scummvm - translation progress for f39

The package scummvm:

  • represents 21404 source words to be translated

  • is translated into 29 languages in Fedora f39

  • polib could not open 2 files to extract metadata

Language Translated words Total source words Progress (%) Files
it 13474 13783 97.8 devtools/create_supernova/strings1-it.po po/it_IT.po
de 10393 10702 97.1 po/de_DE.po
el 10393 10702 97.1 po/el.po
es 10393 10702 97.1 po/es_ES.po
fi 10393 10702 97.1 po/fi_FI.po
fr 10393 10702 97.1 po/fr_FR.po
he 10393 10702 97.1 po/he.po
hu 10393 10702 97.1 po/hu_HU.po
ja 10393 10702 97.1 po/ja.po
nb_NO 10393 10702 97.1 po/nb_NO.po
pt_BR 10393 10702 97.1 po/pt_BR.po
ru 10393 10702 97.1 po/ru_RU.po
uk 10393 10702 97.1 po/uk_UA.po
nl 9753 10702 91.1 po/nl_NL.po
ko 8918 10702 83.3 po/ko.po
be 15231 21404 71.2 po/be-tarask.po po/be_BY.po
ca 6244 10702 58.3 po/ca_ES.po
pl 5639 10702 52.7 po/pl_PL.po
da 5339 10702 49.9 po/da.po
sv 5092 10702 47.6 po/sv_SE.po
pt_PT 4663 10702 43.6 po/pt_PT.po
cs 4506 10702 42.1 po/cs_CZ.po
gl 3757 10702 35.1 po/gl_ES.po
eu 2526 10702 23.6 po/eu.po
nn 1857 10702 17.4 po/nn_NO.po
tr 1733 10702 16.2 po/tr.po
zh_Hans 1556 10702 14.5 po/zh.po
hi 416 10702 3.9 po/hi.po
en 0 0 0.0 devtools/create_supernova/strings1-en.po devtools/create_supernova/strings2-en.po

Errors on PO files

Error with polib

We use the po metadata to get the language code and the team, but sometimes it fails, here are the files.

Lang from file path/name Lang code chosen polib error Team
devtools/create_supernova/strings1-en.po en error-unicode
devtools/create_supernova/strings2-en.po en error-unicode