po4a - translation progress for f30

The package po4a:

  • represents 25755 source words to be translated
  • is translated into 31 languages in Fedora f30
  • no languages could be deducted for 3 files
Language Translated words Total source words Progress (%) Files
en 98 98 100.0 t/t-05-config/test50.en.po t/t-11-man/fonts.en.po
et 1854 1854 100.0 po/bin/et.po
nl 1854 1854 100.0 po/bin/nl.po
pt_BR 25188 25188 100.0 po/bin/pt_BR.po po/pod/pt_BR.po
sv 1854 1854 100.0 po/bin/sv.po
uk 25188 25188 100.0 po/bin/uk.po po/pod/uk.po
vi 1854 1854 100.0 po/bin/vi.po
fr 25500 25755 99.0 po/bin/fr.po po/pod/fr.po t/t-05-config/test00.fr.po t/t-05-config/test02.fr.po t/t-11-man/dot1.fr.po t/t-11-man/hyphens.translate.fr.po t/t-11-man/hyphens.verbatim.fr.po t/t-11-man/mdoc.fr.po t/t-11-man/mixed.fr.po t/t-11-man/null.fr.po t/t-11-man/quotes.fr.po t/t-11-man/tbl-option-tab.fr.po t/t-14-porefs/counter.fr.po t/t-14-porefs/counter_wrap.fr.po t/t-14-porefs/file.fr.po t/t-14-porefs/file_wrap.fr.po t/t-14-porefs/full.fr.po t/t-14-porefs/full_wrap.fr.po t/t-14-porefs/none.fr.po t/t-19-tex/simple.fr.po
de 25311 25570 99.0 po/bin/de.po po/pod/de.po t/t-05-config/test02.de.po t/t-11-man/macros.de.po t/t-14-porefs/counter.de.po t/t-14-porefs/counter_wrap.de.po t/t-14-porefs/file.de.po t/t-14-porefs/file_wrap.de.po t/t-14-porefs/full.de.po t/t-14-porefs/full_wrap.de.po t/t-14-porefs/none.de.po
id 1749 1854 94.3 po/bin/id.po
cs 1726 1854 93.1 po/bin/cs.po
da 1720 1854 92.8 po/bin/da.po
eo 1720 1854 92.8 po/bin/eo.po
eu 1720 1854 92.8 po/bin/eu.po
sl 1720 1854 92.8 po/bin/sl.po
ja 23062 25200 91.5 po/bin/ja.po po/pod/ja.po t/t-11-man/spaces.ja.po
es 22814 25196 90.5 po/bin/es.po po/pod/es.po t/t-05-config/test02.es.po
pt 22562 25188 89.6 po/bin/pt.po po/pod/pt.po
pl 22198 25188 88.1 po/bin/pl.po po/pod/pl.po
ca 14362 25188 57.0 po/bin/ca.po po/pod/ca.po
it 13544 25238 53.7 po/bin/it.po po/pod/it.po t/t-05-config/test02.it.po t/t-11-man/dot5.it.po t/t-11-man/escapes1.it.po
ru 6687 25188 26.5 po/bin/ru.po po/pod/ru.po
ko 409 1854 22.1 po/bin/ko.po
error 23 124 18.5 t/t-11-man/spaces.fr_latin1.po t/t-11-man/spaces.fr_utf8.po t/t-21-TransTractors/pod.po
hr 308 1854 16.6 po/bin/hr.po
af 180 1854 9.7 po/bin/af.po
kn 139 1854 7.5 po/bin/kn.po
nb_NO 1859 25188 7.4 po/bin/nb.po po/pod/nb.po
zh_Hant_HK 62 1854 3.3 po/bin/zh_HK.po
zh_Hans 49 1854 2.6 po/bin/zh_CN.po
man 0 36 0.0 t/t-21-TransTractors/man.po

Errors on PO files

Errors on language deduction

It were not possible to properly deduct the language code for the following files.

Lang from file path/name Lang from file path/name team from po metadata polib error
t/t-11-man/spaces.fr_latin1.po fr_latin1 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
t/t-11-man/spaces.fr_utf8.po fr_utf8 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
t/t-21-TransTractors/pod.po pod LANGUAGE LL@li.org