gajim - translation progress for f30

The package gajim:

  • represents 10768 source words to be translated
  • is translated into 36 languages in Fedora f30
  • no languages could be deducted for 1 files
Language Translated words Total source words Progress (%) Files
de 10768 10768 100.0 po/de.po
ja 10768 10768 100.0 po/ja.po
nl 10768 10768 100.0 po/nl.po
uk 10768 10768 100.0 po/uk.po
fr 10573 10768 98.2 po/fr.po
nb_NO 9100 10768 84.5 po/nb_NO.po
it 7856 10768 73.0 po/it.po
ru 7392 10768 68.6 po/ru.po
zh_Hans 7105 10768 66.0 po/zh_CN.po
he 6753 10768 62.7 po/he.po
pl 6267 10768 58.2 po/pl.po
zh_Hant 6183 10768 57.4 po/zh_TW.po
es 6093 10768 56.6 po/es.po
kk 6093 10768 56.6 po/kk.po
pt_BR 5961 10768 55.4 po/pt_BR.po
da 5653 10768 52.5 po/da.po
sr 5642 10768 52.4 po/sr.po
en 5557 10768 51.6 po/en_GB.po
hr 5527 10768 51.3 po/hr.po
error 5525 10768 51.3 po/sr@Latn.po
cs 5522 10768 51.3 po/cs.po
sv 5419 10768 50.3 po/sv.po
bg 5060 10768 47.0 po/bg.po
sk 4867 10768 45.2 po/sk.po
hu 3850 10768 35.8 po/hu.po
be 3250 10768 30.2 po/be.po
be_Latn 3250 10768 30.2 po/be@latin.po
eo 3190 10768 29.6 po/eo.po
lt 3184 10768 29.6 po/lt.po
eu 2925 10768 27.2 po/eu.po
gl 2920 10768 27.1 po/gl.po
el 2231 10768 20.7 po/el.po
br 1878 10768 17.4 po/br.po
pt 1801 10768 16.7 po/pt.po
tr 1519 10768 14.1 po/tr.po
ca 821 10768 7.6 po/ca.po

Errors on PO files

Errors on language deduction

It were not possible to properly deduct the language code for the following files.

Lang from file path/name Lang from file path/name team from po metadata polib error
po/sr@Latn.po sr@Latn