xfce4-screenshooter-plugin - translation progress for f10

The package xfce4-screenshooter-plugin:

  • represents 94 source words to be translated

  • is translated into 24 languages in Fedora f10

  • contains 1 po stats could not be processes

Language Translated words Total source words Progress (%) Files
cs 94 94 100.0 po/cs.po
de 94 94 100.0 po/de.po
el 94 94 100.0 po/el.po
hu 94 94 100.0 po/hu.po
id 94 94 100.0 po/id.po
nl 64 64 100.0 po/nl.po
pt_BR 94 94 100.0 po/pt_BR.po
pt_PT 64 64 100.0 po/pt_PT.po
uk 94 94 100.0 po/uk.po
fr 91 94 96.8 po/fr.po
es 43 94 45.7 po/es.po
hr 43 94 45.7 po/hr.po
ca 7 94 7.4 po/ca.po
en_GB 7 94 7.4 po/en_GB.po
eu 7 94 7.4 po/eu.po
lv 7 94 7.4 po/lv.po
nb_NO 7 94 7.4 po/nb_NO.po
pl 7 94 7.4 po/pl.po
sq 7 94 7.4 po/sq.po
ur 7 94 7.4 po/ur.po
zh_Hant 7 94 7.4 po/zh_TW.po
gl 5 94 5.3 po/gl.po
ar 0 64 0.0 po/ar.po
da 0 0 0.0 po/da.po

Errors on PO files

Error with calcstats

We use the calcstats from translate toolkit to get the translation progress, but sometimes it fails, here are the files:

Package Lang code chosen Team
po/da.po da Danish xfce-i18n@xfce.org