xscreensaver - translation progress for f39

The package xscreensaver:

  • represents 12814 source words to be translated

  • is translated into 28 languages in Fedora f39

  • polib could not open 1 files to extract metadata

Language Translated words Total source words Progress (%) Files
ru 9121 12814 71.2 po/ru.po
nl 3746 12814 29.2 po/nl.po
pt_BR 2840 12814 22.2 po/pt_BR.po
ja 1397 12814 10.9 po/ja.po
fr 1313 12814 10.2 po/fr.po
tr 1115 12814 8.7 po/tr.po
de 1109 12814 8.7 po/de.po
hu 1014 12814 7.9 po/hu.po
da 952 12814 7.4 po/da.po
es 641 12814 5.0 po/es.po
vi 571 12814 4.5 po/vi.po
lt 567 12814 4.4 po/lt.po
pt 567 12814 4.4 po/pt.po
nb_NO 537 12814 4.2 po/nb.po
pl 411 12814 3.2 po/pl.po
sv 373 12814 2.9 po/sv.po
el 354 12814 2.8 po/el.po
ko 354 12814 2.8 po/ko.po
zh_Hans 291 12814 2.3 po/zh_CN.po
it 290 12814 2.3 po/it.po
zh_Hant 288 12814 2.2 po/zh_TW.po
fi 277 12814 2.2 po/fi.po
sk 261 12814 2.0 po/sk.po
wa 246 12814 1.9 po/wa.po
be 128 12814 1.0 po/be.po
et 78 12814 0.6 po/et.po
uk 17 12814 0.1 po/uk.po
ca 0 0 0.0 po/ca.po

Errors on PO files

Error with polib

We use the po metadata to get the language code and the team, but sometimes it fails, here are the files.

Lang from file path/name Lang code chosen polib error Team
po/ca.po ca error-unicode