golang-github-chai2010-gettext - translation progress for f39

The package golang-github-chai2010-gettext:

  • represents 4747 source words to be translated
  • is translated into 6 languages in Fedora f39
Language Translated words Total source words Progress (%) Files
pl 6 6 100.0 testdata/qttest_pl.po
zh_Hant 24 24 100.0 examples/locale/zh_TW/LC_MESSAGES/hello.po
zh_Hans 1549 1561 99.2 examples/locale/default/LC_MESSAGES/hello.po examples/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/hello.po testdata/poedit-1.5.7-zh_CN.po
de 14 21 66.7 testdata/gettextpo-1.de.po testdata/qttest2_de.po
kr 328 1714 19.1 testdata/mm-ko-comp.euc-kr.po
ko 493 4747 10.4 testdata/mm-ko.euc-kr.po