te-Telugu (తెలుగు) - translation progress for f30

Spoken in these territories: IN 

Language progress for Telugu (te) in Fedora f30 is:

  • 42.33% when we only look on started packages for this language.
  • 4.48% when we compare to every single translatable string in Fedora f30.

Possible scripts are: Telu

  • Total translatable string in Fedora f30: 15217624
  • Source words to translate in started packages: 1612043
  • Translated words: 682362



Name Translated words Total source words Progress (%) Language teams
GConf2 4088 4088 100.0 Telugu en@li.org
NetworkManager-libreswan 139 139 100.0 Telugu en@li.org
NetworkManager-pptp 118 118 100.0 Telugu en@li.org
NetworkManager-sstp 118 118 100.0 Telugu en@li.org
NetworkManager-vpnc 139 139 100.0 Telugu en@li.org
accerciser 627 627 100.0 Telugu indlinux-telugu@lists.sourceforge.net
aisleriot 2307 2307 100.0 Telugu indlinux-telugu@lists.sourceforge.net
alacarte 31 31 100.0 Swecha indlinux-telugu@lists.sourceforge.net
anjuta 7974 7974 100.0 Telugu indlinux-telugu@lists.sourceforge.net
at-spi2-core 122 122 100.0 Telugu te@li.org
atk 398 398 100.0 Telugu en@li.org
baobab 210 210 100.0 Telugu Fedora-trans-te@redhat.com
bijiben 312 312 100.0 Telugu indlinux-telugu@lists.sourceforge.net
caja-actions 3257 3257 100.0 Telugu en@li.org
caribou 171 171 100.0 Telugu indlinux-telugu@lists.sourceforge.net
cheese 613 613 100.0 Telugu kde-i18n-doc@kde.org
cinnamon-control-center 1313 1313 100.0 Telugu en@li.org
cogl 378 378 100.0 Telugu indlinux-telugu@lists.sourceforge.net
dasher 615 615 100.0 Telugu en@li.org
dconf-editor 154 154 100.0 Telugu indlinux-telugu@lists.sourceforge.net
debconf 191 191 100.0
deepin-metacity 2040 2040 100.0 Telugu indlinux-telugu@lists.sourceforge.net
deepin-mutter 1829 1829 100.0 Telugu kde-i18n-doc@kde.org
deepin-terminal 108 108 100.0 Swecha Telugu Localisation Team localisation@swecha.org
devhelp 455 455 100.0 Telugu indlinux-telugu@lists.sourceforge.net
ekiga 4483 4483 100.0 Telugu en@li.org
eog-plugins 153 153 100.0 Telugu indlinux-telugu@lists.sourceforge.net
epiphany 2413 2413 100.0 Telugu Fedora-trans-te@redhat.com
evolution-ews 1165 1165 100.0 American English kde-i18n-doc@kde.org
evolution-mapi 1034 1034 100.0 Telugu en@li.org
evolution-rss 728 728 100.0 Telugu en@li.org
folks 1003 1003 100.0 Telugu kde-i18n-doc@kde.org
gconf-editor 336 336 100.0 Telugu en@li.org
gdk-pixbuf2 1354 1354 100.0 Telugu Fedora-trans-te@redhat.com
ggz-base-libs 5 5 100.0 Swecha Telugu Localisation Team localisation@swecha.org
ggz-gtk-client 447 447 100.0 Swecha Telugu Localisation Team localisation@swecha.org
glib-networking 153 153 100.0 Telugu Indlinux-telugu@lists.sourceforge.net
glib2 5703 5703 100.0 Telugu kde-i18n-doc@kde.org
gnome-backgrounds 30 30 100.0 Telugu kde-i18n-doc@kde.org
gnome-bluetooth 309 309 100.0 Telugu indlinux-telugu@lists.sourceforge.net
gnome-books 460 460 100.0 American English kde-i18n-doc@kde.org
gnome-boxes 950 950 100.0 Telugu kde-i18n-doc@kde.org
gnome-clocks 223 223 100.0 Telugu kde-i18n-doc@kde.org
gnome-color-manager 1792 1792 100.0 Telugu kde-i18n-doc@kde.org
gnome-contacts 405 405 100.0 Telugu kde-i18n-doc@kde.org
gnome-control-center 6259 6259 100.0 Telugu en@li.org
gnome-desktop 351 351 100.0 Telugu en@li.org
gnome-desktop3 146 146 100.0 Telugu indlinux-telugu@lists.sourceforge.net
gnome-dictionary 841 841 100.0 Telugu kde-i18n-doc@kde.org
gnome-disk-utility 3423 3423 100.0 Telugu kde-i18n-doc@kde.org
gnome-doc-utils 251 251 100.0 Telugu Indlinux-telugu@lists.sourceforge.net
gnome-font-viewer 109 109 100.0 Telugu kde-i18n-doc@kde.org
gnome-getting-started-docs 2639 2639 100.0 American English kde-i18n-doc@kde.org
gnome-icon-theme 54 54 100.0 Swecha Telugu Localisation Team localisation@swecha.org
gnome-initial-setup 585 585 100.0 Telugu kde-i18n-doc@kde.org
gnome-keyring 553 553 100.0 Telugu indlinux-telugu@lists.sourceforge.net
gnome-logs 115 115 100.0 Telugu indlinux-telugu@lists.sourceforge.net
gnome-maps 196 196 100.0 Telugu indlinux-telugu@lists.sourceforge.net
gnome-menus 70 70 100.0 Telugu Fedora-trans-te@redhat.com
gnome-music 383 383 100.0 indlinux-telugu@lists.sourceforge.net
gnome-nettool 663 663 100.0 Telugu indlinux-telugu@lists.sourceforge.net
gnome-online-accounts 692 692 100.0 Telugu support@etelugu.org
gnome-packagekit 4390 4390 100.0 Telugu kde-i18n-doc@kde.org
gnome-photos 344 344 100.0 Telugu indlinux-telugu@lists.sourceforge.net
gnome-power-manager 480 480 100.0 Telugu kde-i18n-doc@kde.org
gnome-screensaver 286 286 100.0 Telugu indlinux-telugu@lists.sourceforge.net
gnome-screenshot 354 354 100.0 Telugu Fedora-trans-te@redhat.com
gnome-session 323 323 100.0 Telugu Fedora-trans-te@redhat.com
gnome-settings-daemon 2607 2607 100.0 Telugu Fedora-trans-te@redhat.com
gnome-shell 1485 1485 100.0 American English kde-i18n-doc@kde.org
gnome-shell-extensions 358 358 100.0 Telugu kde-i18n-doc@kde.org
gnome-sound-recorder 223 223 100.0 Telugu indlinux-telugu@lists.sourceforge.net
gnome-system-log 420 420 100.0 Telugu Fedora-trans-te@redhat.com
gnome-system-monitor 1289 1289 100.0 Telugu kde-i18n-doc@kde.org
gnome-terminal 2209 2209 100.0 Telugu kde-i18n-doc@kde.org
gnome-themes 109 109 100.0 Telugu en@li.org
gnome-themes-extra 24 24 100.0 తెలుగు indlinux-telugu@lists.sourceforge.net
gnome-tweaks 110 110 100.0 Telugu indlinux-telugu@lists.sourceforge.net
gnome-user-share 160 160 100.0 Telugu Fedora-trans-te@redhat.com
gnome-vfs2 1508 1508 100.0 Telugu en@li.org
gnome-video-effects 256 256 100.0 Telugu indlinux-telugu@lists.sourceforge.net
gnome-weather 216 216 100.0 indlinux-telugu@lists.sourceforge.net
gnote 3592 3592 100.0 Telugu kde-i18n-doc@kde.org
gpicview 236 236 100.0 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
gtk-vnc 8 8 100.0 Telugu indlinux-telugu@lists.sourceforge.net
gtk2-engines 119 119 100.0 Telugu en@li.org
gtk3 13891 13891 100.0 Telugu kde-i18n-doc@kde.org
gtk4 13891 13891 100.0 Telugu kde-i18n-doc@kde.org
gtksourceview2 1120 1120 100.0 Telugu en@li.org
gucharmap 1205 1205 100.0 Telugu kde-i18n-doc@kde.org
gvfs 2704 2704 100.0 Telugu kde-i18n-doc@kde.org
iok 206 206 100.0 Telugu
json-glib 226 226 100.0 telugu localization@swecha.net
kdump-anaconda-addon 83 83 100.0 Telugu en@li.org
kf5-kjsembed 248 248 100.0 Telugu kde-i18n-doc@kde.org
kf5-kparts 104 104 100.0 Telugu kde-i18n-doc@kde.org
kf5-kpty 15 15 100.0 Telugu kde-i18n-doc@kde.org
libbonobo 543 543 100.0 Telugu en@li.org
libbonoboui 368 368 100.0 Telugu en@li.org
libcryptui 3059 3059 100.0 Telugu en@li.org
libgdata 614 614 100.0 Telugu Fedora-trans-te@redhat.com
libgdl 592 592 100.0 Telugu indlinux-telugu@lists.sourceforge.net
libgnome 1773 1773 100.0 Telugu en@li.org
libgnome-keyring 44 44 100.0 తెలుగు indlinux-telugu@lists.sourceforge.net
libgnomecanvas 378 378 100.0 Telugu en@li.org
libgnomekbd 242 242 100.0 Telugu <indlinux-telugu@lists.sourceforge.net
libgnomeui 1226 1226 100.0 Telugu en@li.org
libgtop2 126 126 100.0 Telugu en@li.org
libgweather 6171 6171 100.0 Telugu kde-i18n-doc@kde.org
libpeas 110 110 100.0 Telugu indlinux-telugu@lists.sourceforge.net
libpwquality 343 343 100.0 American English kde-i18n-doc@kde.org
libsoup 110 110 100.0 Telugu kde-i18n-doc@kde.org
libwnck 1124 1124 100.0 Telugu en@li.org
libwnck3 1086 1086 100.0 Telugu Fedora-trans-te@redhat.com
lxappearance 234 234 100.0 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
lxappearance-obconf 196 196 100.0 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
lxdm 47 47 100.0 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
lxinput 83 83 100.0 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
lxlauncher 58 58 100.0 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
lxmenu-data 97 97 100.0 Swecha Telugu Localisation Team localisation@swecha.org
lxmusic 203 203 100.0 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
lxrandr 167 167 100.0 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
lxshortcut 43 43 100.0 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
lxtask 130 130 100.0 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
mate-icon-theme 4 4 100.0 Telugu (https://www.transifex.com/mate/teams/13566/te/)
mate-menus 97 97 100.0 Telugu (https://www.transifex.com/mate/teams/13566/te/)
metacity 2040 2040 100.0 Telugu indlinux-telugu@lists.sourceforge.net
mingw-GConf2 4088 4088 100.0 Telugu en@li.org
mingw-atk 398 398 100.0 Telugu en@li.org
mingw-gdk-pixbuf 1354 1354 100.0 Telugu Fedora-trans-te@redhat.com
mingw-glib-networking 153 153 100.0 Telugu Indlinux-telugu@lists.sourceforge.net
mingw-glib2 5703 5703 100.0 Telugu kde-i18n-doc@kde.org
mingw-gtk-vnc 8 8 100.0 Telugu indlinux-telugu@lists.sourceforge.net
mingw-gtk3 13891 13891 100.0 Telugu kde-i18n-doc@kde.org
mingw-json-glib 226 226 100.0 telugu localization@swecha.net
mingw-libsoup 110 110 100.0 Telugu kde-i18n-doc@kde.org
mingw-qt5-qtwebkit 2703 2703 100.0 Telugu Fedora-trans-te@redhat.com
mingw-webkitgtk 2715 2715 100.0 Telugu Fedora-trans-te@redhat.com
mingw-webkitgtk3 2715 2715 100.0 Telugu Fedora-trans-te@redhat.com
mousetweaks 114 114 100.0 Telugu indlinux-telugu@lists.sourceforge.net
mozo 42 42 100.0 Telugu (https://www.transifex.com/mate/teams/13566/te/)
muffin 2038 2038 100.0 Telugu indlinux-telugu@lists.sourceforge.net
multimedia-menus 56 56 100.0 Telugu en@li.org
mutter 1829 1829 100.0 Telugu kde-i18n-doc@kde.org
mutter328 1829 1829 100.0 Telugu kde-i18n-doc@kde.org
nautilus-sendto 45 45 100.0 Telugu kde-i18n-doc@kde.org
nemo-extensions 250 250 100.0 Telugu indlinux-telugu@lists.sourceforge.net
newt 4 4 100.0 Telugu en@li.org
notification-daemon 17 17 100.0 తెలుగు indlinux-telugu@lists.sourceforge.net
olpc-switch-desktop 158 158 100.0 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
orca 4091 4091 100.0 Telugu indlinux-telugu@lists.sourceforge.net
pam_krb5 7 7 100.0 Telugu (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/pam_krb5/language/te/)
paprefs 131 131 100.0 Telugu en@li.org
polari 225 225 100.0 Telugu indlinux-telugu@lists.sourceforge.net
polkit-gnome 94 94 100.0 Telugu indlinux-telugu@lists.sourceforge.net
redhat-menus 261 261 100.0 Telugu
rygel 577 577 100.0 Telugu indlinux-telugu@lists.sourceforge.net
seahorse 2412 2412 100.0 Telugu indlinux-telugu@lists.sourceforge.net
setuptool 55 55 100.0 Telugu en@li.org
sound-juicer 1022 1022 100.0 Telugu en@li.org
sugar-base 5 5 100.0 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
sugar-connect 36 36 100.0 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
sugar-jukebox 69 69 100.0 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
sushi 24 24 100.0 Telugu indlinux-telugu@lists.sourceforge.net
system-config-bind 9434 9434 100.0 Telugu en@li.org
system-config-httpd 877 877 100.0 Telugu en@li.org
system-config-keyboard 187 187 100.0 Telugu en@li.org
system-config-rootpassword 116 116 100.0 Telugu en@li.org
system-switch-java 81 81 100.0 Telugu en@li.org
tomboy 3281 3281 100.0 Telugu indlinux-telugu@lists.sourceforge.net
totem-pl-parser 28 28 100.0 Telugu en@li.org
vinagre 1507 1507 100.0 Telugu kde-i18n-doc@kde.org
vino 1228 1228 100.0 Telugu Fedora-trans-te@redhat.com
virt-top 361 361 100.0 Telugu <>
vte 108 108 100.0 Swecha Telugu Localisation Team localisation@swecha.org
vte291 108 108 100.0 Swecha Telugu Localisation Team localisation@swecha.org
webkit2gtk3 1526 1526 100.0 Telugu kde-i18n-doc@kde.org
xdg-user-dirs 28 28 100.0 Telugu Fedora-trans-te@redhat.com
xdg-user-dirs-gtk 81 81 100.0 Telugu en@li.org
xfce4-hardware-monitor-plugin 356 356 100.0 Telugu en@li.org
yelp 452 452 100.0 Telugu kde-i18n-doc@kde.org
yelp-xsl 80 80 100.0 Telugu indlinux-telugu@lists.sourceforge.net
zenity 742 742 100.0 Telugu indlinux-telugu@lists.sourceforge.net
nautilus 6107 6114 99.9 Telugu kde-i18n-doc@kde.org
system-config-firewall 2807 2814 99.8 Telugu en@li.org
usermode 570 573 99.5 Telugu (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/fedora/language/te/)
cinnamon-desktop 231 234 98.7 Telugu indlinux-telugu@lists.sourceforge.net
console-setup 985 1001 98.4 d-i kde-i18n-doc@kde.org
libmateweather 5970 6085 98.1 Telugu (https://www.transifex.com/mate/teams/13566/te/)
volume_key 745 763 97.6 Telugu (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/fedora/language/te/)
seahorse-caja 411 421 97.6 Telugu en@li.org
seahorse-nautilus 411 421 97.6 Telugu en@li.org
glade 4160 4266 97.5 Telugu indlinux-telugu@lists.sourceforge.net
evolution-data-server 5314 5463 97.3 Telugu Fedora-trans-te@redhat.com
transmission 1758 1809 97.2 Telugu te@li.org
cracklib 93 96 96.9 Telugu en@li.org
gtk2 13259 13704 96.8 Telugu en@li.org
mingw-gtk2 13259 13704 96.8 Telugu en@li.org
clutter 2947 3057 96.4 Telugu indlinux-telugu@lists.sourceforge.net
pam 575 597 96.3 Telugu (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/fedora/language/te/)
iso-codes 1788 1861 96.1 Telugu https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/iso-codes/iso-3166-1/te/
system-config-kdump 830 877 94.6 Telugu (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/fedora/language/te/)
authconfig 879 929 94.6 Telugu (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/authconfig/language/te/)
tuxpaint 1504 1591 94.5 Telugu indlinux-telugu@lists.sourceforge.net
system-config-users 1436 1521 94.4 Telugu (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/fedora/language/te/)
kf5-kconfigwidgets 301 321 93.8 Telugu kde-i18n-doc@kde.org
shotwell 4257 4573 93.1 American English kde-i18n-doc@kde.org
pavucontrol 219 237 92.4 Telugu en@li.org
gnome-documents 1379 1510 91.3 Telugu kde-i18n-doc@kde.org
setroubleshoot 577 633 91.2 Telugu (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/fedora/language/te/)
passwd 306 336 91.1 Telugu (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/fedora/language/te/)
imsettings 440 485 90.7 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
file-roller 1387 1530 90.7 Telugu indlinux-telugu@lists.sourceforge.net
chkconfig 503 555 90.6 Telugu (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/fedora/language/te/)
im-chooser 229 254 90.2 Telugu (http://www.transifex.net/projects/p/im-chooser/team/te/)
pidgin 14193 15756 90.1 Telugu (http://www.transifex.com/pidgin/pidgin/language/te/)
steadyflow 423 470 90.0 Telugu te@li.org
garcon 109 122 89.3 Telugu (http://www.transifex.com/xfce/garcon/language/te/)
tuxtype2 71 80 88.8 Telugu en@li.org
kf5-kcmutils 498 563 88.5 Telugu kde-i18n-doc@kde.org
system-config-printer 3046 3450 88.3 Telugu (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/system-config-printer/language/te/)
gimp 14828 16843 88.0 సురవర <>
sugar-toolkit 63 73 86.3 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
rhythmbox 3505 4072 86.1 Telugu indlinux-telugu@lists.sourceforge.net
mate-screensaver 852 993 85.8 Telugu (https://www.transifex.com/mate/teams/13566/te/)
plank 160 189 84.7 Telugu te@li.org
kf5-ktextwidgets 391 462 84.6 Telugu kde-i18n-doc@kde.org
subscription-manager 4796 5722 83.8 Telugu
kf5-kross 82 100 82.0 Telugu kde-i18n-doc@kde.org
gnucash 27795 34158 81.4 NONE
policycoreutils 3618 4497 80.5 Telugu
initscripts 775 972 79.7 Telugu (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/fedora/language/te/)
mate-polkit 96 122 78.7 Telugu (https://www.transifex.com/mate/teams/13566/te/)
marco 3223 4149 77.7 Telugu (https://www.transifex.com/mate/teams/13566/te/)
kf5-knewstuff 535 690 77.5 Telugu kde-i18n-doc@kde.org
tali 321 421 76.2 Telugu indlinux-telugu@lists.sourceforge.net
gnome-abrt 296 396 74.7 Telugu (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/gnome-abrt/language/te/)
sugar-toolkit-gtk3 158 213 74.2 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
gnome-robots 440 597 73.7 Telugu indlinux-telugu@lists.sourceforge.net
sugar-distance 72 99 72.7 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
gnome-software 672 930 72.3 indlinux-telugu@lists.sourceforge.net
elementary-photos 2716 3762 72.2 Telugu (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/shotwell/language/te/)
brasero 5564 7733 72.0 Telugu indlinux-telugu@lists.sourceforge.net
virt-manager 5393 7597 71.0 Telugu (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/virt-manager/language/te/)
thunar-volman 344 491 70.1 Telugu (http://www.transifex.com/xfce/thunar-volman/language/te/)
libuser 996 1437 69.3 Telugu (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/fedora/language/te/)
gcr 468 678 69.0 తెలుగు indlinux-telugu@lists.sourceforge.net
caja 6525 9520 68.5 Telugu (https://www.transifex.com/mate/teams/13566/te/)
PackageKit 877 1282 68.4 Telugu (http://www.transifex.com/freedesktop/packagekit/language/te/)
firewalld 1496 2217 67.5 Telugu (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/firewalld/language/te/)
gnome-chess 917 1390 66.0 Telugu indlinux-telugu@lists.sourceforge.net
lxterminal 132 202 65.3 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
libmatekbd 164 251 65.3 Telugu (https://www.transifex.com/mate/teams/13566/te/)
tumbler 203 312 65.1 Telugu indlinux-telugu@lists.sourceforge.net
libreoffice 64646 99409 65.0 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
quadrapassel 278 428 65.0 Telugu indlinux-telugu@lists.sourceforge.net
avogadro 366 565 64.8 Telugu te@li.org
abrt 2564 3969 64.6 Telugu (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/fedora-abrt/language/te/)
mingw-gtksourceview3 744 1156 64.4 Telugu indlinux-telugu@lists.sourceforge.net
sugar-write 77 121 63.6 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
xed 2919 4613 63.3 Telugu (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/MATE/language/te/)
python-blivet 326 524 62.2 Telugu (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/blivet/language/te/)
mate-session-manager 429 691 62.1 Telugu (https://www.transifex.com/mate/teams/13566/te/)
pulseaudio 2011 3304 60.9 Telugu en@li.org
simple-scan 349 589 59.3 Telugu te@li.org
xreader 957 1641 58.3 Telugu (http://www.transifex.com/mate/MATE/language/te/)
five-or-more 164 282 58.2 Telugu indlinux-telugu@lists.sourceforge.net
mate-panel 3869 6668 58.0 Telugu (https://www.transifex.com/mate/teams/13566/te/)
mate-desktop 1282 2342 54.7 Telugu (https://www.transifex.com/mate/teams/13566/te/)
kf5-kservice 92 170 54.1 Telugu kde-i18n-doc@kde.org
mingw-libvirt 34470 63828 54.0 Telugu (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/libvirt/language/te/)
libvirt 34412 64065 53.7 Telugu (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/libvirt/language/te/)
kf5-khtml 912 1721 53.0 Telugu kde-i18n-doc@kde.org
mate-media 125 236 53.0 Telugu (https://www.transifex.com/mate/teams/13566/te/)
mate-backgrounds 27 51 52.9 Telugu (https://www.transifex.com/mate/teams/13566/te/)
mate-settings-daemon 953 1840 51.8 Telugu (https://www.transifex.com/mate/teams/13566/te/)
publican-jboss 120 232 51.7 Telugu en@li.org
libfm 795 1575 50.5 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
ibus-input-pad 45 90 50.0 Telugu
sugar-paint 53 106 50.0 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
kf5-kxmlgui 787 1602 49.1 Telugu kde-i18n-doc@kde.org
gnome-calculator 1447 2956 49.0 Telugu indlinux-telugu@lists.sourceforge.net
banshee 2888 5958 48.5 Telugu indlinux-telugu@lists.sourceforge.net
virt-viewer 403 835 48.3 Telugu (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/virt-viewer/language/te/)
Thunar 2091 4347 48.1 Telugu (https://www.transifex.com/xfce/teams/16840/te/)
libreport 2390 4987 47.9 Telugu (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/libreport/language/te/)
mate-terminal 3995 8413 47.5 Telugu (https://www.transifex.com/mate/teams/13566/te/)
hamster-time-tracker 765 1639 46.7 Telugu indlinux-telugu@lists.sourceforge.net
mousepad 505 1088 46.4 Telugu (http://www.transifex.com/xfce/xfce-apps/language/te/)
pitivi 737 1603 46.0 Telugu indlinux-telugu@lists.sourceforge.net
evolution 20371 44915 45.4 Telugu indlinux-telugu@lists.sourceforge.net
sos 54 122 44.3 Telugu en@li.org
four-in-a-row 113 256 44.1 Telugu indlinux-telugu@lists.sourceforge.net
sugar-calculator 379 871 43.5 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
ibus 925 2146 43.1 Telugu trans-te@lists.fedoraproject.org
sugar-maze 3 7 42.9 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
setroubleshoot-plugins 2605 6224 41.9 Telugu (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/fedora/language/te/)
gnome-search-tool 1283 3069 41.8 Telugu indlinux-telugu@lists.sourceforge.net
gtk-doc 3028 7277 41.6 Telugu en@li.org
virtaal 580 1433 40.5 e-Telugu Localization Team
synapse 345 856 40.3 Telugu te@li.org
mate-calc 1203 3004 40.0 Telugu (https://www.transifex.com/mate/teams/13566/te/)
glade3 1833 4613 39.7 Telugu en@li.org
exo 576 1454 39.6 Telugu (http://www.transifex.com/xfce/exo/language/te/)
gtranslator 658 1675 39.3 Telugu indlinux-telugu@lists.sourceforge.net
kinfocenter 994 2532 39.3 Telugu en@li.org
gtksourceview3 123 322 38.2 Telugu indlinux-telugu@lists.sourceforge.net
parole 260 682 38.1 Telugu (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/xfce-apps/language/te/)
sugar-log 37 98 37.8 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
xfce4-taskmanager 92 257 35.8 Telugu (http://www.transifex.com/xfce/xfce-apps/language/te/)
libxfce4ui 321 900 35.7 Telugu (http://www.transifex.com/xfce/libxfce4ui/language/te/)
gedit 4112 11548 35.6 Telugu indlinux-telugu@lists.sourceforge.net
xfburn 477 1342 35.5 Telugu (http://www.transifex.com/xfce/xfce-apps/language/te/)
gtksourceview4 109 308 35.4 Telugu indlinux-telugu@lists.sourceforge.net
xfce4-power-manager 267 770 34.7 Telugu (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/xfce/language/te/)
lightdm-gtk 30 87 34.5 Telugu te@li.org
kf5-kdelibs4support 1649 4813 34.3 Telugu en@li.org
gnome-klotski 66 194 34.0 Telugu indlinux-telugu@lists.sourceforge.net
kf5-ki18n 42 124 33.9 Telugu kde-i18n-doc@kde.org
gnome-do 205 612 33.5 Telugu te@li.org
kf5-knotifyconfig 43 129 33.3 Telugu kde-i18n-doc@kde.org
kf5-kinit 44 134 32.8 Telugu kde-i18n-doc@kde.org
gigolo 171 521 32.8 Telugu (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/xfce/language/te/)
ristretto 177 541 32.7 Telugu (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/xfce/language/te/)
swell-foop 87 266 32.7 Telugu indlinux-telugu@lists.sourceforge.net
mate-utils 3286 10155 32.4 Telugu (https://www.transifex.com/mate/teams/13566/te/)
xfdesktop 269 835 32.2 Telugu indlinux-telugu@lists.sourceforge.net
publican 1749 5443 32.1 Telugu en@li.org
network-manager-applet 1414 4403 32.1 Telugu indlinux-telugu@lists.sourceforge.net
initial-setup 33 106 31.1 Telugu (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/initial-setup/language/te/)
gnome-mines 107 344 31.1 Telugu indlinux-telugu@lists.sourceforge.net
anaconda 2419 7811 31.0 Telugu (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/anaconda/language/te/)
sugar-turtleart 448 1459 30.7 LANGUAGE walter@sugarlabs.org
pluma 3851 12838 30.0 Telugu (https://www.transifex.com/mate/teams/13566/te/)
gnome-nibbles 134 447 30.0 Telugu indlinux-telugu@lists.sourceforge.net
xfce4-screenshooter 129 431 29.9 Telugu (http://www.transifex.com/xfce/xfce-apps/language/te/)
mate-power-manager 1550 5247 29.5 Telugu (https://www.transifex.com/mate/teams/13566/te/)
atril 1115 3831 29.1 Telugu (https://www.transifex.com/mate/teams/13566/te/)
gnome-mahjongg 88 304 28.9 Telugu indlinux-telugu@lists.sourceforge.net
lxsession 215 755 28.5 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
xfwm4 246 864 28.5 Telugu indlinux-telugu@lists.sourceforge.net
system-config-language 61 215 28.4 Telugu en@li.org
osmo 502 1771 28.3 Telugu
sugar-imageviewer 16 58 27.6 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
gparted 1884 6864 27.4 Telugu indlinux-telugu@lists.sourceforge.net
eog 1657 6154 26.9 Telugu indlinux-telugu@lists.sourceforge.net
bleachbit 258 972 26.5 Telugu te@li.org
sugar-chat 36 137 26.3 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
plasma-desktop 2391 9103 26.3 Telugu en@li.org
xfce4-panel 452 1723 26.2 Telugu (http://www.transifex.com/xfce/xfce4-panel/language/te/)
mate-control-center 2074 8016 25.9 Telugu (https://www.transifex.com/mate/teams/13566/te/)
sugar-read 35 137 25.5 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
python2-django1.11 864 3443 25.1 Telugu (http://www.transifex.com/django/django/language/te/)
xfce4-appfinder 99 395 25.1 Telugu (http://www.transifex.com/xfce/xfce4-appfinder/language/te/)
totem 1484 5998 24.7 Telugu indlinux-telugu@lists.sourceforge.net
gnome-user-docs 14118 57759 24.4 Telugu kde-i18n-doc@kde.org
python-django 850 3487 24.4 Telugu (http://www.transifex.com/django/django/language/te/)
xfce4-session 260 1069 24.3 Telugu indlinux-telugu@lists.sourceforge.net
clamtk 184 757 24.3 Telugu te@li.org
gnome-tetravex 53 220 24.1 Telugu indlinux-telugu@lists.sourceforge.net
kf5-kdeclarative 26 109 23.9 Telugu kde-i18n-doc@kde.org
cinnamon-translations 3312 13971 23.7 Telugu indlinux-telugu@lists.sourceforge.net
gnomebaker 271 1186 22.8 Telugu te@li.org
xfce4-settings 342 1591 21.5 Telugu (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/xfce/language/te/)
NetworkManager 4990 23790 21.0 Telugu kde-i18n-doc@kde.org
frogr 139 665 20.9 e-తెలుగు స్థానికీకరణ జట్టు
mate-menu 64 316 20.3 Telugu (http://www.transifex.com/mate/MATE/language/te/)
eom 1033 5177 20.0 Telugu (https://www.transifex.com/mate/teams/13566/te/)
evince 1606 8160 19.7 Telugu indlinux-telugu@lists.sourceforge.net
xfconf 88 451 19.5 Telugu indlinux-telugu@lists.sourceforge.net
sugar-record 12 62 19.4 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
sugar 446 2305 19.3 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
kde-cli-tools 401 2105 19.0 Telugu en@li.org
radiotray 24 130 18.5 Telugu (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/radiotray/language/te/)
avogadro2 85 462 18.4 Telugu te@li.org
sugar-memorize 26 142 18.3 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
elementary-videos 26 150 17.3 Telugu te@li.org
caja-extensions 100 584 17.1 Telugu (https://www.transifex.com/mate/teams/13566/te/)
pykickstart 250 1605 15.6 Telugu (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/pykickstart/language/te/)
engrampa 1145 7887 14.5 Telugu (https://www.transifex.com/mate/teams/13566/te/)
lightsoff 14 97 14.4 Telugu indlinux-telugu@lists.sourceforge.net
workrave 179 1321 13.6 e-Telugu Localization Team
switchdesk 16 122 13.1 Telugu en@li.org
NetworkManager-ssh 37 286 12.9 Telugu en@li.org
libguestfs 1352 10478 12.9 Telugu (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/libguestfs/language/te/)
sugar-pippy 35 274 12.8 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
xfce4-terminal 140 1097 12.8 Telugu indlinux-telugu@lists.sourceforge.net
mate-system-monitor 564 4475 12.6 Telugu (https://www.transifex.com/mate/teams/13566/te/)
mate-notification-daemon 17 139 12.2 Telugu (https://www.transifex.com/mate/teams/13566/te/)
NetworkManager-openvpn 125 1049 11.9 Telugu en@li.org
mate-themes 7 60 11.7 Telugu (http://www.transifex.com/mate/MATE/language/te/)
mate-applets 1899 16335 11.6 Telugu (https://www.transifex.com/mate/teams/13566/te/)
sugar-browse 38 334 11.4 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
gcompris 1757 15701 11.2 telugu localization@swecha.net
gedit-plugins 968 8670 11.2 Telugu indlinux-telugu@lists.sourceforge.net
easytag 584 5281 11.1 Telugu indlinux-telugu@lists.sourceforge.net
iagno 35 322 10.9 Telugu indlinux-telugu@lists.sourceforge.net
geary 117 1101 10.6 Telugu (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/geary/language/te/)
soundconverter 39 377 10.3 Telugu te@li.org
terminator 135 1410 9.6 Telugu te@li.org
gbrainy 767 8101 9.5 Telugu indlinux-telugu@lists.sourceforge.net
tracker 291 3199 9.1 Telugu indlinux-telugu@lists.sourceforge.net
tracker-miners 291 3199 9.1 Telugu indlinux-telugu@lists.sourceforge.net
kwin 507 5677 8.9 Telugu en@li.org
system-switch-mail 9 101 8.9 Telugu en@li.org
php-phpmyadmin-sql-parser 20 227 8.8 Telugu https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/phpmyadmin/sql-parser/te/
NetworkManager-l2tp 79 906 8.7 Telugu en@li.org
gnome-dvb-daemon 68 808 8.4 Telugu te@li.org
sugar-fototoon 10 121 8.3 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
rednotebook 87 1147 7.6 Telugu te@li.org
kmenuedit 20 277 7.2 Telugu en@li.org
trac-accountmanager-plugin 85 1208 7.0 Telugu (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/Trac_Plugin-L10N/language/te/)
gnome-sudoku 27 399 6.8 Telugu indlinux-telugu@lists.sourceforge.net
gdm 671 9929 6.8 Telugu indlinux-telugu@lists.sourceforge.net
sflphone 71 1061 6.7 Telugu te@li.org
pmount 42 723 5.8 Telugu te@li.org
sugar-measure 9 155 5.8 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
sugar-terminal 7 121 5.8 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
publican-fedora 6 107 5.6 Telugu en@li.org
isomaster 34 674 5.0 http://littlesvr.ca/ostd/
libmatemixer 12 242 5.0 Telugu (https://www.transifex.com/mate/teams/13566/te/)
plasma-sdk 18 363 5.0 Telugu en@li.org
shutter 137 2927 4.7 Telugu te@li.org
fcitx-table-other 1 24 4.2 Telugu (http://www.transifex.com/fcitx/fcitx/language/te/)
elementary-files 100 2435 4.1 Telugu te@li.org
ksysguard 40 1093 3.7 Telugu en@li.org
plasma-systemsettings 8 224 3.6 Telugu en@li.org
deja-dup 71 2057 3.5 Telugu te@li.org
plasma-workspace 60 1770 3.4 Telugu en@li.org
gphotoframe 43 1319 3.3 e-Telugu Localization Team
asunder 16 495 3.2 http://littlesvr.ca/ostd/
pychess 143 4455 3.2 Telugu (http://www.transifex.com/gbtami/pychess/language/te/)
gnumeric 1124 35046 3.2 Prajasakti Localisation Team localisation@prajasakti.com
exaile 108 4006 2.7 Telugu te@li.org
light-locker 7 260 2.7 Telugu (http://www.transifex.com/the_cavalry/light-locker/language/te/)
gdesklets 41 1528 2.7 Telugu te@li.org
wicd 30 1138 2.6 te LL@li.org
granite 5 199 2.5 Telugu te@li.org
elementary-calculator 2 80 2.5 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
mate-sensors-applet 54 2230 2.4 Telugu (https://www.transifex.com/mate/teams/13566/te/)
jmol 72 3166 2.3 Telugu te@li.org
picard 64 2880 2.2 Telugu (http://www.transifex.com/musicbrainz/musicbrainz/language/te/)
NetworkManager-fortisslvpn 6 274 2.2 Telugu en@li.org
khotkeys 9 438 2.1 Telugu en@li.org
inkscape 680 38214 1.8 e-Telugu Localization Team
rpm 72 4450 1.6 Telugu (http://www.transifex.com/rpm-team/rpm/language/te/)
sparkleshare 6 402 1.5
slick-greeter 3 211 1.4 Telugu te@li.org
manaplus 55 4384 1.3 Telugu (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/manaplus/language/te/)
switchboard-plug-a11y 2 182 1.1 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
NetworkManager-openconnect 34 3241 1.0 Telugu en@li.org
powerdevil 4 399 1.0 Telugu en@li.org
python-meh 1 109 0.9 Telugu (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/python-meh/language/te/)
clementine 47 5127 0.9 Telugu (http://www.transifex.com/davidsansome/clementine/language/te/)
klavaro 16 2004 0.8 Telugu Fedora-trans-te@redhat.com
onboard 13 2318 0.6 Telugu te@li.org
midori 15 3541 0.4 Telugu te@li.org
kf5-kwallet 6 1498 0.4 Telugu en@li.org
elementary-code 3 812 0.4 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
libksysguard 10 2777 0.4 Telugu en@li.org
mate-user-guide 151 44681 0.3 Telugu (https://www.transifex.com/mate/teams/13566/te/)
remmina 7 2324 0.3 Telugu te@li.org
pgadmin3 50 16898 0.3 The pgAdmin Development Team devteam@pgadmin.org
xfce4-weather-plugin 9 3594 0.3 Telugu indlinux-telugu@lists.sourceforge.net
wxPython 5 2457 0.2 Telugu te@li.org
plasma-drkonqi 8 4015 0.2 Telugu en@li.org
libdnf 2 1023 0.2 Telugu
rpm-ostree 2 1023 0.2 Telugu
wine 12 16729 0.1 Telugu
calibre 71 159002 0.0 Telugu (http://www.transifex.com/calibre/calibre/language/te/)
accountsservice 0 59 0.0 Telugu (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/freedesktop/language/te/)
ailurus 0 8446 0.0 none
arduino 0 3093 0.0 Telugu (http://www.transifex.com/mbanzi/arduino-ide-15/language/te/)
blivet-gui 0 815 0.0 Telugu
blueberry 0 141 0.0 Telugu te@li.org
certmonger 0 2831 0.0 Telugu (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/certmonger/language/te/)
deluge 0 2728 0.0 Telugu te@li.org
dippi 0 397 0.0 none
dnf-plugins-extras 0 375 0.0 Telugu
docker-anaconda-addon 0 27 0.0 Telugu
elementary-calendar 0 484 0.0 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
elementary-camera 0 62 0.0 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
elementary-capnet-assist 0 81 0.0 none
elementary-greeter 0 76 0.0 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
elementary-music 0 1137 0.0 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
elementary-screenshot-tool 0 129 0.0 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
elementary-shortcut-overlay 0 82 0.0 none
elementary-terminal 0 177 0.0
entangle 0 953 0.0 Telugu
ephemeral 0 1442 0.0 none
feedreader 0 799 0.0
fonts-tweak-tool 0 196 0.0 Telugu
fprintd 0 419 0.0 Telugu (http://www.transifex.com/freedesktop/fprintd/language/te/)
gtkhtml3 0 0 0.0
harvey 0 57 0.0 none
kf5-kauth 0 73 0.0 Telugu kde-i18n-doc@kde.org
kf5-kcodecs 0 348 0.0 Telugu kde-i18n-doc@kde.org
kf5-kcompletion 0 18 0.0 Telugu kde-i18n-doc@kde.org
kf5-kconfig 0 261 0.0 Telugu en@li.org
kf5-kcoreaddons 0 333 0.0 Telugu kde-i18n-doc@kde.org
kf5-kdesignerplugin 0 54 0.0 Telugu kde-i18n-doc@kde.org
kf5-kdnssd 0 3 0.0 Telugu kde-i18n-doc@kde.org
kf5-kglobalaccel 0 71 0.0 Telugu kde-i18n-doc@kde.org
kf5-kitemviews 0 7 0.0 Telugu kde-i18n-doc@kde.org
kf5-kjobwidgets 0 123 0.0 Telugu kde-i18n-doc@kde.org
kf5-knotifications 0 18 0.0 Telugu kde-i18n-doc@kde.org
kf5-kwidgetsaddons 0 1319 0.0 Telugu kde-i18n-doc@kde.org
kf5-kwindowsystem 0 2 0.0 Telugu kde-i18n-doc@kde.org
kf5-sonnet 0 667 0.0 Telugu kde-i18n-doc@kde.org
libbytesize 0 17 0.0 Telugu
libgxim 0 124 0.0 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
libosinfo 0 728 0.0 Telugu
libvirt-glib 0 153 0.0 Telugu (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/libvirt-glib/language/te/)
libvirt-sandbox 0 617 0.0 Telugu (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/fedora/language/te/)
lightdm 0 163 0.0 Telugu te@li.org
mc 0 4153 0.0 Telugu (http://www.transifex.com/mc/mc/language/te/)
mingw-colord 0 583 0.0 Telugu (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/freedesktop/language/te/)
mingw-libosinfo 0 728 0.0 Telugu
mingw-libvirt-glib 0 153 0.0 Telugu (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/libvirt-glib/language/te/)
mingw-osinfo-db-tools 0 209 0.0 Telugu
mingw-p11-kit 0 476 0.0 Telugu (http://www.transifex.com/freedesktop/p11-kit/language/te/)
optimizer 0 111 0.0 none
osinfo-db-tools 0 209 0.0 Telugu
p11-kit 0 476 0.0 Telugu (http://www.transifex.com/freedesktop/p11-kit/language/te/)
pantheon-agent-geoclue2 0 46 0.0 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
pantheon-agent-polkit 0 20 0.0 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
pidgin-sipe 0 1119 0.0 Telugu (http://www.transifex.com/stefanb/pidgin-sipe/language/te/)
plasma-oxygen 0 621 0.0 Telugu en@li.org
playonlinux 0 2728 0.0 Telugu te@li.org
pyhoca-gui 0 1859 0.0 none
python-fedora 0 214 0.0 Telugu
python-simpleline 0 42 0.0 Telugu
realmd 0 789 0.0 Telugu (http://www.transifex.com/freedesktop/realmd/language/te/)
retrace-server 0 381 0.0 Telugu
sequeler 0 1352 0.0
shared-mime-info 0 1986 0.0 Telugu (http://www.transifex.com/freedesktop/shared-mime-info/language/te/)
sugar-abacus 0 34 0.0 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
sugar-clock 0 66 0.0 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
sugar-deducto 0 109 0.0 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
sugar-finance 0 189 0.0 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
sugar-fractionbounce 0 68 0.0 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
sugar-getiabooks 0 119 0.0 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
sugar-implode 0 77 0.0 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
sugar-infoslicer 0 236 0.0 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
sugar-labyrinth 0 281 0.0 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
sugar-physics 0 48 0.0 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
sugar-playgo 0 85 0.0 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
sugar-portfolio 0 60 0.0 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
sugar-ruler 0 29 0.0 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
sugar-speak 0 227 0.0 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
sugar-stopwatch 0 5 0.0 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
sugar-typing-turtle 0 599 0.0 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
sugar-view-slides 0 7 0.0 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
sugar-visualmatch 0 158 0.0 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
sugar-words 0 3 0.0 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
switchboard 0 61 0.0 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
switchboard-plug-about 0 117 0.0 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
switchboard-plug-applications 0 86 0.0 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
switchboard-plug-bluetooth 0 74 0.0 Telugu te@li.org
switchboard-plug-display 0 126 0.0 Telugu te@li.org
switchboard-plug-keyboard 0 404 0.0
switchboard-plug-mouse-touchpad 0 67 0.0 none
switchboard-plug-networking 0 444 0.0
switchboard-plug-notifications 0 139 0.0 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
switchboard-plug-onlineaccounts 0 160 0.0 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
switchboard-plug-pantheon-shell 0 153 0.0 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
switchboard-plug-printers 0 336 0.0 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
switchboard-plug-sharing 0 130 0.0 none
switchboard-plug-sound 0 131 0.0
system-config-users-docs 0 1061 0.0 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
udisks2 0 1929 0.0
vocal 0 377 0.0 Telugu te@li.org
wingpanel 0 6 0.0 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
wingpanel-applications-menu 0 221 0.0 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
wingpanel-indicator-bluetooth 0 15 0.0 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
wingpanel-indicator-datetime 0 14 0.0 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
wingpanel-indicator-keyboard 0 10 0.0 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
wingpanel-indicator-network 0 76 0.0 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
wingpanel-indicator-nightlight 0 16 0.0
wingpanel-indicator-notifications 0 16 0.0 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
wingpanel-indicator-power 0 93 0.0 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
wingpanel-indicator-session 0 57 0.0 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
wingpanel-indicator-sound 0 14 0.0 LANGUAGE LL@li.org

Errors on PO files

Error with polib

We use the po metadata to get the language code and the team, but sometimes it fails, here are the files.

Package Lang from file path/name polib error Team
gtkhtml3 po/te.po error-os