rt3 - translation progress for f10

The package rt3:

  • represents 9579 source words to be translated

  • is translated into 23 languages in Fedora f10

  • polib could not open 1 files to extract metadata

Language Translated words Total source words Progress (%) Files
en 23 23 100.0 lib/RT/I18N/en.po
fr 7132 7153 99.7 lib/RT/I18N/fr.po
pt_BR 8371 8529 98.1 lib/RT/I18N/pt_br.po
ru 7108 8764 81.1 lib/RT/I18N/ru.po
zh_Hans 6917 9579 72.2 lib/RT/I18N/zh_cn.po
zh_Hant 6904 9565 72.2 lib/RT/I18N/zh_tw.po
da 5662 8374 67.6 lib/RT/I18N/da.po
it 5699 8464 67.3 lib/RT/I18N/it.po
es 5509 8546 64.5 lib/RT/I18N/es.po
cs 4408 7213 61.1 lib/RT/I18N/cs.po
sv 4399 7212 61.0 lib/RT/I18N/sv.po
tr 4361 7233 60.3 lib/RT/I18N/tr.po
de 4271 7247 58.9 lib/RT/I18N/de.po
nl 4812 8222 58.5 lib/RT/I18N/nl.po
pl 4995 8540 58.5 lib/RT/I18N/pl.po
hr 4568 7903 57.8 lib/RT/I18N/hr.po
id 4264 7497 56.9 lib/RT/I18N/id.po
nb_NO 4274 8454 50.6 lib/RT/I18N/no.po
fi 3282 8152 40.3 lib/RT/I18N/fi.po
ja 2315 5928 39.1 lib/RT/I18N/ja.po
hu 2460 7097 34.7 lib/RT/I18N/hu.po
pt_PT 2437 7087 34.4 lib/RT/I18N/pt_pt.po
he 918 7183 12.8 lib/RT/I18N/he.po

Errors on PO files

Error with polib

We use the po metadata to get the language code and the team, but sometimes it fails, here are the files.

Lang from file path/name Lang code chosen polib error Team
lib/RT/I18N/nl.po nl error-os