4324 6564 65.9 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/morevnaproject/synfig/language/zh_CN/)
lxterminal 132 202 65.3 zh_CN LL@li.org
dnf-plugins-core 770 1180 65.3 Chinese (China)
banshee 7240 11123 65.1 Chinese (China) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
dnf-plugins-extras 202 311 65.0 Chinese (China)
entangle 618 953 64.8 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/entangle/language/zh_CN/)
realmd 511 789 64.8 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/freedesktop/realmd/language/zh_CN/)
linphone 1200 1853 64.8 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
jwm 230 357 64.4
wlassistant 702 1091 64.3 zh@li.org
gcompris-qt 16891 26307 64.2 Chinese Simplified
xmlcopyeditor 1078 1686 63.9 SHiNE CsyFeK csyfek@gmail.com
pragha 569 890 63.9 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/p/Pragha/language/zh_CN/)
gramps 24696 38667 63.9 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
rt 7271 11479 63.3 Chinese (Simplified) zh_CN@li.org
gnome-shell-extension-panel-osd 76 120 63.3 Chinese (Simplified) <>
coreutils 13490 21330 63.2 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
kmymoney 13531 21422 63.2 Chinese Simplified
pan 1994 3168 62.9 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
newsbeuter 844 1342 62.9 Chinese joshyupeng@gmail.com
clipit 137 218 62.8 Cristian Henzel oss@rspwn.com
geeqie 2714 4348 62.4 Levin zjlevin@hotmail.com
nacl-binutils 7873 12650 62.2 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
efl 184 296 62.2 Chinese (simplified)
tuxpaint 989 1591 62.2 zh_CN i18n-translation@lists.linux.net.cn
php-horde-Horde-Core 474 771 61.5 i18n@lists.horde.org
gstreamer-plugins-base 558 908 61.5 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
mingw-gstreamer-plugins-base 558 908 61.5 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
skychart 8296 13539 61.3
deepin-wm 461 753 61.2 Chinese (Simplified) zh_CN@li.org
gnome-libs 663 1085 61.1 Chinese i18n-chinese@egroups.com
xchm 142 234 60.7 zh_CN sejishikong@linuxfans.org
kgeography 5860 9698 60.4 Chinese Simplified
php-horde-horde 2086 3474 60.0 Chinese
vodovod 274 457 60.0 Simplified Chinese
mingw-libvirt 38253 63828 59.9 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/libvirt/language/zh_CN/)
libvirt 38181 64065 59.6 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/libvirt/language/zh_CN/)
subversion 17530 29569 59.3 Simplified Chinese dev@subversion.apache.org
texi2html 974 1643 59.3 Chinese (simplified) translation-team-zh-cn@lists.sourceforge.net
drgeo 1174 1985 59.1 zh_CN i18n-translation@lists.linux.net.cn
gstreamer-plugins-good 479 814 58.8 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
mingw-gstreamer-plugins-good 479 814 58.8 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
homebank 1428 2428 58.8
partclone 129 220 58.6 Peter Dave Hello
sugar-physics 28 48 58.3 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
ircp-tray 139 239 58.2 Chinese translation-team-zh-cn@lists.sourceforge.net
kwave 3476 5991 58.0 Chinese Simplified
hibernate3 45874 79163 57.9 none
hibernate4 45874 79163 57.9 none
cpio 1101 1902 57.9 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
lazarus 24858 43313 57.4 http://www.microsystem.studio
avogadro 3771 6607 57.1 Simplified Chinese zh_CN@li.org
python-sphinx 2588 4560 56.8 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/sphinx-doc/sphinx-1/language/zh_CN/)
elementary-calendar 549 968 56.7 Chinese https://weblate.elementary.io/projects/calendar/calendar/zh/
cryptsetup 2584 4557 56.7 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
lxrandr 94 167 56.3 zh_CN i18n-translation@lists.linux.net.cn
kexi 4114 7351 56.0 Chinese Simplified
gnome-commander 4751 8495 55.9 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
newsboat 805 1446 55.7 Chinese joshyupeng@gmail.com
libqalculate 5309 9556 55.6 Simplified Chinese
digikam 28104 50603 55.5 Chinese Simplified
gscan2pdf 1010 1840 54.9 Simplified Chinese zh_CN@li.org
kpilot 3926 7156 54.9 zh_CN kde-china@kde.org
python-flask-admin 5708 10427 54.7 Chinese Simplified
mate-terminal 9185 16826 54.6 Chinese (China) (https://www.transifex.com/mate/teams/13566/zh_CN/)
gutenprint 8561 15762 54.3 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
nautilus-pastebin 36 67 53.7 Simplified Chinese zh_CN@li.org
ibus 1149 2146 53.5 Chinese (China) trans-zh_cn@lists.fedoraproject.org
genius 4392 8259 53.2 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
enlightenment 4617 8687 53.1 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
help2man 1414 2671 52.9 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
shotwell 3579 6817 52.5 Chinese (Simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
libmatemixer 254 484 52.5 Chinese (Mandarin) (https://www.transifex.com/mate/teams/13566/cmn/)
manaplus 2300 4384 52.5 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/manaplus/language/zh_CN/)
giac 4270 8149 52.4 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
step 1005 1918 52.4 Chinese Simplified
gnome-desktop 3673 7023 52.3 zh_CN i18n-translation@lists.linux.net.cn
publican-jboss 120 232 51.7 Wei Liu
NetworkManager-l2tp 468 907 51.6 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
ekiga 5012 9796 51.2 Chinese (China) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
lilyterm 843 1648 51.2 GoGoNKT gogonkt@gmail.com
jpilot 1566 3074 50.9 Chinese (simplified) i18n-translation@lists.linux.net.cn
tellico 2835 5626 50.4 Chinese Simplified
axel 273 543 50.3 Simplified Chinese i18n-zh@i18n.org
elementary-code 814 1624 50.1 Chinese https://weblate.elementary.io/projects/code/code/zh/
psmisc 497 992 50.1 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
elementary-calculator 80 160 50.0
elementary-camera 62 124 50.0
elementary-capnet-assist 81 162 50.0 none
elementary-files 2435 4870 50.0
elementary-music 1137 2274 50.0
granite 199 398 50.0
php-horde-Horde-Exception 2 4 50.0 i18n@lists.horde.org
switchboard 61 122 50.0
switchboard-plug-sharing 130 260 50.0 none
switchboard-plug-sound 131 262 50.0
wingpanel 6 12 50.0 none
wingpanel-applications-menu 221 442 50.0
wingpanel-indicator-bluetooth 15 30 50.0 none
wingpanel-indicator-keyboard 10 20 50.0
wingpanel-indicator-network 76 152 50.0 none
wingpanel-indicator-nightlight 16 32 50.0
wingpanel-indicator-notifications 16 32 50.0 none
wingpanel-indicator-power 93 186 50.0 none
wingpanel-indicator-session 57 114 50.0 none
wingpanel-indicator-sound 14 28 50.0 none
elementary-photos 3759 7524 50.0
kstars 28297 56712 49.9 Chinese Simplified
atomix 103 208 49.5 zh_CN i18n-translation@lists.linux.net.cn
gnomebaker 1174 2372 49.5 Chinese (Hong Kong) zh_HK@li.org
xiphos 2393 4835 49.5 Chinese (Simplified) zh_CN@li.org
evolution 23764 48042 49.5 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
elementary-terminal 174 354 49.2
elementary-videos 147 300 49.0
switchboard-plug-mouse-touchpad 65 134 48.5 none
lightdm 79 163 48.5 Chinese (Simplified) zh_CN@li.org
gnucash 16894 34995 48.3 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
switchboard-plug-keyboard 390 808 48.3 none
atril 3694 7662 48.2 Chinese (China) (https://www.transifex.com/mate/teams/13566/zh_CN/)
quassel 3741 7778 48.1 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/quassel/quassel/language/zh_CN/)
kreport 247 514 48.1 Chinese Simplified
network-manager-applet 2264 4730 47.9 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
switchboard-plug-bluetooth 70 148 47.3 none
gpx-viewer 51 108 47.2 Simplified Chinese zh_CN@li.org
backintime 936 1983 47.2 Simplified Chinese zh_CN@li.org
switchboard-plug-networking 419 888 47.2
switchboard-plug-notifications 131 278 47.1 none
switchboard-plug-pantheon-shell 144 306 47.1
umit 2148 4593 46.8 Simplified Chinese i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
pantheon-agent-geoclue2 43 92 46.7
tuxmath 680 1455 46.7 Simplified Chinese zh_CN@li.org
switchboard-plug-applications 80 172 46.5 none
xpad 191 413 46.2 Chinese (simplified) translation-team-zh-cn@lists.sourceforge.net
switchboard-plug-display 116 252 46.0
gammu 1830 3997 45.8 none
deja-dup 1896 4142 45.8 Chinese (Simplified) zh_CN@li.org
mate-calc 2750 6008 45.8 Chinese (China) (https://www.transifex.com/mate/teams/13566/zh_CN/)
krusader 3572 7938 45.0 Chinese Simplified
slic3r-prusa3d 2954 6586 44.9
mate-utils 9099 20310 44.8 Chinese (China) (https://www.transifex.com/mate/teams/13566/zh_CN/)
cherokee 2922 6533 44.7 ownlinux.org
kpmcore 1413 3171 44.6 Chinese Simplified
pantheon-agent-polkit 16 36 44.4
anjuta 9766 22013 44.4 Chinese/Simplified i18n-translation@lists.linux.net.cn
sos 54 122 44.3 Wei Liu
grub-customizer 573 1295 44.2 Chinese (Simplified) zh_CN@li.org
mate-power-manager 5741 13017 44.1 Chinese (China) (https://www.transifex.com/mate/teams/13566/zh_CN/)
gq 854 1937 44.1 unknown LL@li.org
switchboard-plug-onlineaccounts 141 320 44.1 none
texlive 541 1230 44.0 TL Translation Team tex-live@tug.org
regexxer 205 467 43.9 zh_CN i18n-translation@lists.linux.net.cn
calibre 69536 159002 43.7 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/calibre/calibre/language/zh_CN/)
lollypop 554 1273 43.5 Chinese (Simplified) https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/gnumdk/lollypop/zh_Hans/
switchboard-plug-a11y 155 364 42.6
tilda 317 746 42.5 Chinese (China) zh_CN@li.org
caja-actions 3517 8293 42.4 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
virt-manager 6436 15194 42.4 Chinese (Mandarin) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/virt-manager/language/cmn/)
camorama 327 775 42.2 zh_CN i18n-translation@lists.linux.net.cn
switchboard-plug-printers 281 672 41.8
lifeograph 435 1044 41.7 Simplified Chinese zh_CN@li.org
calligraplan 4011 9630 41.7 Chinese Simplified
ibus-chewing 148 359 41.2 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
webkit2gtk3 1073 2623 40.9 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
mingw-qt5-qtwebkit 1073 2631 40.8 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
kcachegrind 1772 4372 40.5 Chinese Simplified
postgresql-jdbc 986 2442 40.4 The PostgreSQL Development Team Kuo.ChaoYi@gmail.com
mate-menu 380 948 40.1 Chinese (Mandarin) (http://www.transifex.com/mate/MATE/language/cmn/)
timeshift 1221 3051 40.0 Chinese (Simplified) zh_CN@li.org
php-horde-Horde-Compress 10 25 40.0 i18n@lists.horde.org
pluma 10217 25676 39.8 Chinese (China) (https://www.transifex.com/mate/teams/13566/zh_CN/)
elementary-greeter 60 152 39.5
certmonger 1115 2831 39.4 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/certmonger/language/zh_CN/)
linsmith 264 674 39.2 Chinese zh@li.org
lightdm-gtk 34 87 39.1 Chinese (Simplified) zh_CN@li.org
paprefs 51 131 38.9 Simplified Chinese zh@li.org
mailnag 84 216 38.9 Chinese (Simplified) zh_CN@li.org
switchboard-plug-about 91 234 38.9
mate-user-guide 34718 89362 38.9 Chinese (China) (https://www.transifex.com/mate/teams/13566/zh_CN/)
trac 5094 13145 38.8 Chinese Simplified <zh_CN>
minetest 2468 6406 38.5 Chinese (Simplified) https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/minetest/minetest/zh_Hans/
libgpg-error 546 1420 38.5 Chinese (simplified) translation-team-zh-cn@lists.sourceforge.net
mingw-libgpg-error 546 1420 38.5 Chinese (simplified) translation-team-zh-cn@lists.sourceforge.net
scilab 19334 50334 38.4 Simplified Chinese zh_CN@li.org
zanshin 342 893 38.3 Chinese Simplified
python-simpleline 16 42 38.1 Chinese (China)
lemonpos 1187 3118 38.1 Zhzh@li.org
mate-themes 67 180 37.2 Chinese Simplified (http://www.transifex.com/mate/MATE/language/zh-Hans/)
xsane 2340 6448 36.3 zh_CN
sugar 1669 4610 36.2 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
kf5-libksieve 1191 3299 36.1 Chinese Simplified
eom 3736 10354 36.1 Chinese (China) (https://www.transifex.com/mate/teams/13566/zh_CN/)
mate-control-center 5778 16032 36.0 Chinese (China) (https://www.transifex.com/mate/teams/13566/zh_CN/)
arm-none-eabi-gcc-cs 34947 97374 35.9 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
avr-gcc 34947 97374 35.9 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
rocs 499 1395 35.8 Chinese Simplified
samba 187 524 35.7 Novell Language language@novell.com
mhwaveedit 1615 4547 35.5 LONCHINA 简体中文
fontforge 14778 41704 35.4 Chinese Simplified
exaile 2764 8012 34.5 Chinese https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/exaile/master/zh/
gnumeric 12419 36417 34.1 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
kf5-mailcommon 962 2827 34.0 Chinese Simplified
massif-visualizer 121 357 33.9 Chinese Simplified
pacemaker 5164 15312 33.7 None
freeipa 18485 55256 33.5 Chinese (China)
publican 1794 5443 33.0 Simplified Chinese zh@li.org
cross-gcc 33862 102802 32.9 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
ghdl 33862 102802 32.9 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
mingw-gcc 33862 102802 32.9 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
stardict 3640 11078 32.9 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
pdfshuffler 41 125 32.8 Chinese Simp xslidian@gmail.com
kproperty 47 145 32.4 Chinese Simplified
scim-pinyin 204 634 32.2 James Su<suzhe@tsinghua.org.cn
eog 2002 6224 32.2 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
edgar 3636 11474 31.7 Chinese (Simplified) zh_CN@li.org
flare-engine 429 1355 31.7 Chinese (https://www.transifex.com/flareorg/teams/84925/zh/)
cairo-dock-plug-ins 3219 10203 31.5 Simplified Chinese tigersoldi@gmail.com
php-horde-Horde-Rpc 15 48 31.2 i18n@lists.horde.org
texinfo 1674 5370 31.2 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
gcc 32859 106789 30.8 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
compiz-plugins-experimental 1390 4565 30.4 Chinese zh_CN@li.org
modem-manager-gui 995 3308 30.1 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/ethereal/modem-manager-gui/language/zh_CN/)
sdcv 34 114 29.8 Simplified Chinese
marble 3332 11442 29.1 Chinese Simplified
iso-codes 6715 23127 29.0 Chinese (simplified) translation-team-zh-cn@lists.sourceforge.net
scim-hangul 62 214 29.0 scim scim@freedesktop.org
avogadro2 132 462 28.6 Simplified Chinese zh_CN@li.org
variety 1188 4195 28.3 Chinese (Simplified) zh_CN@li.org
sugar-toolkit-gtk3 120 426 28.2 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
sflphone 890 3167 28.1 SavoirFaireLinux Inc sflphoneteam@savoirfairelinux.com
libgphoto2 3204 11532 27.8 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
wxMaxima 2570 9311 27.6 amateur
gnome-devel-docs 6790 24615 27.6 Chinese (Simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
mate-system-monitor 2437 8950 27.2 Chinese (China) (https://www.transifex.com/mate/teams/13566/zh_CN/)
gtk-gnutella 4460 16384 27.2 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/gtk-gnutella/gtk-gnutella/language/zh_CN/)
php-horde-Horde-Share 13 48 27.1 i18n@lists.horde.org
mate-applets 10423 38848 26.8 Chinese (China) (https://www.transifex.com/mate/teams/13566/zh_CN/)
xkeyboard-config 998 3736 26.7 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
php-horde-Horde-Kolab-Storage 32 120 26.7 i18n@lists.horde.org
supertux 1537 5960 25.8 Chinese (Mandarin) (http://www.transifex.com/arctic-games/supertux/language/cmn/)
gdesklets 393 1528 25.7 zh_CN i18n-translation@lists.linux.net.cn
aspell 431 1726 25.0 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
lynx 1906 7646 24.9 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
mate-sensors-applet 1105 4460 24.8 Chinese (China) (https://www.transifex.com/mate/teams/13566/zh_CN/)
grub2 1731 7119 24.3 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
kajongg 566 2444 23.2 Chinese Simplified
gtk-doc 2487 10897 22.8 Chinese (China) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
parted 1007 4416 22.8 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
engrampa 3591 15774 22.8 Chinese (China) (https://www.transifex.com/mate/teams/13566/zh_CN/)
python-django-formtools 14 64 21.9 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/django/language/zh_CN/)
heaptrack 262 1206 21.7 Chinese Simplified
menulibre 183 849 21.6 Chinese (Simplified) zh_CN@li.org
dpkg 12449 61566 20.2 Chinese (simplified) debian-l10n-chinese@lists.debian.org
mingw-colord 379 1885 20.1 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/colord/language/zh_CN/)
ibus-table 220 1095 20.1 Chinese (China)
xfe 1171 5954 19.7 zh_CN
hitori 218 1115 19.6 Chinese (China) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
spacefm 1670 8722 19.1 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/spacefm/language/zh_CN/)
arm-none-eabi-binutils-cs 10436 55103 18.9 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
avr-binutils 10436 55103 18.9 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
binutils 10436 55103 18.9 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
cross-binutils 10436 55103 18.9 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
gdb 2127 11264 18.9 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
insight 2127 11264 18.9 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
lekhonee-gnome 21 112 18.8 Chinese fedora-trans-zh@redhat.com
mingw-binutils 10239 55066 18.6 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
kphotoalbum 1753 9448 18.6 Chinese Simplified
geany-plugins 1523 8623 17.7 zh_CN <>
nacl-arm-binutils 9559 54560 17.5 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
avr-gdb 1930 11227 17.2 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
wdiff 168 993 16.9 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
mingw-gdb 1805 10721 16.8 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
kgoldrunner 3749 23556 15.9 Chinese Simplified
trac-accountmanager-plugin 192 1208 15.9 Chinese (China) trac-dev@googlegroups.com
pychess 698 4455 15.7 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/gbtami/pychess/language/zh_CN/)
frescobaldi 2449 15687 15.6 Chinese (simplified) 18n-zh@googlegroups.com
klamav 372 2503 14.9 zh_CN i18n-translation@lists.linux.net.cn
kBuild 75 505 14.9 Chinese (simplified) i18n-translation@lists.linux.net.cn
gpodder 309 2111 14.6 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/gpodder/language/zh_CN/)
NetworkManager-openconnect 468 3241 14.4 Chinese (China) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
sleuthkit 999 6961 14.4 Chinese (China) zh_CN@li.org
libexif 999 6977 14.3 Chinese (China) zh_CN@li.org
isoimagewriter 57 399 14.3 Chinese Simplified
grisbi 1786 12750 14.0 zh_CN LL@li.org
NetworkManager-ssh 39 286 13.6 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
neverball 365 2735 13.3 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/neverball/language/zh_CN/)
libidn2 40 306 13.1 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
xscreensaver 1459 11190 13.0 zh_CN i18n-translation@lists.linux.net.cn
quodlibet 731 5716 12.8 Emfox Zhou EmfoxZhou@gmail.com
xdg-desktop-portal-gtk 22 173 12.7 Chinese (China) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
gimp-gap 1393 11217 12.4 zh_CN i18n-translation@lists.linux.net.cn
LabPlot 1012 8678 11.7 Chinese Simplified
php-horde-Horde-Date 4 36 11.1 i18n@lists.horde.org
sharutils 345 3147 11.0 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
avogadro2-libs 285 2649 10.8 Simplified Chinese zh_CN@li.org
fonts-tweak-tool 21 196 10.7 Chinese (Simplified, China)
input-pad 196 1839 10.7 Chinese (China) trans-zh_cn@lists.fedoraproject.org
freeciv 11088 105652 10.5 zh_CN i18n-translation@linux.net.cn
monodevelop 2410 23298 10.3 Chinese (Simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
rapid-photo-downloader 768 7473 10.3 Chinese (Simplified) zh_CN@li.org
sdcc 935 9119 10.3 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
gourmet 780 7878 9.9 Chinese zh@li.org
system-switch-mail 9 101 8.9 Simplified Chinese zh@li.org
elementary-shortcut-overlay 13 164 7.9 none
php-horde-Horde-Alarm 1 13 7.7 i18n@lists.horde.org
NetworkManager-fortisslvpn 21 274 7.7 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
skrooge 849 11741 7.2 Chinese Simplified
smb4k 457 6557 7.0 Chinese Simplified
mercurial 1591 23680 6.7 Chinese translation team i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
flare 565 8591 6.6 Chinese (https://www.transifex.com/flareorg/teams/84925/zh/)
gimp-help 15808 240780 6.6 Chinese Simplified kde-china@kde.org
lingot 88 1357 6.5 Chinese/Simplified lp-l10n-zh-cn@lists.launchpad.net
grass 12273 199361 6.2 Simplified Chinese translations@grass.itc.it
lilypond 470 8040 5.8 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
publican-fedora 6 107 5.6 en@li.org
widelands 2251 40863 5.5 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/widelands/widelands/language/zh_CN/)
gimp-lqr-plugin 50 928 5.4 zh_CN
openconnect 314 5930 5.3 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/meego/language/zh_CN/)
audex 175 3347 5.2 Chinese Simplified kde-china@kde.org
kcm_systemd 72 1385 5.2 Chinese Simplified kde-china@kde.org
oyranos 2 47 4.3 zh_CN i18n-translation@lists.linux.net.cn
php-horde-Horde-Image 23 581 4.0 i18n@lists.horde.org
ibus-anthy 29 740 3.9 Peng Huang shawn.p.huang@gmail.com
gnome-gmail 7 187 3.7 Chinese (Simplified) zh_CN@li.org
mu 1943 58054 3.3 管宁川John (Guan.NingChuan@Gmail.Com)
po4a 49 1854 2.6 Simplified Chinese debian-l10n-chinese@lists.debian.org
trojita 100 4388 2.3 Chinese Simplified kde-china@kde.org
ibus-typing-booster 40 1778 2.2 Chinese (China)
rkward 769 34404 2.2 Chinese Simplified
php-horde-Horde-Mime-Viewer 1 47 2.1 i18n@lists.horde.org
procps-ng 199 9804 2.0 Chinese (simplified) i18n-zh@googlegroups.com
php-horde-Horde-Argv 1 60 1.7 i18n@lists.horde.org
kxstitch 16 1966 0.8 Chinese kde-china@kde.org
fish 488 98258 0.5
tidy 22 7339 0.3
sssd 84 37379 0.2 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/sssd/language/zh_CN/)
libguestfs 235 217330 0.1 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/libguestfs/language/zh_CN/)
bzr 0 33249 0.0 Chinese (Simplified) zh_CN@li.org
cmake-fedora 0 0 0.0
colord-kde 0 369 0.0 Chinese kde-china@kde.org
dippi 0 794 0.0 none
docker-anaconda-addon 0 27 0.0 Chinese (China)
ephemeral 0 2884 0.0 none
gnome-shell-extension-gsconnect 0 489 0.0 none
gradio 0 309 0.0 none
gwget 0 0 0.0 zh_CN i18n-translation@lists.linux.net.cn
harvey 0 114 0.0 none
ibus-hangul 0 129 0.0 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
ibus-m17n 0 56 0.0 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
ibus-rawcode 0 6 0.0 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
ibus-sayura 0 6 0.0 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
libgxim 0 124 0.0 Chinese (Simplified, China)
libosinfo 0 728 0.0 Chinese (China)
libsmbios 0 2174 0.0 Chinese (simplified)
libvirt-glib 0 153 0.0 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/libvirt-glib/language/zh_CN/)
libvirt-sandbox 0 617 0.0 Chinese (China) trans-zh_cn@lists.fedoraproject.org
mingw-libosinfo 0 728 0.0 Chinese (China)
mingw-libvirt-glib 0 153 0.0 Chinese (China) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/libvirt-glib/language/zh_CN/)
mingw-osinfo-db-tools 0 209 0.0 Chinese (China)
optimizer 0 222 0.0 none
osinfo-db-tools 0 209 0.0 Chinese (China)
pastebinit 0 195 0.0 Chinese (Simplified) zh_CN@li.org
php-horde-Horde-Icalendar 0 3 0.0 i18n@lists.horde.org
php-horde-Horde-Itip 0 56 0.0 i18n@lists.horde.org
php-horde-Horde-SyncMl 0 3 0.0 i18n@lists.horde.org
php-horde-Horde-Token 0 35 0.0 i18n@lists.horde.org
pyhoca-gui 0 1859 0.0 none
retrace-server 0 381 0.0 Chinese (simplified)
sequeler 0 2704 0.0
snapd 0 4307 0.0 Chinese (Simplified) zh_CN@li.org
sugar-connect 0 31 0.0 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
sugar-playgo 0 85 0.0 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
sugar-view-slides 0 7 0.0 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
trytond-account 0 2743 0.0
trytond-account-invoice 0 1028 0.0
trytond-account-invoice-history 0 2 0.0
trytond-account-invoice-line-standalone 0 10 0.0
trytond-account-product 0 296 0.0
trytond-account-statement 0 231 0.0
trytond-account-stock-anglo-saxon 0 74 0.0
trytond-account-stock-continental 0 325 0.0
trytond-analytic-account 0 184 0.0
trytond-analytic-invoice 0 13 0.0
trytond-analytic-purchase 0 22 0.0
trytond-analytic-sale 0 13 0.0
trytond-company 0 118 0.0
trytond-company-work-time 0 18 0.0
trytond-dashboard 0 35 0.0
trytond-ldap-authentication 0 10 0.0
trytond-party 0 268 0.0
trytond-party-siret 0 18 0.0
trytond-product 0 375 0.0
trytond-product-cost-fifo 0 24 0.0
trytond-product-cost-history 0 27 0.0
trytond-product-price-list 0 74 0.0
trytond-project 0 143 0.0
trytond-project-plan 0 83 0.0
trytond-project-revenue 0 12 0.0
trytond-purchase 0 571 0.0
trytond-purchase-invoice-line-standalone 0 51 0.0
trytond-sale 0 536 0.0
trytond-sale-opportunity 0 320 0.0
trytond-sale-price-list 0 5 0.0
trytond-stock 0 1203 0.0
trytond-stock-forecast 0 174 0.0
trytond-stock-inventory-location 0 17 0.0
trytond-stock-product-location 0 23 0.0
trytond-stock-supply 0 147 0.0
trytond-stock-supply-day 0 27 0.0
trytond-timesheet 0 278 0.0

Errors on PO files

Error with polib

We use the po metadata to get the language code and the team, but sometimes it fails, here are the files.

Package Lang from file path/name polib error Team
tidy localize/translations/language_zh_cn.po error-os