es_CO-Spanish (Colombia) (Español (Colombia)) - translation progress for f20

Spoken in these territories: CO 

Language progress for Spanish (Colombia) (es_CO) in Fedora f20 is:

  • 71.10% when we only look on started packages for this language.
  • 0.37% when we compare to every single translatable string in Fedora f20.

Possible scripts are: Latn

  • Total translatable string in Fedora f20: 11435995
  • Source words to translate in started packages: 58887
  • Translated words: 41871



Name Translated words Total source words Progress (%) Language teams
trytond-account-invoice 1006 1006 100.0
trytond-account-invoice-history 2 2 100.0
trytond-account-invoice-line-standalone 24 24 100.0
trytond-account-product 202 202 100.0
trytond-account-statement 179 179 100.0
trytond-analytic-account 193 193 100.0
trytond-analytic-invoice 2 2 100.0
trytond-analytic-purchase 162 162 100.0
trytond-analytic-sale 2 2 100.0
trytond-calendar 490 490 100.0
trytond-calendar-classification 2 2 100.0
trytond-calendar-scheduling 100 100 100.0
trytond-calendar-todo 203 203 100.0
trytond-company-work-time 18 18 100.0
trytond-country 6997 6997 100.0
trytond-currency 469 469 100.0
trytond-google-maps 2 2 100.0
trytond-ldap-authentication 36 36 100.0
trytond-ldap-connection 64 64 100.0
trytond-party 301 301 100.0
trytond-party-siret 10 10 100.0
trytond-party-vcarddav 14 14 100.0
trytond-product 322 322 100.0
trytond-product-cost-fifo 23 23 100.0
trytond-product-cost-history 26 26 100.0
trytond-product-price-list 68 68 100.0
trytond-project 86 86 100.0
trytond-project-revenue 64 64 100.0
trytond-purchase-invoice-line-standalone 53 53 100.0
trytond-sale 568 568 100.0
trytond-sale-opportunity 347 347 100.0
trytond-sale-price-list 5 5 100.0
trytond-stock-forecast 174 174 100.0
trytond-stock-location-sequence 1 1 100.0
trytond-stock-supply-day 29 29 100.0
trytond-timesheet 256 256 100.0
trytond-stock 1261 1264 99.8
trytond 2672 2683 99.6
trytond-account 2313 2327 99.4
glpi 9371 9435 99.3 Spanish (Colombia) (
trytond-stock-supply 237 239 99.2
trytond-purchase 621 635 97.8
libgweather 447 460 97.2 Spanish
trytond-company 128 132 97.0
trytond-dashboard 38 40 95.0
trytond-project-plan 91 97 93.8
trytond-stock-product-location 27 29 93.1
mate-applets 2555 3299 77.4 LANGUAGE
libmateweather 361 487 74.1 LANGUAGE
gnomebaker 757 1186 63.8 Spanish (Colombia)
xfe 3357 5503 61.0 Spanish
trytond-account-stock-continental 124 207 59.9
xnoise 530 1049 50.5 fsistemas
python-django-helpdesk 1138 3242 35.1 Spanish (Colombia) (
csound 3339 14010 23.8
trytond-stock-inventory-location 4 17 23.5
openerp 0 0 0.0 Spanish (Colombia)
trytond-account-stock-anglo-saxon 0 46 0.0