gnome-shell-extension-pomodoro - translation progress for f30

The package gnome-shell-extension-pomodoro:

  • represents 374 source words to be translated
  • is translated into 19 languages in Fedora f30
Language Translated words Total source words Progress (%) Files
ca 282 282 100.0 po/ca.po
cs 258 258 100.0 po/cs.po
de 341 341 100.0 po/de.po
el 258 258 100.0 po/el.po
fa 282 282 100.0 po/fa.po
fr 339 339 100.0 po/fr.po
id 336 336 100.0 po/id.po
it 336 336 100.0 po/it.po
kk 336 336 100.0 po/kk.po
lt 336 336 100.0 po/lt.po
nl 336 336 100.0 po/nl.po
pl 341 341 100.0 po/pl.po
sv 341 341 100.0 po/sv.po
tr 280 280 100.0 po/tr.po
zh_Hans 333 333 100.0 po/zh_CN.po
es 373 374 99.7 po/es.po
pt_BR 255 339 75.2 po/pt_BR.po
ru 165 282 58.5 po/ru.po
hu 26 282 9.2 po/hu.po