php-zendframework-zend-i18n - translation progress for f30

The package php-zendframework-zend-i18n:

  • represents 25 source words to be translated
  • is translated into 2 languages in Fedora f30
  • no languages could be deducted for 1 files
Language Translated words Total source words Progress (%) Files
en 25 25 100.0 test/Translator/_files/translation_en.po
error 0 0 0.0 test/Translator/_files/translation_empty.po

Errors on PO files

Errors on language deduction

It were not possible to properly deduct the language code for the following files.

Lang from file path/name Lang from file path/name team from po metadata polib error
test/Translator/_files/translation_empty.po empty