gscan2pdf - translation progress for f10

The package gscan2pdf:

  • represents 1247 source words to be translated

  • is translated into 24 languages in Fedora f10

  • polib could not open 3 files to extract metadata

Language Translated words Total source words Progress (%) Files
de 1222 1247 98.0 po/de.po
es 1217 1247 97.6 po/es.po
nb_NO 1195 1247 95.8 po/nb.po
fr 1194 1247 95.7 po/fr.po
sl 1181 1247 94.7 po/sl.po
da 1162 1247 93.2 po/da.po
cs 1141 1247 91.5 po/cs.po
nl 1061 1247 85.1 po/nl.po
sv 1028 1247 82.4 po/sv.po
ru 908 1247 72.8 po/ru.po
it 851 1247 68.2 po/it.po
el 819 1247 65.7 po/el.po
en_GB 689 1247 55.3 po/en_GB.po
pl 540 1247 43.3 po/pl.po
pt 478 1247 38.3 po/pt.po
pt_BR 265 1247 21.3 po/pt_BR.po
hu 228 1247 18.3 po/hu.po
be 193 1247 15.5 po/be.po
zh_Hant 193 1247 15.5 po/zh_TW.po
uk 183 1247 14.7 po/uk.po
bg 177 1247 14.2 po/bg.po
ja 32 1247 2.6 po/ja.po
fa 30 1247 2.4 po/fa.po
tr 13 1247 1.0 po/tr.po

Errors on PO files

Error with polib

We use the po metadata to get the language code and the team, but sometimes it fails, here are the files.

Lang from file path/name Lang code chosen polib error Team
po/cs.po cs error-os
po/es.po es error-os
po/nb.po nb_NO error-os