oc-Occitan (Occitan) - translation progress for f30

Spoken in these territories: ES  FR 

Language progress for Occitan (oc) in Fedora f30 is:

  • 35.12% when we only look on started packages for this language.
  • 4.40% when we compare to every single translatable string in Fedora f30.

Possible scripts are: Latn

  • Total translatable string in Fedora f30: 15217624
  • Source words to translate in started packages: 1908452
  • Translated words: 670154



Name Translated words Total source words Progress (%) Language teams
NetworkManager-pptp 410 410 100.0 Occitan (post 1500) oc@li.org
NetworkManager-sstp 410 410 100.0 Occitan (post 1500) oc@li.org
alacarte 42 42 100.0 Occitan ubuntu-l10n-oci@lists.ubuntu.com
at-spi2-core 10 10 100.0 Tot En Òc
atk 440 440 100.0 Tot En Òc
avahi 868 868 100.0 Tot en òc (totenoc.eu)
bijiben 309 309 100.0 Tot En Òc
brasero 5546 5546 100.0 Tot En Òc
caribou 169 169 100.0 Tot En Òc
cheese 614 614 100.0 Tot En Òc
clutter 3057 3057 100.0 Tot En Òc
cogl 393 393 100.0 Tot En Òc
cups-pk-helper 149 149 100.0 Occitan (post 1500) (http://www.transifex.com/freedesktop/cups-pk-helper/language/oc/)
d-feet 109 109 100.0 Tot En Òc
dconf-editor 2364 2364 100.0 Tot En Òc
deepin-metacity 3798 3798 100.0 Occitan ubuntu-l10n-oci@lists.ubuntu.com
deepin-terminal 31 31 100.0 Tot En Òc
devhelp 383 383 100.0 Tot En Òc
evolution-data-server 7493 7493 100.0 Tot En Òc
file-roller 1198 1198 100.0 Tot En Òc
five-or-more 282 282 100.0 Tot En Òc
folks 1056 1056 100.0 Tot En Òc
four-in-a-row 253 253 100.0 Tot En Òc
fprintd 419 419 100.0 Occitan (post 1500) (http://www.transifex.com/freedesktop/fprintd/language/oc/)
fwupd 99 99 100.0 Occitan (post 1500) (http://www.transifex.com/freedesktop/fwupd/language/oc/)
gcab 159 159 100.0 Tot en òc (totenoc.eu)
gcr 700 700 100.0 Tot En Òc
gdk-pixbuf2 1409 1409 100.0 Tot En Òc
ggz-base-libs 11 11 100.0 Occitan (post 1500) ubuntu-l10n-oci@lists.ubuntu.com
ggz-gtk-client 83 83 100.0 Occitan (post 1500) ubuntu-l10n-oci@lists.ubuntu.com
gigolo 521 521 100.0 Occitan (post 1500) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/xfce/language/oc/)
gitg 2020 2020 100.0 Tot en òc (totenoc.eu)
glib2 6642 6642 100.0 Tot en òc (totenoc.eu)
gnome-backgrounds 31 31 100.0 Tot En Òc
gnome-characters 186 186 100.0 Tot En Òc
gnome-chess 1377 1377 100.0 Tot En Òc
gnome-color-manager 1793 1793 100.0 Tot En Òc
gnome-contacts 433 433 100.0 Tot En Òc
gnome-directory-thumbnailer 85 85 100.0 Tot en òc (totenoc.eu)
gnome-disk-utility 3543 3543 100.0 Tot en òc (totenoc.eu)
gnome-font-viewer 332 332 100.0 Tot En Òc
gnome-initial-setup 848 848 100.0 Tot En Òc
gnome-keyring 509 509 100.0 Tot En Òc
gnome-klotski 191 191 100.0 Tot En Òc
gnome-latex 2313 2313 100.0 Tot en òc (totenoc.eu)
gnome-logs 349 349 100.0 Tot En Òc
gnome-mahjongg 304 304 100.0 Tot En Òc
gnome-maps 1232 1232 100.0 Tot En Òc
gnome-menus 70 70 100.0 Tot En Òc
gnome-music 527 527 100.0 Tot En Òc
gnome-nibbles 389 389 100.0 Tot En Òc
gnome-online-accounts 658 658 100.0 Tot En Òc
gnome-packagekit 3593 3593 100.0 Tot en òc (totenoc.eu)
gnome-photos 448 448 100.0 Tot en òc (totenoc.eu)
gnome-robots 594 594 100.0 Tot En Òc
gnome-screenshot 455 455 100.0 Tot En Òc
gnome-session 299 299 100.0 Tot En Òc
gnome-settings-daemon 2416 2416 100.0 Tot en òc (totenoc.eu)
gnome-shell 1835 1835 100.0 Tot En Òc
gnome-shell-extensions 378 378 100.0 Tot En Òc
gnome-software 3709 3709 100.0 Tot En Òc
gnome-sudoku 390 390 100.0 Tot En Òc
gnome-system-monitor 1396 1396 100.0 Tot En Òc
gnome-taquin 232 232 100.0 Tot En Òc
gnome-terminal 2503 2503 100.0 Tot En Òc
gnome-tetravex 220 220 100.0 Tot En Òc
gnome-themes 109 109 100.0 Occitan ubuntu-l10n-oci@lists.ubuntu.com
gnome-themes-extra 10 10 100.0 Tot En Òc
gnome-todo 654 654 100.0 Tot En Òc
gnome-user-share 52 52 100.0 Tot en òc (totenoc.eu)
gnome-video-effects 256 256 100.0 Tot En Òc
gnome-weather 192 192 100.0 Tot En Òc
grilo 191 191 100.0 Tot En Òc
grilo-plugins 528 528 100.0 Tot En Òc
gtk-vnc 8 8 100.0 Tot en òc (totenoc.eu)
gtkhtml3 522 522 100.0 www.totenoc.eu
gtksourceview4 308 308 100.0 Tot En Òc
iagno 313 313 100.0 Tot En Òc
json-glib 303 303 100.0 Tot En Òc
libappstream-glib 211 211 100.0 Occitan (post 1500) (http://www.transifex.com/freedesktop/appstream-glib/language/oc/)
libgdata 684 684 100.0 Tot en òc (totenoc.eu)
libgdl 600 600 100.0 Tot en òc (totenoc.eu)
libgnome-games-support 43 43 100.0 Tot En Òc
libgnomekbd 187 187 100.0 Occitan ubuntu-l10n-oci@lists.ubuntu.com
libgovirt 102 102 100.0 French gnomefr@traduc.org
libgtop2 126 126 100.0 Tot En Òc
libgweather 6350 6350 100.0 Tot En Òc
libpeas 112 112 100.0 Tot En Òc
libsecret 59 59 100.0 Tot En Òc
libsoup 155 155 100.0 Tot En Òc
libwnck3 1082 1082 100.0 Tot en òc (totenoc.eu)
libxfce4util 424 424 100.0 Occitan (post 1500) (http://www.transifex.com/xfce/libxfce4util/language/oc/)
lightsoff 93 93 100.0 Tot En Òc
mate-icon-theme 4 4 100.0 Occitan (post 1500) (https://www.transifex.com/mate/teams/13566/oc/)
mate-polkit 122 122 100.0 Occitan (post 1500) (https://www.transifex.com/mate/teams/13566/oc/)
mingw-atk 440 440 100.0 Tot En Òc
mingw-glib-networking 157 157 100.0 Tot En Òc
mingw-glib2 7106 7106 100.0 Tot En Òc
mingw-gtk-vnc 8 8 100.0 Tot en òc (totenoc.eu)
mingw-json-glib 303 303 100.0 Tot En Òc
mingw-libgovirt 102 102 100.0 French gnomefr@traduc.org
mingw-libsoup 155 155 100.0 Tot En Òc
mousetweaks 114 114 100.0 Tot En Òc
mozo 42 42 100.0 Occitan (post 1500) (https://www.transifex.com/mate/teams/13566/oc/)
msitools 71 71 100.0 Tot En Òc
nautilus 5622 5622 100.0 Tot En Òc
nautilus-sendto 56 56 100.0 Tot en òc (totenoc.eu)
notification-daemon 17 17 100.0 Tot en òc (totenoc.eu)
orage 2915 2915 100.0 Occitan (post 1500) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/xfce/language/oc/)
orca 5344 5344 100.0 Tot en òc (totenoc.eu)
p11-kit 476 476 100.0 Occitan (post 1500) (http://www.transifex.com/freedesktop/p11-kit/language/oc/)
python-SecretStorage 59 59 100.0 Tot En Òc
quadrapassel 428 428 100.0 Tot En Òc
rygel 1624 1624 100.0 Tot En Òc
shotwell 4466 4466 100.0 Tot En Òc
simple-scan 847 847 100.0 Tot En Òc
sushi 15 15 100.0 Tot En Òc
tali 418 418 100.0 Tot En Òc
thunar-archive-plugin 86 86 100.0 Occitan (post 1500) (http://www.transifex.com/xfce/thunar-plugins/language/oc/)
thunar-media-tags-plugin 156 156 100.0 Occitan (post 1500) (http://www.transifex.com/xfce/thunar-plugins/language/oc/)
thunar-vcs-plugin 595 595 100.0 Occitan (post 1500) (http://www.transifex.com/xfce/thunar-plugins/language/oc/)
thunar-volman 491 491 100.0 Occitan (post 1500) (http://www.transifex.com/xfce/thunar-volman/language/oc/)
totem-pl-parser 29 29 100.0 Tot En Òc
transmission 1809 1809 100.0 Occitan (post 1500) oc@li.org
vinagre 1510 1510 100.0 Tot En Òc
vino 973 973 100.0 Tot En Òc
vte291 31 31 100.0 Tot En Òc
xfce4-battery-plugin 147 147 100.0 Occitan (post 1500) (http://www.transifex.com/xfce/xfce-panel-plugins/language/oc/)
xfce4-datetime-plugin 52 52 100.0 Occitan (post 1500) (http://www.transifex.com/xfce/xfce-panel-plugins/language/oc/)
xfce4-diskperf-plugin 183 183 100.0 Occitan (post 1500) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/xfce/language/oc/)
xfce4-embed-plugin 219 219 100.0 Occitan (post 1500) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/xfce/language/oc/)
xfce4-eyes-plugin 15 15 100.0 Occitan (post 1500) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/xfce/language/oc/)
xfce4-fsguard-plugin 71 71 100.0 Occitan (post 1500) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/xfce/language/oc/)
xfce4-genmon-plugin 56 56 100.0 Occitan (post 1500) (http://www.transifex.com/xfce/xfce-panel-plugins/language/oc/)
xfce4-mpc-plugin 78 78 100.0 Occitan (post 1500) (http://www.transifex.com/xfce/xfce-panel-plugins/language/oc/)
xfce4-netload-plugin 90 90 100.0 Occitan (post 1500) (http://www.transifex.com/xfce/xfce-panel-plugins/language/oc/)
xfce4-notes-plugin 163 163 100.0 Occitan (post 1500) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/xfce/language/oc/)
xfce4-notifyd 98 98 100.0 Occitan (post 1500) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/xfce/language/oc/)
xfce4-places-plugin 160 160 100.0 Occitan (post 1500) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/xfce/language/oc/)
xfce4-smartbookmark-plugin 22 22 100.0 Occitan (post 1500) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/xfce/language/oc/)
xfce4-time-out-plugin 89 89 100.0 Occitan (post 1500) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/xfce/language/oc/)
xfce4-timer-plugin 134 134 100.0 Occitan (post 1500) (http://www.transifex.com/xfce/xfce-panel-plugins/language/oc/)
xfce4-verve-plugin 103 103 100.0 Occitan (post 1500) (http://www.transifex.com/xfce/xfce-panel-plugins/language/oc/)
xfmpc 167 167 100.0 Occitan (post 1500) (http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/xfce/language/oc/)
xfwm4 668 668 100.0 Occitan (post 1500) (http://www.transifex.com/xfce/xfwm4/language/oc/)
yelp-xsl 81 81 100.0 Tot En Òc
libxfce4ui 899 900 99.9 Occitan (post 1500) (http://www.transifex.com/xfce/libxfce4ui/language/oc/)
gtk2 15136 15153 99.9 www.totenoc.eu
mingw-gtk2 15136 15153 99.9 www.totenoc.eu
geary 1598 1601 99.8 Tot En Òc
gsettings-desktop-schemas 5849 5863 99.8 Tot En Òc
shutter 3085 3093 99.7 Occitan (post 1500) oc@li.org
evolution-mapi 1036 1041 99.5 Tot En Òc
deepin-mutter 809 814 99.4 Tot En Òc
mutter 809 814 99.4 Tot En Òc
mutter328 809 814 99.4 Tot En Òc
gtksourceview3 320 322 99.4 Tot En Òc
gnome-commander 8474 8556 99.0 Tot en òc (totenoc.eu)
yelp 442 448 98.7 Tot En Òc
xfce4-weather-plugin 3618 3668 98.6 Occitan (post 1500) (http://www.transifex.com/xfce/xfce-panel-plugins/language/oc/)
hitori 171 174 98.3 Tot En Òc
tracker 3634 3702 98.2 Tot En Òc
tracker-miners 3634 3702 98.2 Tot En Òc
gnome-control-center 5346 5465 97.8 Tot En Òc
frogr 649 664 97.7 Tot En Òc
gnome-mines 332 340 97.6 Tot En Òc
gnome-calendar 645 661 97.6 Tot En Òc
pidgin 15365 15756 97.5 Occitan (post 1500) (http://www.transifex.com/pidgin/pidgin/language/oc/)
xfce4-panel 1679 1723 97.4 Occitan (post 1500) (http://www.transifex.com/xfce/xfce4-panel/language/oc/)
xfconf 446 458 97.4 Occitan (post 1500) (http://www.transifex.com/xfce/xfconf/language/oc/)
gnome-boxes 1048 1077 97.3 Tot En Òc
xfce4-dict 512 527 97.2 Occitan (post 1500) (http://www.transifex.com/xfce/xfce-apps/language/oc/)
libmatekbd 243 251 96.8 Occitan (post 1500) (https://www.transifex.com/mate/teams/13566/oc/)
seahorse 2413 2494 96.8 Tot En Òc
gnome-clocks 259 269 96.3 Tot En Òc
eog-plugins 1611 1675 96.2 Tot En Òc
xfce4-systemload-plugin 70 73 95.9 Occitan (post 1500) (http://www.transifex.com/xfce/xfce-panel-plugins/language/oc/)
xfburn 1280 1342 95.4 Occitan (post 1500) (http://www.transifex.com/xfce/xfce-apps/language/oc/)
epiphany 3593 3773 95.2 Tot En Òc
gtk3 15076 15925 94.7 Tot En Òc
gtk4 15076 15925 94.7 Tot En Òc
mingw-gtk3 15076 15925 94.7 Tot En Òc
tumbler 228 241 94.6 Occitan (post 1500) (http://www.transifex.com/xfce/tumbler/language/oc/)
xfce4-cpufreq-plugin 137 145 94.5 Occitan (post 1500) (http://www.transifex.com/xfce/xfce-panel-plugins/language/oc/)
gnome-bluetooth 349 372 93.8 Tot En Òc
gnome-sound-recorder 257 274 93.8 Tot En Òc
gvfs 2663 2851 93.4 Tot En Òc
slick-greeter 197 211 93.4 Occitan (post 1500) oc@li.org
polari 666 714 93.3 Tot En Òc
xfce4-session 810 869 93.2 Occitan (post 1500) (http://www.transifex.com/xfce/xfce4-session/language/oc/)
metacity 2043 2192 93.2 Tot En Òc
gnome-builder 3782 4098 92.3 Tot En Òc
gimp 26318 28607 92.0 Tot En Òc
mate-themes 55 60 91.7 Occitan (post 1500) (http://www.transifex.com/mate/MATE/language/oc/)
glib-networking 229 250 91.6 Tot En Òc
Thunar 3977 4347 91.5 Occitan (post 1500) (https://www.transifex.com/xfce/teams/16840/oc/)
exo 1329 1454 91.4 Occitan (post 1500) (http://www.transifex.com/xfce/exo/language/oc/)
mingw-gtksourceview3 1051 1156 90.9 Tot En Òc
glabels 2584 2845 90.8 Tot en òc (totenoc.eu)
gnome-multi-writer 350 387 90.4 www.totenoc.eu
gnome-power-manager 436 483 90.3 Tot En Òc
gnome-books 583 646 90.2 Tot En Òc
gnome-documents 583 646 90.2 Tot En Òc
xfce4-settings 1536 1707 90.0 Occitan (post 1500) (http://www.transifex.com/xfce/xfce4-settings/language/oc/)
onboard 2079 2318 89.7 Occitan (post 1500) oc@li.org
shared-mime-info 1781 1986 89.7 Occitan (post 1500) (http://www.transifex.com/freedesktop/shared-mime-info/language/oc/)
garcon 109 122 89.3 Occitan (post 1500) (http://www.transifex.com/xfce/garcon/language/oc/)
gnome-tweaks 564 632 89.2 Tot En Òc
libreoffice 88336 99381 88.9 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
pastebinit 171 195 87.7 Occitan (post 1500) oc@li.org
xfdesktop 860 985 87.3 Occitan (post 1500) (http://www.transifex.com/xfce/xfdesktop/language/oc/)
xfce4-screenshooter 468 548 85.4 Occitan (post 1500) (http://www.transifex.com/xfce/xfce-apps/language/oc/)
mingw-gdk-pixbuf 1168 1372 85.1 Tot En Òc
mousepad 920 1088 84.6 Occitan (post 1500) (http://www.transifex.com/xfce/xfce-apps/language/oc/)
gnome-do 517 612 84.5 Occitan (post 1500) oc@li.org
xfce4-sensors-plugin 302 359 84.1 Occitan (post 1500) (http://www.transifex.com/xfce/xfce-panel-plugins/language/oc/)
mate-menus 81 97 83.5 Occitan (post 1500) (https://www.transifex.com/mate/teams/13566/oc/)
xfce4-clipman-plugin 395 478 82.6 Occitan (post 1500) (http://www.transifex.com/xfce/xfce-panel-plugins/language/oc/)
xfce4-pulseaudio-plugin 104 126 82.5 Occitan (post 1500) (http://www.transifex.com/xfce/xfce-panel-plugins/language/oc/)
xfce4-appfinder 324 395 82.0 Occitan (post 1500) (http://www.transifex.com/xfce/xfce4-appfinder/language/oc/)
gegl03 5922 7220 82.0 Tot En Òc
gegl04 5922 7220 82.0 Tot En Òc
elementary-photos 3075 3762 81.7 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
libgda 9201 11262 81.7 Tot en òc (totenoc.eu)
glade 6956 8527 81.6 Occitan ubuntu-l10n-oci@lists.ubuntu.com
fuse-encfs 1037 1289 80.4 Occitan (post 1500) oc@li.org
lxmenu-data 78 97 80.4 Occitan ubuntu-l10n-oci@lists.ubuntu.com
gnome-icon-theme 16 20 80.0 Occitan ubuntu-l10n-oci@lists.ubuntu.com
marco 3295 4149 79.4 Occitan (post 1500) (https://www.transifex.com/mate/teams/13566/oc/)
poedit 2130 2774 76.8 Occitan
baobab 185 243 76.1 Tot en òc (totenoc.eu)
gnote 2486 3285 75.7 www.totenoc.eu
xfce4-xkb-plugin 35 48 72.9 Occitan (post 1500) (http://www.transifex.com/xfce/xfce-panel-plugins/language/oc/)
caja 6823 9520 71.7 Occitan (post 1500) (https://www.transifex.com/mate/teams/13566/oc/)
kf5-kinit 96 134 71.6 Occitan oc@li.org
kf5-ktextwidgets 329 462 71.2 Occitan oc@li.org
ristretto 541 761 71.1 Occitan (post 1500) (http://www.transifex.com/xfce/xfce-apps/language/oc/)
gimp-gap 11114 15642 71.1 Tot En Òc
gparted 1850 2605 71.0 Tot En Òc
libgnomeui 906 1309 69.2 Occitan ubuntu-l10n-oci@lists.ubuntu.com
gspell 53 78 67.9 Tot En Òc
xfce4-terminal 985 1453 67.8 Occitan (post 1500) (http://www.transifex.com/xfce/xfce-apps/language/oc/)
xfce4-wavelan-plugin 45 67 67.2 Occitan (post 1500) (http://www.transifex.com/xfce/xfce-panel-plugins/language/oc/)
xfce4-taskmanager 171 257 66.5 Occitan (post 1500) (http://www.transifex.com/xfce/xfce-apps/language/oc/)
filezilla 5976 9102 65.7 Tòni Galhard tony.gaillard@supinfo.com
pulseaudio 2206 3543 62.3 Tot En Òc
chrome-gnome-shell 184 308 59.7 Tot en òc (totenoc.eu)
libmatemixer 143 242 59.1 Occitan (post 1500) (https://www.transifex.com/mate/teams/13566/oc/)
subdownloader 570 968 58.9 Occitan (post 1500) oc@li.org
gdesklets 876 1528 57.3 Occitan (post 1500) ubuntu-l10n-oci@lists.ubuntu.com
kf5-khtml 952 1721 55.3 Occitan oc@li.org
atomix 86 156 55.1 www.totenoc.eu
parole 596 1099 54.2 Occitan (post 1500) (http://www.transifex.com/xfce/xfce-apps/language/oc/)
gnumeric 19147 36137 53.0 Occitan ubuntu-l10n-oci@lists.ubuntu.com
evolution 24594 47193 52.1 Occitan ubuntu-l10n-oci@lists.ubuntu.com
rednotebook 597 1147 52.0 Occitan (post 1500) oc@li.org
viewnior 221 425 52.0 Occitan (post 1500) oc@li.org
mate-menu 164 316 51.9 Occitan (post 1500) (http://www.transifex.com/mate/MATE/language/oc/)
kf5-kdoctools 4 8 50.0 Occitan (lengadocian) ubuntu-l10n-oci@lists.ubuntu.com
xfce4-power-manager 499 1017 49.1 Occitan (post 1500) (http://www.transifex.com/xfce/xfce4-power-manager/language/oc/)
evince 1688 3467 48.7 Occitan ubuntu-l10n-oci@lists.ubuntu.com
gtranslator 590 1221 48.3 Occitan (post 1500) ubuntu-l10n-oci@lists.ubuntu.com
tomboy 3358 6958 48.3 Occitan ubuntu-l10n-oci@lists.ubuntu.com
network-manager-applet 2082 4403 47.3 Tot En Òc
meld 1226 2659 46.1 Tot En Òc
pitivi 736 1603 45.9 Tot En Òc
cinnamon-translations 9544 21091 45.3 Occitan (post 1500) oc@li.org
gucharmap 1278 2829 45.2 Occitan ubuntu-l10n-oci@lists.ubuntu.com
rhythmbox 3953 8764 45.1 Occitan ubuntu-l10n-oci@lists.ubuntu.com
sflphone 475 1061 44.8 Occitan (post 1500) oc@li.org
evolution-ews 528 1185 44.6 Tot En Òc
elementary-files 1025 2435 42.1 Occitan (post 1500) oc@li.org
kf5-kparts 43 104 41.3 Occitan oc@li.org
anjuta 8518 20886 40.8 Occitan ubuntu-l10n-oci@lists.ubuntu.com
deluge 1112 2728 40.8 Occitan (post 1500) oc@li.org
exaile 1617 4006 40.4 Occitan (post 1500) oc@li.org
lightdm-gtk 35 87 40.2 Occitan (post 1500) oc@li.org
gnome-dictionary 729 1848 39.4 Occitan ubuntu-l10n-oci@lists.ubuntu.com
synapse 328 856 38.3 Occitan (post 1500) oc@li.org
NetworkManager-libreswan 39 103 37.9 Tot En Òc
xreader 1275 3408 37.4 Occitan ubuntu-l10n-oci@lists.ubuntu.com
gedit 4408 12023 36.7 Occitan ubuntu-l10n-oci@lists.ubuntu.com
easytag 1916 5239 36.6 Tot En Òc
mate-calc 1074 3004 35.8 Occitan (post 1500) (https://www.transifex.com/mate/teams/13566/oc/)
eog 1768 4946 35.7 Occitan ubuntu-l10n-oci@lists.ubuntu.com
mate-backgrounds 18 51 35.3 Occitan (post 1500) (https://www.transifex.com/mate/teams/13566/oc/)
accerciser 748 2131 35.1 Occitan (post 1500) ubuntu-l10n-oci@lists.ubuntu.com
zenity 1125 3216 35.0 Occitan ubuntu-l10n-oci@lists.ubuntu.com
totem 1365 3967 34.4 Occitan ubuntu-l10n-oci@lists.ubuntu.com
elementary-terminal 60 177 33.9 Occitan (post 1500) oc@li.org
nemo-extensions 76 230 33.0 Occitan (post 1500) oc@li.org
mate-media 77 236 32.6 Occitan (post 1500) (https://www.transifex.com/mate/teams/13566/oc/)
remmina 758 2324 32.6 Occitan (post 1500) oc@li.org
deja-dup 1348 4142 32.5 Occitan (post 1500) oc@li.org
libgsf 216 696 31.0 Tot en òc (totenoc.eu)
mingw-libgsf 216 696 31.0 Tot en òc (totenoc.eu)
mate-session-manager 213 691 30.8 Occitan (post 1500) (https://www.transifex.com/mate/teams/13566/oc/)
planner 546 1795 30.4 Occitan ubuntu-l10n-oci@lists.ubuntu.com
kf5-kiconthemes 11 37 29.7 Occitan oc@li.org
mate-system-monitor 1329 4475 29.7 Occitan (post 1500) (https://www.transifex.com/mate/teams/13566/oc/)
NetworkManager-l2tp 256 876 29.2 Occitan (post 1500) oc@li.org
mate-notification-daemon 40 139 28.8 Occitan (post 1500) (https://www.transifex.com/mate/teams/13566/oc/)
fantasdic 113 398 28.4 Occitan (post 1500) ubuntu-l10n-oci@lists.ubuntu.com
skychart 1322 4663 28.4 Occitan (post 1500) oc@li.org
eom 1461 5177 28.2 Occitan (post 1500) (https://www.transifex.com/mate/teams/13566/oc/)
gmpc 414 1478 28.0 Occitan (post 1500) oc@li.org
avogadro 1828 6607 27.7 Occitan (post 1500) oc@li.org
xed 3406 12367 27.5 Occitan ubuntu-l10n-oci@lists.ubuntu.com
pybliographer 264 971 27.2 Occitan ubuntu-l10n-oci@lists.ubuntu.com
avogadro2 125 462 27.1 Occitan (post 1500) oc@li.org
pinta 428 1618 26.5 Occitan (post 1500) oc@li.org
PackageKit 339 1282 26.4 Occitan (post 1500) (http://www.transifex.com/freedesktop/packagekit/language/oc/)
caja-actions 410 1554 26.4 Occitan ubuntu-l10n-oci@lists.ubuntu.com
elementary-videos 39 150 26.0 Occitan (post 1500) oc@li.org
libbonoboui 94 368 25.5 Occitan (post 1500) ubuntu-l10n-oci@lists.ubuntu.com
xdg-user-dirs-gtk 20 81 24.7 Occitan ubuntu-l10n-oci@lists.ubuntu.com
caja-extensions 137 584 23.5 Occitan (post 1500) (https://www.transifex.com/mate/teams/13566/oc/)
seahorse-caja 98 421 23.3 Occitan ubuntu-l10n-oci@lists.ubuntu.com
seahorse-nautilus 98 421 23.3 Occitan ubuntu-l10n-oci@lists.ubuntu.com
homebank 561 2428 23.1 Occitan (post 1500) oc@li.org
whaawmp 183 799 22.9 Occitan (post 1500) oc@li.org
kf5-kconfigwidgets 72 321 22.4 Occitan oc@li.org
gnome-calculator 1789 7977 22.4 Occitan ubuntu-l10n-oci@lists.ubuntu.com
alleyoop 78 351 22.2 Occitan ubuntu-l10n-oci@lists.ubuntu.com
gourmet 870 3939 22.1 Occitan (lengadocian) ubuntu-l10n-oci@lists.ubuntu.com
blueberry 31 141 22.0 Occitan (post 1500) oc@li.org
colord 432 1990 21.7 Occitan (post 1500) (http://www.transifex.com/freedesktop/colord/language/oc/)
kf5-kxmlgui 346 1602 21.6 Occitan oc@li.org
gnome-vfs2 324 1508 21.5 Occitan ubuntu-l10n-oci@lists.ubuntu.com
mate-panel 1410 6668 21.1 Occitan (post 1500) (https://www.transifex.com/mate/teams/13566/oc/)
libgnome 351 1690 20.8 Occitan ubuntu-l10n-oci@lists.ubuntu.com
kf5-ki18n 25 124 20.2 Occitan oc@li.org
swell-foop 312 1566 19.9 Occitan ubuntu-l10n-oci@lists.ubuntu.com
dasher 1407 7218 19.5 Occitan ubuntu-l10n-oci@lists.ubuntu.com
gftp 643 3375 19.1 Occitan ubuntu-l10n-oci@lists.ubuntu.com
kf5-kross 19 100 19.0 Occitan oc@li.org
quassel 1467 7778 18.9 Occitan (post 1500) (http://www.transifex.com/quassel/quassel/language/oc/)
mate-terminal 1586 8413 18.9 Occitan (post 1500) (https://www.transifex.com/mate/teams/13566/oc/)
duplicity 808 4378 18.5 Occitan (post 1500) oc@li.org
pogo 106 576 18.4 Occitan (post 1500) oc@li.org
mate-control-center 1433 8016 17.9 Occitan (post 1500) (https://www.transifex.com/mate/teams/13566/oc/)
gnome-doc-utils 40 238 16.8 Occitan ubuntu-l10n-oci@lists.ubuntu.com
python-caja 1 6 16.7 Occitan (post 1500) (https://www.transifex.com/mate/teams/13566/oc/)
ksig 14 85 16.5 Occitan ubuntu-l10n-oci@lists.ubuntu.com
terminator 223 1410 15.8 Occitan (post 1500) oc@li.org
engrampa 1247 7887 15.8 Occitan (post 1500) (https://www.transifex.com/mate/teams/13566/oc/)
gnome-phone-manager 82 521 15.7 Occitan ubuntu-l10n-oci@lists.ubuntu.com
aisleriot 3141 20089 15.6 Occitan ubuntu-l10n-oci@lists.ubuntu.com
oggconvert 20 132 15.2 Occitan (post 1500) oc@li.org
kf5-knewstuff 103 690 14.9 Occitan oc@li.org
gnome-nettool 157 1069 14.7 Occitan ubuntu-l10n-oci@lists.ubuntu.com
wxPython 355 2457 14.4 Occitan (post 1500) oc@li.org
gtk2-engines 14 99 14.1 Occitan ubuntu-l10n-oci@lists.ubuntu.com
gbrainy 1116 8039 13.9 Occitan (post 1500) oc@li.org
picard 806 6057 13.3 Occitan (post 1500) (http://www.transifex.com/musicbrainz/musicbrainz/language/oc/)
NetworkManager-fortisslvpn 36 274 13.1 Occitan (post 1500) oc@li.org
mate-screensaver 130 993 13.1 Occitan (post 1500) (https://www.transifex.com/mate/teams/13566/oc/)
pan 407 3168 12.8 Occitan ubuntu-l10n-oci@lists.ubuntu.com
banshee 400 3190 12.5 Occitan ubuntu-l10n-oci@lists.ubuntu.com
mate-applets 2027 16335 12.4 Occitan (post 1500) (https://www.transifex.com/mate/teams/13566/oc/)
gedit-plugins 1069 8684 12.3 Occitan ubuntu-l10n-oci@lists.ubuntu.com
libwnck 137 1124 12.2 Occitan ubuntu-l10n-oci@lists.ubuntu.com
mate-desktop 284 2342 12.1 Occitan (post 1500) (https://www.transifex.com/mate/teams/13566/oc/)
gwget 65 545 11.9 Occitan ubuntu-l10n-oci@lists.ubuntu.com
pychess 502 4455 11.3 Occitan (post 1500) (http://www.transifex.com/gbtami/pychess/language/oc/)
kf5-kdeclarative 12 109 11.0 Occitan oc@li.org
tuxmath 155 1455 10.7 Occitan (post 1500) oc@li.org
sound-juicer 620 6077 10.2 Occitan ubuntu-l10n-oci@lists.ubuntu.com
jmol 320 3166 10.1 Occitan (post 1500) oc@li.org
rabbitvcs 150 1524 9.8 Occitan (post 1500) oc@li.org
gnome-search-tool 310 3179 9.8 Occitan ubuntu-l10n-oci@lists.ubuntu.com
gnome-mud 110 1161 9.5 Occitan ubuntu-l10n-oci@lists.ubuntu.com
libcryptui 275 2929 9.4 Occitan ubuntu-l10n-oci@lists.ubuntu.com
kmenuedit 25 277 9.0 Occitan (lengadocian) ubuntu-l10n-oci@lists.ubuntu.com
gnome-screensaver 87 966 9.0 Occitan ubuntu-l10n-oci@lists.ubuntu.com
glade3 444 4995 8.9 Occitan ubuntu-l10n-oci@lists.ubuntu.com
atril 334 3831 8.7 Occitan (post 1500) (https://www.transifex.com/mate/teams/13566/oc/)
dia 544 6255 8.7 Occitan ubuntu-l10n-oci@lists.ubuntu.com
gtksourceview2 86 994 8.7 Occitan ubuntu-l10n-oci@lists.ubuntu.com
nemiver 236 2754 8.6 Occitan ubuntu-l10n-oci@lists.ubuntu.com
glade2 502 5910 8.5 Occitan ubuntu-l10n-oci@lists.ubuntu.com
mate-settings-daemon 154 1840 8.4 Occitan (post 1500) (https://www.transifex.com/mate/teams/13566/oc/)
ksysguard 91 1093 8.3 Occitan (lengadocian) ubuntu-l10n-oci@lists.ubuntu.com
gcompris 853 10249 8.3 Occitan ubuntu-l10n-oci@lists.ubuntu.com
ghex 259 3148 8.2 Occitan ubuntu-l10n-oci@lists.ubuntu.com
xfce4-hardware-monitor-plugin 29 356 8.1 Occitan ubuntu-l10n-oci@lists.ubuntu.com
libmateweather 554 6889 8.0 Occitan (post 1500) (https://www.transifex.com/mate/teams/13566/oc/)
avogadro2-libs 207 2649 7.8 Occitan (post 1500) oc@li.org
libgnomecanvas 29 378 7.7 Occitan ubuntu-l10n-oci@lists.ubuntu.com
gconf-editor 214 2837 7.5 Occitan ubuntu-l10n-oci@lists.ubuntu.com
kjots 30 399 7.5 Occitan (lengadocian) ubuntu-l10n-oci@lists.ubuntu.com
vte 8 108 7.4 Occitan ubuntu-l10n-oci@lists.ubuntu.com
calibre 11471 159002 7.2 Occitan (post 1500) (http://www.transifex.com/calibre/calibre/language/oc/)
kiconedit 51 726 7.0 Occitan (lengadocian) ubuntu-l10n-oci@lists.ubuntu.com
mate-utils 687 10155 6.8 Occitan (post 1500) (https://www.transifex.com/mate/teams/13566/oc/)
gthumb 783 11776 6.6 Occitan ubuntu-l10n-oci@lists.ubuntu.com
balsa 395 5966 6.6 Occitan ubuntu-l10n-oci@lists.ubuntu.com
plasma-sdk 16 242 6.6 Occitan oc@li.org
gnome-subtitles 161 2456 6.6 Occitan ubuntu-l10n-oci@lists.ubuntu.com
plasma-workspace 74 1201 6.2 Occitan (lengadocian) ubuntu-l10n-oci@lists.ubuntu.com
kf5-kservice 10 170 5.9 Occitan oc@li.org
iso-codes 1326 23127 5.7 Occitan>
pluma 725 12838 5.6 Occitan (post 1500) (https://www.transifex.com/mate/teams/13566/oc/)
plasma-desktop 447 8181 5.5 Occitan (lengadocian) ubuntu-l10n-oci@lists.ubuntu.com
audacity 879 16591 5.3 Occitan ubuntu-l10n-oci@lists.ubuntu.com
tuxpaint 84 1591 5.3 Occitan (post 1500) oc@li.org
kinfocenter 63 1203 5.2 Occitan (lengadocian) ubuntu-l10n-oci@lists.ubuntu.com
okteta 131 2504 5.2 Occitan (lengadocian) ubuntu-l10n-oci@lists.ubuntu.com
almanah 17 333 5.1 GNOME French Team gnomefr@traduc.org
muffin 410 8049 5.1 Occitan ubuntu-l10n-oci@lists.ubuntu.com
kf5-kdelibs4support 238 4813 4.9 Occitan oc@li.org
GConf2 188 3955 4.8 Occitan ubuntu-l10n-oci@lists.ubuntu.com
mingw-GConf2 188 3955 4.8 Occitan ubuntu-l10n-oci@lists.ubuntu.com
kde-cli-tools 99 2105 4.7 Occitan (lengadocian) ubuntu-l10n-oci@lists.ubuntu.com
kcoloredit 13 278 4.7 Occitan (lengadocian) ubuntu-l10n-oci@lists.ubuntu.com
kf5-kcmutils 26 563 4.6 Occitan oc@li.org
goffice08 206 4599 4.5 Occitan (post 1500) ubuntu-l10n-oci@lists.ubuntu.com
clementine 223 5127 4.3 Occitan (post 1500) (http://www.transifex.com/davidsansome/clementine/language/oc/)
kaudiocreator 49 1136 4.3 Occitan (lengadocian) ubuntu-l10n-oci@lists.ubuntu.com
gnome-system-log 76 1762 4.3 Occitan ubuntu-l10n-oci@lists.ubuntu.com
ailurus 312 7417 4.2 none
kgamma 5 130 3.8 Occitan (lengadocian) ubuntu-l10n-oci@lists.ubuntu.com
gnome-desktop 370 9859 3.8 Occitan (post 1500) ubuntu-l10n-oci@lists.ubuntu.com
khotkeys 16 438 3.7 Occitan (lengadocian) ubuntu-l10n-oci@lists.ubuntu.com
ldm 2 55 3.6 Occitan (post 1500) oc@li.org
plasma-systemsettings 8 224 3.6 Occitan oc@li.org
isomaster 24 674 3.6 http://littlesvr.ca/ostd/
glom 209 6208 3.4 Occitan ubuntu-l10n-oci@lists.ubuntu.com
calligra 1122 33991 3.3 Occitan (lengadocian) ubuntu-l10n-oci@lists.ubuntu.com
playonlinux 89 2728 3.3 Occitan (post 1500) oc@li.org
goffice 185 6201 3.0 Occitan (post 1500) ubuntu-l10n-oci@lists.ubuntu.com
asunder 14 495 2.8 http://littlesvr.ca/ostd/
gscan2pdf 49 1857 2.6 Occitan (post 1500) oc@li.org
gnome-desktop3 237 9722 2.4 Occitan (post 1500) ubuntu-l10n-oci@lists.ubuntu.com
appstream 22 903 2.4 Occitan (post 1500) (http://www.transifex.com/freedesktop/appstream/language/oc/)
kf5-knotifyconfig 3 129 2.3 Occitan oc@li.org
kexi 168 7311 2.3 Occitan oc@li.org
rsibreak 26 1175 2.2 Occitan (lengadocian) ubuntu-l10n-oci@lists.ubuntu.com
ekiga 211 9652 2.2 Occitan ubuntu-l10n-oci@lists.ubuntu.com
mate-power-manager 110 5247 2.1 Occitan (post 1500) (https://www.transifex.com/mate/teams/13566/oc/)
gdm 634 31038 2.0 Occitan (post 1500) ubuntu-l10n-oci@lists.ubuntu.com
kdevelop 14 694 2.0 Occitan (lengadocian) ubuntu-l10n-oci@lists.ubuntu.com
ktorrent 152 7538 2.0 Occitan (lengadocian) ubuntu-l10n-oci@lists.ubuntu.com
NetworkManager 474 23790 2.0 Tot en òc (totenoc.eu)
kf5-ktexteditor 162 8328 1.9 Occitan (lengadocian) ubuntu-l10n-oci@lists.ubuntu.com
cairo-dock 145 7464 1.9 Occitan (post 1500) oc@li.org
mate-sensors-applet 42 2230 1.9 Occitan (post 1500) (https://www.transifex.com/mate/teams/13566/oc/)
kwin 104 5677 1.8 Occitan (lengadocian) ubuntu-l10n-oci@lists.ubuntu.com
kf5-libktorrent 8 471 1.7 Occitan (lengadocian) ubuntu-l10n-oci@lists.ubuntu.com
gnomint 72 4412 1.6 Occitan (post 1500) oc@li.org
calligraplan 144 9024 1.6 Occitan (lengadocian) ubuntu-l10n-oci@lists.ubuntu.com
libktorrent 8 519 1.5 Occitan (lengadocian) ubuntu-l10n-oci@lists.ubuntu.com
light-locker 4 260 1.5 Occitan (post 1500) (http://www.transifex.com/the_cavalry/light-locker/language/oc/)
libbonobo 8 543 1.5 Occitan ubuntu-l10n-oci@lists.ubuntu.com
gnome-devel-docs 139 10715 1.3 Occitan ubuntu-l10n-oci@lists.ubuntu.com
cinnamon-desktop 3 234 1.3 Occitan ubuntu-l10n-oci@lists.ubuntu.com
kf5-kio 153 12186 1.3 Occitan oc@li.org
byzanz 3 249 1.2 Occitan ubuntu-l10n-oci@lists.ubuntu.com
tuxpaint-stamps 39 3271 1.2 Occitan (post 1500) oc@li.org
elementary-code 9 812 1.1 Occitan (post 1500) oc@li.org
tortoisehg 140 13143 1.1 Occitan (post 1500) oc@li.org
krita 247 25554 1.0 Occitan (lengadocian) ubuntu-l10n-oci@lists.ubuntu.com
rapid-photo-downloader 71 7473 1.0 Occitan (post 1500) oc@li.org
genius 59 6602 0.9 Occitan ubuntu-l10n-oci@lists.ubuntu.com
mate-user-guide 371 44681 0.8 Occitan (post 1500) (https://www.transifex.com/mate/teams/13566/oc/)
snapd 33 4307 0.8 Occitan (post 1500) oc@li.org
sawfish 46 6443 0.7 Occitan (post 1500) ubuntu-l10n-oci@lists.ubuntu.com
kpilot 43 7156 0.6 Occitan (lengadocian) ubuntu-l10n-oci@lists.ubuntu.com
widelands 195 40863 0.5 Occitan (post 1500) (http://www.transifex.com/widelands/widelands/language/oc/)
libksysguard 11 2770 0.4 Occitan (lengadocian) ubuntu-l10n-oci@lists.ubuntu.com
kstars 212 56712 0.4 Occitan (lengadocian) ubuntu-l10n-oci@lists.ubuntu.com
fwbackups 11 3498 0.3 Occitan (post 1500) (http://www.transifex.com/Magic/fwbackups/language/oc/)
aria2 10 7486 0.1 Occitan (post 1500) oc@li.org
plasma-drkonqi 4 4015 0.1 Occitan (lengadocian) ubuntu-l10n-oci@lists.ubuntu.com
digikam 24 46391 0.1 Occitan (lengadocian) ubuntu-l10n-oci@lists.ubuntu.com
bzr 0 33249 0.0 Occitan (post 1500) oc@li.org
dippi 0 397 0.0 none
elementary-calculator 0 80 0.0 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
elementary-calendar 0 484 0.0 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
elementary-camera 0 62 0.0
elementary-capnet-assist 0 81 0.0 none
elementary-greeter 0 76 0.0
elementary-music 0 1137 0.0 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
elementary-screenshot-tool 0 129 0.0 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
elementary-shortcut-overlay 0 82 0.0 none
ephemeral 0 1442 0.0 none
granite 0 199 0.0
harvey 0 57 0.0 none
kf5-kauth 0 73 0.0 Occitan oc@li.org
kf5-kbookmarks 0 230 0.0 Occitan oc@li.org
kf5-kcodecs 0 348 0.0 Occitan oc@li.org
kf5-kcompletion 0 18 0.0 Occitan oc@li.org
kf5-kcoreaddons 0 333 0.0 Occitan oc@li.org
kf5-kdesignerplugin 0 54 0.0 Occitan oc@li.org
kf5-kdnssd 0 3 0.0 Occitan oc@li.org
kf5-kglobalaccel 0 71 0.0 Occitan oc@li.org
kf5-kitemviews 0 7 0.0 Occitan oc@li.org
kf5-kjobwidgets 0 123 0.0 Occitan oc@li.org
kf5-kjsembed 0 248 0.0 Occitan oc@li.org
kf5-knotifications 0 18 0.0 Occitan oc@li.org
kf5-kpty 0 15 0.0 Occitan oc@li.org
kf5-kwidgetsaddons 0 1319 0.0 Occitan oc@li.org
kf5-kwindowsystem 0 2 0.0 Occitan oc@li.org
kf5-sonnet 0 667 0.0 Occitan oc@li.org
kf5-syntax-highlighting 0 512 0.0 Occitan (lengadocian) ubuntu-l10n-oci@lists.ubuntu.com
kreport 0 470 0.0 Occitan (lengadocian) ubuntu-l10n-oci@lists.ubuntu.com
libkfbapi 0 42 0.0 Occitan (lengadocian) ubuntu-l10n-oci@lists.ubuntu.com
lightdm 0 163 0.0 Occitan (post 1500) oc@li.org
mingw-p11-kit 0 476 0.0 Occitan (post 1500) (http://www.transifex.com/freedesktop/p11-kit/language/oc/)
nautilus-pastebin 0 67 0.0 Occitan (post 1500) oc@li.org
optimizer 0 111 0.0 none
pantheon-agent-geoclue2 0 46 0.0 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
pantheon-agent-polkit 0 20 0.0 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
pyhoca-gui 0 1859 0.0 none
realmd 0 789 0.0 Occitan (post 1500) (http://www.transifex.com/freedesktop/realmd/language/oc/)
sequeler 0 1352 0.0
sugar 0 2305 0.0 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
sugar-toolkit-gtk3 0 213 0.0 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
switchboard 0 61 0.0 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
switchboard-plug-a11y 0 182 0.0 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
switchboard-plug-about 0 117 0.0 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
switchboard-plug-applications 0 86 0.0 none
switchboard-plug-bluetooth 0 74 0.0 none
switchboard-plug-display 0 126 0.0 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
switchboard-plug-keyboard 0 404 0.0 none
switchboard-plug-mouse-touchpad 0 67 0.0 none
switchboard-plug-networking 0 444 0.0
switchboard-plug-notifications 0 139 0.0 none
switchboard-plug-onlineaccounts 0 160 0.0 none
switchboard-plug-pantheon-shell 0 153 0.0
switchboard-plug-printers 0 336 0.0 LANGUAGE LL@li.org
switchboard-plug-sharing 0 130 0.0 none
switchboard-plug-sound 0 131 0.0
udisks2 0 1929 0.0
vocal 0 377 0.0 Occitan (post 1500) oc@li.org
wingpanel 0 6 0.0 none
wingpanel-applications-menu 0 221 0.0
wingpanel-indicator-bluetooth 0 15 0.0 none
wingpanel-indicator-datetime 0 14 0.0
wingpanel-indicator-keyboard 0 10 0.0
wingpanel-indicator-network 0 76 0.0 none
wingpanel-indicator-nightlight 0 16 0.0
wingpanel-indicator-notifications 0 16 0.0 none
wingpanel-indicator-power 0 93 0.0 none
wingpanel-indicator-session 0 57 0.0 none
wingpanel-indicator-sound 0 14 0.0 none