childsplay - translation progress for f20

The package childsplay:

  • represents 1289 source words to be translated
  • is translated into 22 languages in Fedora f20
  • no languages could be deducted for 1 files
Language Translated words Total source words Progress (%) Files
cs 1226 1226 100.0 po/childsplay_sp_cs_CZ.po
de 1226 1226 100.0 po/childsplay_sp_de_DE.po
el 1226 1226 100.0 po/childsplay_sp_el_GR.po
error 1226 1226 100.0 po/childsplay_sp_eo_EO.po
fr 1289 1289 100.0 lib/CPData/FlashcardsData/sounds/po/fr.po po/childsplay_sp_fr_FR.po
hu 1226 1226 100.0 po/childsplay_sp_hu_HU.po
nl 1226 1226 100.0 po/childsplay_sp_nl_NL.po
pl 1226 1226 100.0 po/childsplay_sp_pl_PL.po
pt_BR 1226 1226 100.0 po/childsplay_sp_pt_BR.po
pt_PT 1226 1226 100.0 po/childsplay_sp_pt_PT.po
ru 1226 1226 100.0 FlashCardsSounds/ru/names.po lib/CPData/FlashcardsData/cards/po/ru.po po/childsplay_sp_ru_RU.po
sk 1226 1226 100.0 po/childsplay_sp_sk_SK.po
sv 1226 1226 100.0 po/childsplay_sp_sv_SE.po
uk 1226 1226 100.0 po/childsplay_sp_uk_UA.po
es 1208 1226 98.5 po/childsplay_sp_es_ES.po
ca 1193 1226 97.3 po/childsplay_sp_ca_ES.po
sl 1193 1226 97.3 po/childsplay_sp_sl_SI.po
it 1116 1226 91.0 po/childsplay_sp_it_IT.po
ar_SA 1065 1226 86.9 po/childsplay_sp_ar_SA.po
ro 851 1226 69.4 po/childsplay_sp_ro_RO.po
nb_NO 659 1226 53.8 po/childsplay_sp_nb_NO.po
vi 168 1226 13.7 po/childsplay_sp_vi_VN.po

Errors on PO files

Errors on language deduction

It were not possible to properly deduct the language code for the following files.

Lang from file path/name Lang from file path/name team from po metadata polib error
po/childsplay_sp_eo_EO.po eo_EO