gnubg - translation progress for f30

The package gnubg:

  • represents 13176 source words to be translated
  • is translated into 13 languages in Fedora f30
Language Translated words Total source words Progress (%) Files
cs 11610 13176 88.1 po/cs.po
da 11202 13176 85.0 po/da.po
it 10432 13176 79.2 po/it.po
es 9968 13176 75.7 po/es.po
ro 8925 13176 67.7 po/ro.po
de 7691 13176 58.4 po/de.po
fr 6156 13176 46.7 po/fr.po
en_US 5664 13176 43.0 po/en_US.po
ja 2685 13176 20.4 po/ja.po
is 1109 13176 8.4 po/is.po
tr 1108 13176 8.4 po/tr.po
ru 1014 13176 7.7 po/ru.po
el 511 13176 3.9 po/el.po