es_CL-Spanish (Chile) (Español (Chile)) - translation progress for f20

Spoken in these territories: CL 

Language progress for Spanish (Chile) (es_CL) in Fedora f20 is:

  • 27.90% when we only look on started packages for this language.
  • 0.12% when we compare to every single translatable string in Fedora f20.

Possible scripts are: Latn

  • Total translatable string in Fedora f20: 11435995
  • Source words to translate in started packages: 47195
  • Translated words: 13168



Name Translated words Total source words Progress (%) Language teams
libmatekeyring 44 44 100.0 Spanish (Chile) (
mate-file-manager-image-converter 74 74 100.0 Spanish (Chile) (
mate-menu-editor 42 42 100.0 Spanish (Chile) (
mate-notification-daemon 114 116 98.3 Spanish (Chile) (
libgweather 447 460 97.2 Spanish
rabbitvcs 859 931 92.3 Spanish
python-kiwi 208 230 90.4 Español/Chile
mate-applets 2647 3299 80.2 Spanish (Chile) (
libmateweather 384 487 78.9 Spanish (Chile) (
zif 602 920 65.4 LANGUAGE
zathura 242 420 57.6 Spanish (Chile) (
openerp 7505 36251 20.7 Spanish (Chile)
mate-utils 0 3921 0.0 Spanish (Chile) (