gnome-shell-extension-system-monitor-applet - translation progress for f39

The package gnome-shell-extension-system-monitor-applet:

  • represents 191 source words to be translated
  • is translated into 23 languages in Fedora f39
Language Translated words Total source words Progress (%) Files
fr 191 191 100.0 po/fr/system-monitor.po
hu 188 191 98.4 po/hu/system-monitor.po
ko 188 191 98.4 po/ko/system-monitor.po
zh_Hans 188 191 98.4 po/zh_CN/system-monitor.po
pt 144 191 75.4 po/pt/system-monitor.po
pt_BR 142 191 74.3 po/pt_BR/system-monitor.po
nl 133 191 69.6 po/nl_NL/system-monitor.po
es 131 191 68.6 po/es_ES/system-monitor.po
it 131 191 68.6 po/it/system-monitor.po
sk 131 191 68.6 po/sk/system-monitor.po
tr 131 191 68.6 po/tr/system-monitor.po
ca 130 191 68.1 po/ca/system-monitor.po
fi 128 191 67.0 po/fi/system-monitor.po
ru 121 191 63.4 po/ru/system-monitor.po
uk 121 191 63.4 po/uk/system-monitor.po
de 117 191 61.3 po/de/system-monitor.po
ar 116 191 60.7 po/ar/system-monitor.po
cs 116 191 60.7 po/cs/system-monitor.po
ja 112 191 58.6 po/ja/system-monitor.po
fa 60 191 31.4 po/fa/system-monitor.po
ro 59 191 30.9 po/ro/system-monitor.po
pl 57 191 29.8 po/pl/system-monitor.po
es_MX 55 191 28.8 po/es_MX/system-monitor.po