axel - translation progress for f39

The package axel:

  • represents 599 source words to be translated
  • is translated into 10 languages in Fedora f39
Language Translated words Total source words Progress (%) Files
de 344 599 57.4 po/de.po
es 344 599 57.4 po/es.po
it 344 599 57.4 po/it.po
pt_BR 339 599 56.6 po/pt_BR.po
tr 335 599 55.9 po/tr.po
zh_Hans 321 599 53.6 po/zh_CN.po
id 272 599 45.4 po/id_ID.po
ja 265 599 44.2 po/ja.po
ru 261 599 43.6 po/ru.po
nl 191 599 31.9 po/nl.po