python-ase - translation progress for f39

The package python-ase:

  • represents 1452 source words to be translated
  • is translated into 10 languages in Fedora f39
Language Translated words Total source words Progress (%) Files
da 1271 1271 100.0 ase/gui/po/da/LC_MESSAGES/ag.po
en_GB 1271 1271 100.0 ase/gui/po/en_GB/LC_MESSAGES/ag.po
es 1271 1271 100.0 ase/gui/po/es/LC_MESSAGES/ag.po
ru 1272 1272 100.0 ase/gui/po/ru/LC_MESSAGES/ag.po
fr 1408 1414 99.6 ase/gui/po/fr/LC_MESSAGES/ag.po
eu 1318 1404 93.9 ase/gui/po/eu/LC_MESSAGES/ag.po
gl 1295 1452 89.2 ase/gui/po/gl/LC_MESSAGES/ag.po
zh_Hans 1280 1452 88.2 ase/gui/po/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/ag.po
fi 1033 1216 85.0 ase/gui/po/fi/LC_MESSAGES/ag.po
de 977 1414 69.1 ase/gui/po/de/LC_MESSAGES/ag.po