Zim - translation progress for f30

The package Zim:

  • represents 2733 source words to be translated
  • is translated into 34 languages in Fedora f30
Language Translated words Total source words Progress (%) Files
da 2733 2733 100.0 translations/da.po
de 2733 2733 100.0 translations/de.po
fr 2733 2733 100.0 translations/fr.po
hu 2733 2733 100.0 translations/hu.po
it 2733 2733 100.0 translations/it.po
ja 2733 2733 100.0 translations/ja.po
nl 2733 2733 100.0 translations/nl.po
am 2627 2733 96.1 translations/am.po
ca 2606 2733 95.4 translations/ca.po
en_GB 2606 2733 95.4 translations/en_GB.po
es 2606 2733 95.4 translations/es.po
eu 2606 2733 95.4 translations/eu.po
pt 2606 2733 95.4 translations/pt.po
pt_BR 2606 2733 95.4 translations/pt_BR.po
ko 2591 2733 94.8 translations/ko.po
zh_Hans 2581 2733 94.4 translations/zh_CN.po
ru 2467 2733 90.3 translations/ru.po
cs 2444 2733 89.4 translations/cs.po
ar 2426 2733 88.8 translations/ar.po
ro 2309 2733 84.5 translations/ro.po
el 2186 2733 80.0 translations/el.po
sv 2171 2733 79.4 translations/sv.po
pl 2011 2733 73.6 translations/pl.po
fi 1948 2733 71.3 translations/fi.po
sl 1946 2733 71.2 translations/sl.po
nb_NO 1932 2733 70.7 translations/nb.po
zh_Hant 1930 2733 70.6 translations/zh_TW.po
tr 1895 2733 69.3 translations/tr.po
he 1797 2733 65.8 translations/he.po
gl 1628 2733 59.6 translations/gl.po
uk 1313 2733 48.0 translations/uk.po
et 1310 2733 47.9 translations/et.po
sk 1064 2733 38.9 translations/sk.po
sr 879 2733 32.2 translations/sr.po