ur-Urdu (اردو) - translation progress for f10

Spoken in these territories: PK  GB  IN 

Language progress for Urdu (ur) in Fedora f10 is:

  • 9.31% when we only look on started packages for this language.
  • 0.88% when we compare to every single translatable string in Fedora f10.

Possible scripts are: Arab

  • Total translatable string in Fedora f10: 4501236
  • Source words to translate in started packages: 426099
  • Translated words: 39658



Name Translated words Total source words Progress (%) Language teams
exo 1476 1476 100.0 Urdu makki.ma@gmail.com
file-roller 1159 1159 100.0 Urdu makki.ma@gmail.com
libxfce4util 413 413 100.0 Urdu makki.ma@gmail.com
sugar-base 5 5 100.0 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
sugar-browse 52 52 100.0 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
sugar-chat 26 26 100.0 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
sugar-journal 43 43 100.0 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
sugar-log 100 100 100.0 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
sugar-terminal 6 6 100.0 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
sugar-toolkit 59 59 100.0 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
sugar-write 69 69 100.0 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
system-config-keyboard 78 78 100.0 SCS GIFT UNIVERSITY (http://cs.gift.edu.pk) urdu.scs.gift@gmail.com
thunar-volman 370 370 100.0 Urdu makki.ma@gmail.com
xfce-mcs-manager 30 30 100.0 Urdu makki.ma@gmail.com
xfce-utils 119 119 100.0 Urdu makki.ma@gmail.com
xfce4-battery-plugin 123 123 100.0 Urdu makki.ma@gmail.com
xfce4-clipman-plugin 85 85 100.0 Urdu makki.ma@gmail.com
xfce4-cpugraph-plugin 44 44 100.0 Urdu makki.ma@gmail.com
xfce4-datetime-plugin 48 48 100.0 Urdu makki.ma@gmail.com
xfce4-diskperf-plugin 185 185 100.0 Urdu makki.ma@gmail.com
xfce4-genmon-plugin 71 71 100.0 Urdu makki.ma@gmail.com
xfce4-icon-theme 8 8 100.0 Urdu makki.ma@gmail.com
xfce4-mpc-plugin 22 22 100.0 Urdu makki.ma@gmail.com
xfce4-timer-plugin 94 94 100.0 Urdu makki.ma@gmail.com
xfce4-weather-plugin 479 479 100.0 Urdu makki.ma@gmail.com
xfprint 323 323 100.0 Urdu makki.ma@gmail.com
xfwm4 646 646 100.0 urdu makki.ma@gmail.com
Thunar 3743 3802 98.4 urdu makki.ma@gmail.com
Terminal 1419 1450 97.9 urdu makki.ma@gmail.com
sugar 367 376 97.6 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
libxfcegui4 79 81 97.5 Urdu makki.ma@gmai.com
chkconfig 417 430 97.0 SCS GIFT UNIVERSITY (http://cs.gift.edu.pk) urdu.desktop@gmail.com
mousepad 130 135 96.3 Urdu makki.ma@gmail.com
system-config-httpd 816 858 95.1 SCS GIFT UNIVERSITY (http://cs.gift.edu.pk) urdu.scs.gift@gmail.com
xfce4-mount-plugin 283 298 95.0 Urdu makki.ma@gmail.com
poedit 1090 1154 94.5 UrduWeb Localization Team l10n@urduweb.org
system-config-kickstart 975 1054 92.5 SCS GIFT UNIVERSITY (http://cs.gift.edu.pk) urdu.scs.gift@gmail.com
system-config-boot 41 46 89.1 SCS GIFT UNIVERSITY (http://cs.gift.edu.pk) urdu.scs.gift@gmail.com
xfce4-appfinder 41 48 85.4 Urdu makki.ma@gmail.com
redhat-menus 216 261 82.8 SCS GIFT UNIVERSITY (http://cs.gift.edu.pk) urdu.scs.gift@gmail.com
system-config-network 2299 2894 79.4 SCS GIFT UNIVERSITY urdu.scs.gift@gmail.com
pcmanfm 973 1252 77.7 Urdu makki.ma@gmail.com
authconfig 970 1351 71.8 SCS GIFT UNIVERSITY (http://cs.gift.edu.pk) urdu.scs.gift@gmail.com
pidgin 11820 16866 70.1 C-DAC,Gist,Urdu Team / BharateeyaOO.o <info.gist@cdac.in / bharateeyaoo@ncb.ernet.in>
minbar 289 418 69.1 Urdu LL@li.org
xfce4-panel 392 578 67.8 urdu makki.ma@gmail.com
sugar-calculator 362 566 64.0 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
xfce4-taskmanager 38 67 56.7 Urdu makki.ma@gmail.com
anaconda 5029 10416 48.3 SCS GIFT UNIVERSITY (http://cs.gift.edu.pk) urdu.desktop@gmail.com
lxtask 42 91 46.2 Urdu makki.ma@gmail.com
xfce4-dict 81 305 26.6 Urdu makki.ma@gmail.com
xfce4-fsguard-plugin 16 64 25.0 Urdu makki.ma@gmail.com
xfce4-notes-plugin 19 85 22.4 Urdu makki.ma@gmail.com
firstboot 132 604 21.9 SCS GIFT UNIVERSITY (http://cs.gift.edu.pk) urdu.scs.gift@gmail.com
ristretto 29 175 16.6 Urdu makki.ma@gmail.com
libvirt 1233 7558 16.3 none
xfce4-xkb-plugin 6 45 13.3 Urdu makki.ma@gmail.com
xfce4-screenshooter-plugin 7 94 7.4 Urdu makki.ma@gmail.com
gnome-desktop 15 323 4.6 UrduWeb Localization Team l10n@urduweb.org
system-config-date 77 1698 4.5 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
gnomebaker 53 1186 4.5 Urdu urd@li.org
system-config-netboot 10 1103 0.9 none
gtk2 16 12760 0.1 UrduWeb Localization Team l10n@urduweb.org
abiword 0 4705 0.0 Urdu LL@li.org
compiz 0 66 0.0 none
gcompris 0 0 0.0
hwbrowser 0 117 0.0 none
im-chooser 0 152 0.0 none
imsettings 0 849 0.0 none
initscripts 0 3871 0.0 none
kexec-tools 0 132 0.0 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
libgxim 0 130 0.0 none
passwd 0 291 0.0 none
policycoreutils 0 4363 0.0 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
pykickstart 0 284 0.0 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
rhpl 0 185 0.0 none
rhpxl 0 130 0.0 none
setroubleshoot 0 582 0.0 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
setroubleshoot-plugins 0 8276 0.0 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
setuptool 0 60 0.0 none
sos 0 283 0.0 none
specspo 0 305286 0.0 none
switchdesk 0 137 0.0 none
system-config-bind 0 9419 0.0 none
system-config-display 0 398 0.0 none
system-config-firewall 0 2498 0.0 none
system-config-kdump 0 383 0.0 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
system-config-language 0 45 0.0 none
system-config-nfs 0 1517 0.0 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
system-config-rootpassword 0 116 0.0 none
system-config-samba 0 1587 0.0 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
system-config-services 0 1087 0.0 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
system-config-users 0 2391 0.0 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
system-switch-mail 0 134 0.0 none

Errors on PO files

Error with polib

We use the po metadata to get the language code and the team, but sometimes it fails, here are the files.

Package Lang from file path/name polib error Team
gcompris po/ur.po error-os