mingw-wxWidgets - translation progress for f39

The package mingw-wxWidgets:

  • represents 6679 source words to be translated
  • is translated into 37 languages in Fedora f39
  • no languages could be deducted for 2 files
  • polib could not open 3 files to extract metadata
Language Translated words Total source words Progress (%) Files
ar 110 110 100.0 samples/internat/ar/internat.po
bg 52 52 100.0 samples/internat/bg/internat.po
ja 6497 6497 100.0 locale/ja.po samples/internat/ja/internat.po
ka 51 51 100.0 samples/internat/ka/internat.po
nl 6679 6679 100.0 locale/nl.po
sl 6679 6679 100.0 locale/sl.po
tr 6679 6679 100.0 locale/tr.po
vi 6679 6679 100.0 locale/vi.po
pt_BR 6329 6391 99.0 locale/pt_BR.po
sv 6359 6501 97.8 locale/sv.po samples/internat/sv/internat.po
fr 6300 6442 97.8 locale/fr.po samples/internat/fr/internat.po
pt 6249 6391 97.8 locale/pt.po
uk 6249 6391 97.8 locale/uk.po
ms 6234 6391 97.5 locale/ms.po
es 6232 6391 97.5 locale/es.po
it 6150 6392 96.2 locale/it.po locale/msw/it.po
hi 5256 6391 82.2 locale/hi.po
pl 5330 6501 82.0 locale/pl.po samples/internat/pl/internat.po
de 5271 6442 81.8 demos/dbbrowse/de/dbbrowse.po demos/dbbrowse/de/de.po demos/dbbrowse/de/help.po locale/de.po samples/internat/de/internat.po
hu 5220 6391 81.7 locale/hu.po
zh_Hant 5220 6391 81.7 locale/zh_TW.po
zh_Hans 5194 6391 81.3 locale/zh_CN.po
sq 5025 6391 78.6 locale/sq.po
fi 5060 6671 75.9 locale/fi.po
sk 4749 6391 74.3 locale/sk.po
ru 4815 6491 74.2 locale/ru.po samples/internat/ru/internat.po
nb_NO 4723 6391 73.9 locale/nb.po
el 4403 6391 68.9 locale/el.po
da 4122 6391 64.5 locale/da.po
af 3909 6391 61.2 locale/af.po
id 3896 6391 61.0 locale/id.po
cs 3581 6496 55.1 locale/cs.po samples/internat/cs/internat.po
ca 3408 6391 53.3 locale/ca.po
gl 2300 6391 36.0 locale/gl_ES.po
lv 535 6391 8.4 locale/lv.po
eu 371 6391 5.8 locale/eu.po
error 63 6458 1.0 locale/wxstd.po samples/internat/ja_JP.EUC-JP/internat.po

Errors on PO files

Errors on language deduction

It were not possible to properly deduct the language code for the following files.

Lang from file path/name Lang from file path/name team from po metadata polib error
locale/wxstd.po wxstd LANGUAGE LL@li.org
samples/internat/ja_JP.EUC-JP/internat.po ja_JP.EUC-JP

Error with polib

We use the po metadata to get the language code and the team, but sometimes it fails, here are the files.

Lang from file path/name Lang code chosen polib error Team
demos/dbbrowse/de/dbbrowse.po de error-unicode
demos/dbbrowse/de/de.po de error-unicode
demos/dbbrowse/de/help.po de error-unicode