gftp - translation progress for f39

The package gftp:

  • represents 3370 source words to be translated
  • is translated into 64 languages in Fedora f39
  • no languages could be deducted for 1 files
  • polib could not open 2 files to extract metadata
Language Translated words Total source words Progress (%) Files
bg 3331 3331 100.0 po/bg.po
bn_IN 3334 3334 100.0 po/bn_IN.po
bs 3334 3334 100.0 po/bs.po
ca 3370 3370 100.0 po/ca.po
ca@valencia 3334 3334 100.0 po/ca@valencia.po
cs 3334 3334 100.0 po/cs.po
da 3370 3370 100.0 po/da.po
de 3334 3334 100.0 po/de.po
dz 3370 3370 100.0 po/dz.po
el 3334 3334 100.0 po/el.po
eo 3334 3334 100.0 po/eo.po
error 3075 3075 100.0 po/sr@Latn.po
es 3334 3334 100.0 po/es.po
eu 3334 3334 100.0 po/eu.po
fi 3370 3370 100.0 po/fi.po
fr 3370 3370 100.0 po/fr.po
gl 3334 3334 100.0 po/gl.po
gu 3334 3334 100.0 po/gu.po
hi 3334 3334 100.0 po/hi.po
hr 3090 3090 100.0 po/hr.po
hu 3334 3334 100.0 po/hu.po
it 3334 3334 100.0 po/it.po
kn 3334 3334 100.0 po/kn.po
lv 3334 3334 100.0 po/lv.po
mk 3370 3370 100.0 po/mk.po
mr 3334 3334 100.0 po/mr.po
ne 3370 3370 100.0 po/ne.po
nl 3146 3146 100.0 po/nl.po
or 3334 3334 100.0 po/or.po
pt 3370 3370 100.0 po/pt.po
pt_BR 3321 3321 100.0 po/pt_BR.po
ro 3334 3334 100.0 po/ro.po
ru 3370 3370 100.0 po/ru.po
sl 3334 3334 100.0 po/sl.po
sr 3075 3075 100.0 po/sr.po
sv 3370 3370 100.0 po/sv.po
ta 3334 3334 100.0 po/ta.po
te 3334 3334 100.0 po/te.po
tr 3335 3335 100.0 po/tr.po
uk 3331 3331 100.0 po/uk.po
zh_Hans 3334 3334 100.0 po/zh_CN.po
zh_Hant 3334 3334 100.0 po/zh_TW.po
zh_Hant_HK 3334 3334 100.0 po/zh_HK.po
pl 3331 3334 99.9 po/pl.po
ko 3339 3370 99.1 po/ko.po
bn 2947 3055 96.5 po/bn.po
pa 3135 3334 94.0 po/pa.po
ja 3068 3334 92.0 po/ja.po
as 2995 3334 89.8 po/as.po
oc 2795 3334 83.8 po/oc.po
th 2216 3076 72.0 po/th.po
nb_NO 2307 3370 68.5 po/nb.po
ms 1857 3055 60.8 po/ms.po
ar 1955 3370 58.0 po/ar.po
lt 1536 3331 46.1 po/lt.po
sk 1095 3055 35.8 po/sk.po
be 688 2814 24.4 po/be.po
he 452 3370 13.4 po/he.po
am 113 3055 3.7 po/am.po
sq 89 3104 2.9 po/sq.po
az 65 3055 2.1 po/az.po
rw 69 3331 2.1 po/rw.po
ml 61 3055 2.0 po/ml.po
ga 49 3078 1.6 po/ga.po

Errors on PO files

Errors on language deduction

It were not possible to properly deduct the language code for the following files.

Lang from file path/name Lang from file path/name team from po metadata polib error
po/sr@Latn.po sr@Latn Serbian (sr)

Error with polib

We use the po metadata to get the language code and the team, but sometimes it fails, here are the files.

Lang from file path/name Lang code chosen polib error Team
po/hr.po hr error-os
po/ru.po ru error-os