The package procps-ng:
- represents 34090 source words to be translated
- is translated into 12 languages in Fedora f39
Language | Translated words | Total source words | Progress (%) | Files |
ko | 5127 | 5127 | 100.0 | po/ko.po |
ro | 5127 | 5127 | 100.0 | po/ro.po |
sv | 34090 | 34090 | 100.0 | po/sv.po po-man/sv.po |
uk | 34090 | 34090 | 100.0 | po/uk.po po-man/uk.po |
fr | 26001 | 34090 | 76.3 | po/fr.po po-man/fr.po |
vi | 3506 | 5127 | 68.4 | po/vi.po |
de | 15170 | 34090 | 44.5 | po/de.po po-man/de.po |
pt_BR | 11003 | 34090 | 32.3 | po/pt_BR.po po-man/pt_BR.po |
pl | 9410 | 34090 | 27.6 | po/pl.po po-man/pl.po |
es | 1086 | 5127 | 21.2 | po/es.po |
ka | 1048 | 5127 | 20.4 | po/ka.po |
zh_Hans | 644 | 34090 | 1.9 | po/zh_CN.po po-man/zh_CN.po |