drupal6-userpoints - translation progress for f20

The package drupal6-userpoints:

  • represents 1205 source words to be translated

  • is translated into 8 languages in Fedora f20

  • polib could not open 1 files to extract metadata

Language Translated words Total source words Progress (%) Files
de 926 926 100.0 translations/de.po
es 242 242 100.0 translations/es.po
it 153 153 100.0 translations/it.po
pt_PT 48 48 100.0 translations/pt-pt.po
ru 1205 1205 100.0 translations/ru.po
ja 980 991 98.9 translations/ja.po
fr 136 220 61.8 translations/fr.po
nl 0 0 0.0 translations/nl.po

Errors on PO files

Error with polib

We use the po metadata to get the language code and the team, but sometimes it fails, here are the files.

Lang from file path/name Lang code chosen polib error Team
translations/nl.po nl error-unicode