scribus - translation progress for f10

The package scribus:

  • represents 14941 source words to be translated
  • is translated into 10 languages in Fedora f10
Language Translated words Total source words Progress (%) Files
ko 14941 14941 100.0 translations/po/scribus.ko.po
pt_BR 12907 14194 90.9 translations/po/scribus.pt_BR.po
br 12807 14194 90.2 translations/po/
el 9872 14194 69.6 translations/po/scribus.el.po
it 9304 14194 65.5 translations/po/
dz 4416 14194 31.1 translations/po/
eo 3863 14194 27.2 translations/po/scribus.eo.po
es 553 14194 3.9 translations/po/scribus.es_LA.po
lt 553 14194 3.9 translations/po/scribus.lt_LT.po
bg 190 14194 1.3 translations/po/scribus.bg_BG.po